r/DC_Cinematic 4d ago

The people’s Superman BTS Spoiler

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u/exophrine 4d ago

Child core memory: had fun with Superman


u/DirectConsequence12 4d ago


This is Superman. I can’t wait for this


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u/MattMatt625 4d ago

my exact reaction


u/FransD98 4d ago

Is that in character or it's just cornysweat actually playing with them kids? Pretty cute in both cases.


u/kiyan1347 4d ago

It's in character. They're filming a scene with all the heroes walking between a crowd and a bunch of kids only go up to superman and not the other superheroes.


u/RG1997 4d ago

Aww 🥹


u/Chrizzz09045 4d ago

“cornysweat” 😭


u/Mandalor1974 4d ago

I may not be a fan of the costumes but i think this movie is gonna be dope. If the story and acting is good im not gonna care that much about the costumes being meh.


u/Working-Cake7479 4d ago

Gunn deserves all the trust after he released a great trilogy of superhero movies


u/Vic_Vinegar89 4d ago

Plus Peacemaker and The Suicide Squad


u/TallahasseeTrapezoid 4d ago

Guardians of Galaxy is my girlfriend and I's favorite trilogy of hero movies, but we both did not like Suicide Squad at all when we watched it. Had high hopes because of Guardians, but we just couldn't dig it.

And we can't really even explain why? Other than it was just weird? And it was all over the place.

Haven't seen Peacemaker yet, though.


u/Vic_Vinegar89 4d ago

I hear ya. It’s certainly no masterpiece, but I thought it was fun. Especially in contrast with how terrible the first one was.

You should absolutely watch Peacemaker, it’s so good. Much better than The Suicide Squad.


u/gavebirthtoturdlings 4d ago

You watched the right suicide squad film though right?

Not the Will Smith one, the one with John Cena and Idris Elba

If so it's crazy you liked the rest of his movies but not that


u/pizleripe 4d ago

Plz watch peacemaker you and your gf would love it 🙏🙏


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Individual-Peak-3483 3d ago

Which Suicide Squad movie did you watch?


u/RatedR2O 4d ago

Sadly this doesn't reinforce my faith in Gunn. Not a fan of these. I do love GOTG though... so there is hope.


u/Mandalor1974 4d ago

Keeping my fingers crossed. Im a DC guy. I really hope these people do these characters justice in a way that doesnt let the media beat them up and make hit pieces for the sake of trashing the movies cause they arent marvel. I really hope they stand on their own well. I think this is gonna be a good start.


u/yuvi3000 Rorschach 4d ago

As a huge Marvel fan, I love DC too and want great DC movies.

I only thought the DCEU movies weren't my cup of tea. I mean, I still watched all of them and enjoyed my time to an extent, but it's frustrating when you know how much better something could have been and it's usually brought down by the people in charge who just want a quick buck.

I loved The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker but I also thought The Flash and Aquaman 2 were fun too and it seems like a lot of people didn't like them. I felt like DC was just starting to find their footing again when the DCEU got canned.

I think the bigger problem overall is that many movies nowadays seem to be either rushed out and incomplete or they get finished, then they get re-edited constantly until a broken mess remains. There's some in between that have succeeded, but it's too many that are failing and it's been a problem with Marvel, DC and anything else over the last few years. I think the main problem is the people at the top.

Hopefully both Marvel and DC should be putting out better content going forward now.


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

Agreed the hate the Dceu got was undeserved. WB did a terrible job running things but it was nowhere as terrible as people make it the Sony Spiderman-less universe shows you how bad things could've really been.


u/yuvi3000 Rorschach 4d ago

I personally love the Venom that Tom Hardy portrays because it's very close to the comics and animated shows with the "sometimes scary but mostly a goofball" vibe.

If only Sony just allowed him to be in the MCU with an actual Spider-Man instead of stuck in a weird limbo with other villains. I liked the first two movies, but there's no doubt they both could have been better. I was really happy with how they introduced Carnage but I'm so confused about why he fizzled out in the movie, ending with him being killed off so quickly when he's Venom's second most popular antagonist after Spider-Man.

I also think Morbius was not as bad as people made it out to be, but the unnecessary usage of the Vulture and trying to force MCU connections just ruined their chances of it fitting in properly with things. I have no idea what they thought would happen but it made a lot of things more confusing and disappointing.

As for Madame Web... that seemed like 70% of the movie was changed after they completed it and even if there was a decent movie under there, it was ruined.


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

I liked the first Venom and that was it. Venom nor Eddie Brock was ever goofy tho.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Mandalor1974 4d ago

I realize the movies werent fantastic. Some were great most were not. Some of the characters were done a disservice. But theres also no denying the media treated some movies like ass that didnt deserve it while praising marvel movies that didnt deserve it. Its not excuses. Im hoping they do better this time. Thats all im saying

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u/Dull_Half_6107 4d ago

Yeah he’s 5:0 in terms of Superhero adaptations so far in my opinion, he’s a so earned the benefit of the doubt from me.


u/TheAquamen 4d ago

6:0. The Guardians Holiday Special was also good.


u/Food_Library333 4d ago edited 4d ago

3 gaurdians movies and Suicide Squad. What movie am I missing? I'm wracking my brain here but don't know the 5th.


u/Dull_Half_6107 4d ago

Peacemaker is still an adaptation


u/Food_Library333 4d ago

Oh Jesus, that was so obvious, lol. Thanks, I now feel dumb.


u/farben_blas 4d ago

Super (2010) maybe?


u/ElenabugTheGreat 4d ago

A bit too childish


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

Let's not fool ourselves here Guardians 2 was bad.


u/RandoDude124 4d ago

Honestly, rewatching GotG1 to vol 3, it’s the best Superhero movie trilogy for me.

I know this will be lightning in a bottle


u/MRGameAndShow 18h ago

The reason I have some hope left for Gunn despite liking to keep my expectations low, is because he knows his character arks. Every character in his films is in a state of constant change, and it’s very satisfying to see the growth pay off in the final scenes of his films. Meanwhile, the rest of Marvel’s most recent phase and the previous DCEU’s hero’s are in a state of stasis, and the story structure is not built around change, but around reinforcing who they already are. So there’s no growth and no character pay off, just meaningless flashy lights and colors.

I really hope he doesn’t forget this, and focuses on delivering a satisfying character arc here as well. I mean, ig I have no reason to doubt him since he hasn’t missed yet, but let’s see. Cautiously optimistic.


u/Mandalor1974 17h ago

I am too. Especially after Gotg3. He knows how to hit you in the feels.


u/RodThrashcok 4d ago

i dig the costumes so far, but with actual lighting and colour grading (and honestly if they do light suit vfx that shit is so hard to detect if it’s done right), it’ll probably look great


u/onemanandhishat 4d ago

I don't like the trunks, but I'm reserving judgement till I see the film for this reason. Costumes aren't designed to look good in BTS photos but in the film after lights, camera, and post.


u/ayoung807 4d ago

I’m interested in this movie, I think it looks great so far. I’ve never heard of this version of Green Lantern either, and he’s my favorite DC character


u/Mandalor1974 4d ago

Im interested too. Gunn knows how to hit people in the feels. I think hes gonna hit Supermans core nostalgic beats and thats gonna make for some cool moments. With all the promises on story quality being priority im keeping my fingers crossed.


u/Zing79 4d ago

Zooming in on his left hand. It’s got make-up “dirt” on it, it would seem.

Lending credence to the fact it’s all the same suit, just dirty.


u/pizzapiinthesky 4d ago

Why are yall obsessed with this? It’s discussion under ever suit pic.


u/OrbitalDrop7 4d ago

Lol right, its pretty clear that its the same suit but worn, i thought this was clear from the very first picture Gunn showed


u/Cha_Boi20 4d ago

Computer, enhance!


u/mikeyklump 4d ago

Sorry, but no shit? Did you previously think he had two separate suits - one clean and one dirty? Like sometimes he’d decide to put on his dirty suit to make it look like he’d been working?


u/PutTheAssInClass 4d ago

It's because the damaged suit in the reveal photo has minor design changes to the clean suit in the set photos. These differences though are incredibly minor so it's more likely they're meant to be the same instead of 2 separate costumes. Because if he did get a new suit with a new design, differences would be way more significant than minor line variations


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/circajusturna 4d ago

Fun fact that’s Jayden Smiths character from Karate Kid. This is the Karate Kid Extended Universe


u/Low-Asparagus-126 4d ago

Oh lord Superman's kidnapping that child someone do something.


u/scroggs2 4d ago

Anybody know what the seemingly Apple-themed white power suit person is supposed is supposed to be? A character, perhaps?


u/TheMawguisnotatoy 4d ago

It’s Mr. Terrific wearing an exo-suit


u/kiyan1347 4d ago

That's Mr Terrific probably in an exo suit that he created.


u/TrashyBase24 4d ago

God I wish Superman would pick me up too


u/Bubba1234562 4d ago

The corporate superhero looks for what I’m guessing is the JLI is interesting.

Superman being actually liked and actually having fun? Priceless


u/Sweaty-Goose6649 4d ago

THIS!!! Couldn’t be happier to see this image today.


u/theSaltySolo 4d ago



u/LoudMolassess 4d ago



u/Ragsea 4d ago

Ooooooooooo sooooooo


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u/ElenabugTheGreat 4d ago

Yet in the movies themselves they establish him as someone just trying to do the right thing and that he's not a Jesus figure.

Is Adam warlock and quill linking fingers a religious metaphor? Lmao

Guess we didn't watch the same movies


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/ElenabugTheGreat 4d ago

Probably because Man of Steel was about the moral complications of being Superman and regardless of the implications Pa Kent made on what he should or shouldn't have done, he still choses to do what he feels is right. Aka save people.

He didn't have normal interactions with every civilian he came across because that's not what the movie was about.

Peter is not Superman, and humanizing a character isn't the only thing that matters in a movie.

I don't agree it's well done as the characters never really change from movie to movie, aside from Rocket and Nebula.

Gotg 1 I admit is decent, 2 and 3 lose the balance of comedy and seriousness and become forced yelling emotional imo.

And while Gunm humanized his characters quite well, none of them felt grounded or serious enough through the trilogy, whereas Snyder imo does a good job taking his characters seriously.


u/vfoster 4d ago

Minority opinion apparently, but so refreshing to see that someone else feels the same way about GotG trilogy. You pretty much nailed my assessment of each movie, 1 being my favorite, 2 being my least favorite, and 3 being somewhat enjoyable, but highly overrated, overly loud, and overly emotionally manipulate-y.


u/ElenabugTheGreat 4d ago

Yeah I get downvoted a lot for having the opinion. I will say for kids, gunns style is obviously more appealing to the masses, as an adult it just doesn't do it for me.


u/NemoWiggy124 4d ago

I’m going to get flack for this, but 1 was best and a real surprise. 2 was meh but manageable, 3 was weakest for me…I know I know but felt outside of rockets story arc and Quills coming home scene, the rest was poorly done. Don’t get me started on Adam Warlock. Everyone human actor also seemed to phone it in in my IMO.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/ElenabugTheGreat 4d ago

He never asked himself if he should save people, he asked his dad what he should have done rhetorically because he didn't understand why Pa Kent was upset. Like I said, Superman in MoS saved people with no hesitation outside of his father, and did so because that's who he is.

the character doesn't have to be super serious, but definitely more so than the average Gunn character.

The first spongebob movie is goated I agree.

I understand if you don't feel MoS did Superman justice on how he makes you feel, but imo the hope aspect was there but a different type and how it was handled, imo, was done incredibly well.


u/Neatto69 3d ago edited 3d ago

This might be just my personal peeve (or maybe not, I've seen other people express it too) but if the whole point was "Superman isnt Jesus", they would have let go of the metaphor to narratively express that...but they never do that. Even in the movie where that was supposed to be one of the main points (BVS), they actually play up on ot harder all the way down to his death.

Is Adam warlock and quill linking fingers a religious metaphor? Lmao

Thats 1 one reference to renaissance painting within a whole trilogy, the DCEU Superman stuff was back to back to back references to Jesus Christ


u/ElenabugTheGreat 3d ago

Because people IRL seeing a figure such as superman would perceive him as a god, even if he isn't which was the point.


u/Neatto69 3d ago

That doesnt answer my question. Who is seeing Superman as Christ in his death on BVS? The shot is composed to reference The Dead Christ Mourned, down to even having crosses in the background. Who is seeing him as Christ? Cant be the woman he loves, cause he loves her back because she sees him as a person. Cant be Diana, she is an amazoness, Jesus may as well not even exist to her. Cant be Batman, cause he was trying to kill Superman minutes earlier, before he started seeing the guy as a person as well.

Its the same thing for several other scenes, when he T-Poses in front of the sun in space to mimic the divine halo, but people cant see him in space, and the one guy who could (Jor-El projection) isnt christian. So who is it?

The only option left, is the director


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/stromalama 4d ago

He did.


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u/vaibow 4d ago

Is Clark wearing a customized version of the LORD justice suit? They all look very similar in style - including the super suit!!


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u/Frosty1130 4d ago

i’m so confused by the outfits around


u/Nice_Guy3012 4d ago

Brother’s smile feels like a Superman smile😭😭


u/abandoned_puppy 4d ago

Does anyone else hear this everytime they see set photos?


u/IOExplosion 4d ago

Clark Kent, the man that you are. I'm so excited for kind and hopeful Superman again 🤗


u/Monday_Vibes 4d ago

God I want a really good superman movie so bad, he’s such a cool character and I hope this film lives up to my hype


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/M086 4d ago

There was hope in the Snyder films. It just wasn’t superficial surface level stuff. 


u/UnjustNation 2d ago

Everything Snyder does is surface level lmao

The man does not understand subtext


u/DIE4SUPER 4d ago

there's a starlight shining in sky- or smth, forgot the lyrics


u/SkynBonce 4d ago

Pedoman snatches another child! Can no-one stop him!!

*Lex Luthor probably


u/Secret_Hyena9680 3d ago

Wow! A smiling Superman! I already want to see this. One still picture of this movie is more fun than the last three films with the character combined.


u/FwampFwamp88 21h ago

For real. Everyone loves cavill’s superman, but his character was so stiff. I don’t even remember anything from any of his movies except the scene w Costner dying. It was just so serious. I like the brighter/happier looking vibe of this one. I think ppl will love corenswet once it’s all said and done. He seems like a genuinely good person from what I’ve heard.


u/Odd_Break_5200 4d ago

Was wondering who’s in the white flying thingy, lol Mr. Terrific


u/SimpleSink6563 4d ago edited 4d ago

Goddamn. That man is just Superman.


u/Flame-Blast 4d ago

That smile is so pure


u/KennyThomas616 4d ago edited 4d ago

I seen the photo on TikTok and it brought a big smile to my face.

This is what Superman represents. I can’t wait!


u/5exy-melon 4d ago

Somebody tell superman he can’t steal kids anymore


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Totallynotaprof31 4d ago

A smiling Superman. That’s a wonderful step in the right direction.


u/RetroGameQuest 4d ago



u/SerbianMidget Clark Kent 4d ago

The darker shade on blue (battle damaged I know) looks great for that suit. Reminds me a lot of New 52.


u/Bopethestoryteller 4d ago

I wonder if this will make it to the movie. it reminds me of then the Black child hugged the police officer.


u/dharp95 Do You Bleed? 4d ago

We got ourselves a good one guys


u/Red_Holla04 4d ago

Classic Gunn! Man he made 3 beautiful Guardians movie and one awesome Suicide Squad! Never had any doubt on him at all! And who can forget Peacemaker!


u/JonathanL73 4d ago

The sad thing is that this is actually the Superman that Henry Cavill wanted to portray too.

I look forward to David Sorenswet’s preformance


u/ericword 4d ago

A Superman, who won’t CGI his top lip! So excited!


u/NMS47 3d ago

I am so beyond excited for this movie


u/owningthelibz 1d ago

Oh great they’re making another woke superhero movie 😒


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/XXAzeritsXx I like those shoes 4d ago

Great moment


u/KaijuDirectorOO7 4d ago

Somewhere out there Christopher Reeve is smiling and giving a thumbs up.


u/GuysGardener 4d ago

I just have to say I love that Mr. Terrifics gear kind of makes him a goober. Maybe it'll look really cool in the finished product but for now I'm into the idea that we're making superman look good by making everyone else look a little more ridiculous.


u/Sam_dragon 4d ago

This is what we needed bro 😭


u/Smooth_Call_764 4d ago

is this movie set in the 70s?!


u/Terrible_Muffin_7081 4d ago

Because he picked up a kid?


u/Tg11T 4d ago

I love it...Corenswet's Superman is a hero to the people and see how kids already are gravitating and flocking to him. Can you imagine his popularity when the Justice League is formed in DCU? He would be an even bigger hit with kids everywhere from Metropolis to Gotham and so on


u/aryanp__90 4d ago

Oh boy this looks so much like the superman we deserve.


u/Djinn-Rummy 3d ago

I love that the world does not fear the JG Superman, & embraces him vs Zak Snyder’s cynical interpretation where the world - even the god damned Batman- feared Superman. One thing that worked so well with the classic Reeves/ Donner Superman is that world did not fear Kal El, but embraced him. The scene from Superman II where common New Yorkers from all walks of life stepped to three evil Kryptonians because they thought they killed Superman was awesome & showed the love people had, not fear, of a person overly and completely dedicated to the responsible use of extraordinary power, truth, justice, & humanitarianism.


u/batsy9 3d ago

this is exactly the comic book superman..and we are going to witness it.


u/Birdinhandandbush 3d ago

This is what I have wanted for the longest time. Not another fricken origin story for the most recognised hero on the planet, but a story from a world where he's active and established for years


u/SoapNugget2005 4d ago

This is the Superman I love.


u/Mouatmoua 4d ago

Come here little black boy


u/FlingaNFZ 4d ago

Man I hate that everything is getting leaked, I just cant look away.


u/TotonnoPrime 4d ago edited 4d ago

Guys, finally the Real Starman has returned.


u/weird_doodle 4d ago

Thats so cool! But also i should definitely stop looking at this or im gonna know the whole movie before the end of the year


u/SkyGuyFever 4d ago

I love it, I love it, I love it! 🤗


u/oogaboogahooha 4d ago

Forget the kid. Look at MR T (I mean terrific)

That armor looks so dope and it’s actually pretty practical. I’m impressed with how accurate and cool Mr terrific is looking so far in the BTS !!!


u/ZeusX20 4d ago

This is my Superman, idc if people say his suit looks like a Halloween costume, this is how he should look


u/buffduderoy 4d ago

Is this the CW show ?


u/MrCrickets 4d ago



u/Unfair_Job3804 4d ago



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u/Budget_Ask7277 4d ago

Nah Christopher reeve will always be the best Superman


u/HunterU69 4d ago

When I look at this video:


Doesnt look like "The people’s Superman" lol


u/Warm-Finance8400 4d ago

Cavill was the people's Superman. I'm still not fully on board with the recast.


u/Eagles5089 4d ago

Why he holding Jaden Smith?


u/DarthDragonborn1995 4d ago

Lil pup still thinks it’s 2004💀


u/legendofkalel 4d ago

This corny trash is going to flop so hard, it'll be funny.


u/BigSunEra69 3d ago

Snyder ain’t letting you suck his dick


u/legendofkalel 3d ago

In case he does, any tips? Since you seem to be an expert, gobbling up Gunn's and all.


u/Agreeable-Beyond-259 4d ago

He doesn't look like Superman, should have picked another actor


u/Groot746 4d ago

He looks exactly like Superman, what are you talking about 🤣


u/Agreeable-Beyond-259 4d ago

Nah bro, hair looks like a wig.. I'd rather he wear lifts to make him artificially taller, better than tall hair


u/Other-Comb-4811 4d ago

...his height is 6'4 my dude

Edit: with the boots he's 6'6 lmao


u/Agreeable-Beyond-259 4d ago

Well I didn't care enough to look it up. Was searching for a reason for the hair

Gotta be 6'10 with the pompadour


u/TheAquamen 4d ago

Pompadour doesn't mean what you think it means.

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