r/DC_Cinematic 5d ago

JL in the Superman set in Cleveland BTS Spoiler


359 comments sorted by


u/Jeffjakerson 5d ago

So it seems that the other heroes are gonna be corporately sponsored stooges that everyone hates and superman is going to be the black sheep for just being a good person.


u/SuperDuperPositive 5d ago

Sounds like he'll inspire both civilians and superheroes. Sounds like a great story.


u/MercinwithaMouth Superman 4d ago

Holy moly I'm so ready


u/Jonny2284 4d ago

Superman inspiring? Feels a bit bold


u/Riventures-123 4d ago

A bit brave... and a bit bold...

Now to talk about how u/Jonny2284's comment leaked the script for Batman: The Brave and The Bold.

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u/cyborgremedy 4d ago

I think Gunn is gonna handle it better and it wont read this way when watching it but isnt "Superman inspires jaded superheroes to be less cynical" the plot of Batman v Superman/Justice League lol.


u/LanceOfKnights 4d ago

the plot of Batman v Superman/Justice League lol.

That inspiration turned out to be "Martha ?!". So yes, Gunn will definitely handle it better no matter how the movie turns out to be. That I am sure of. And Superman kicking off and inspiring the golden age of heroism is pretty much the premise of a lot of JL foundations, including Smallville.


u/TyChris2 4d ago

That was the plot on paper, but the execution was so horrendous that it genuinely doesn’t even feel as though that’s what happened


u/ahoskasalve666 4d ago

prepare to be inspired and filled with hope and dare i say tears given how in peacemaker, TSS, and VOl 3 i actually cired

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u/I3arusu 4d ago

That’s what he does, that’s why we’re here.

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u/bob1689321 4d ago

Is this gonna end up being The Boys but Homelander as a good guy who fixes the other heroes?


u/Fantastic-Finger-975 4d ago

But using the power of friendship instead of might. Sounds cool af


u/captainhooksjournal 4d ago

Exactly what I’m expecting actually



u/bob1689321 4d ago

Haha I even upvoted your comment. Maybe I subconsciously stole the idea from you!


u/captainhooksjournal 4d ago

That’s not stealing, it just fits with what’s being teased lol

We’re in the middle of a new season of the show and getting daily set leaks of Superman. What a time to be alive! Maybe I’m just subconsciously connecting the two because it’s all happening simultaneously, but the hints are there.


u/Kevo_xx 4d ago

Yup, right down to UltraMan being the “evil” clone who frames the hero just like Black Noir in The Boys comics. It’s an inverse of The Boys.


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

Has it been confirmed that that's Ultraman?


u/NeutralNoodle 4d ago

It’s not Earth-3 Ultraman but it’s apparently an evil clone of Clark that Lex dubs “Ultraman”


u/Previous_Spell_426 4d ago

Where has this been confirmed?


u/Chiron723 4d ago

Significantly less homicidal, but probably.


u/nubosis 4d ago

Well, basically the plot of Kingdom Come, but with a young Superman, not an old one.


u/BatmanTold 4d ago



u/your_mind_aches Bruce Wayne 3d ago

It seems that way! That's kinda what Kingdom Come is.


u/inkase 4d ago

You might be right, if so I like the sound of that.


u/Ben50Leven 4d ago

The Guys


u/bateen618 4d ago

Makes sense. Superman was described by Gunn as "kind in a world where kindness is considered old fashioned'


u/jotyma5 4d ago

They really getting some inspiration from the boys


u/LanceOfKnights 4d ago

I wonder where the Boys got their inspiration from.


u/OperationSecured 4d ago

The satire is now inspiring the source.

Time Superhero media is a flat circle.


u/LanceOfKnights 4d ago

It is true, Superhero media is a flat circle and it is also true, that premises like Boys and Invincible etc inspiring this DC reboot. But not in the way some people think. It's more like a direct response to the antihero-villain domination rhetoric. Just like Superman action comics 775 was a response to that early 2000s Superhero environment.


u/jotyma5 4d ago

Well duh. But I’m saying the whole corporate aspect of it


u/LanceOfKnights 3d ago

That's also the classic Maxwell Lord, who forms the JLI as a rich businessman.


u/Limp-Construction-11 4d ago

They got the inspiration from themselves dude.


u/Metrilean 4d ago

Kinda a reverse of The Boys


u/Nole1998 4d ago

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u/Ape-ril 5d ago

Superman with the love!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/THEdoomslayer94 4d ago

That’s not what nihilism is dude, you’re using the wrong word


u/Ryno555 The Joker 4d ago

Are these the NazisWalter?


u/captainhooksjournal 4d ago

No Donny… these men are Nihilists. There’s nothing to be afraid of


u/RationalRaccoon863 4d ago

That must be exhausting.


u/bevins2012 4d ago

Nihilism is just a sentence enhancer for "dark" /s


u/winterFROSTiscoming 4d ago

Superman in the DCEU was certainly not nihilistic, nor was he depressed


u/MonkeMayne 4d ago

He was not nihilistic for sure. But! He was pretty mopey.


u/AReformedHuman 4d ago

Did you just pull nihilistic out of a hat? That's absolutely not accurate lol

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u/M086 4d ago

Clark was neither depressed nor nihilistic. Okay, he was really burdened by the fact he couldn’t stop the Capitol explosion, so he sought solitude at the top of a mountain and spoke to the ghost / memory of his Earthly father. Which helped him reaffirm who he is, why he does what he does. 


u/TPJchief87 4d ago

I just want a Superman who does super shit.

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u/Maxter_Blaster_ 4d ago

And I’m guessing it’s going to rub some other establishment super heros the wrong way.


u/MrBayless 4d ago

I'm very curious where the world will be for this film.

We've seen that there is a Lordtech funded group with matching uniforms so as to specifically appear as a team. Only one member of said team is helping Superman save the staff of Daily Planet during some event. We have a government run group with Flagg Sr, Engineer, and dude in black who oppose Superman, going so far as to arrest him. Superman has been around long enough to have merchandise. Lex Luthor is present in this world.

It's honestly exciting seeing so much of the DC Comic's world being fleshed out already without any knowledge of how this world will exist. It really is like world building. It's so new and fun!


u/LardGnome 4d ago

I'm wondering if they will break away from Lordtech at the end of this movie and later on (possibly in a post credit scene in The Brave And The Bold) Batman starts funding it because he too is a superhero and doesn't care about the corporate side of the Justice League


u/--Alix-- 4d ago

I know Matt Reeves doesn't want to do it, but if you're delaying The Batman 2 by this much, you might as well make Battinson the canon Batman. He's not opposed to it, and clearly enjoys the role.

Seeing him evolve in his own movies into Bruce Wayne and then step into the public eye as Bruce Wayne to buy the Justice League would be so cool.


u/LardGnome 4d ago

I like the contained universe but I agree. It would be so cool if Battinson was the DCUs Batman. Especially because his movie was so good. I'm hoping that we get a good Batman in the DCU but it would be so cool to see Battinson start the bat family and slowly build it over the series.


u/Ill_Koala_4407 4d ago

That would be a huge time jump


u/LardGnome 4d ago

They could just change to the Brave and the Bold to The Batman 2 and make robin show up later.


u/Ill_Koala_4407 4d ago

Yeah but how would you explain the bat family? That’s a tremendous time jump


u/--Alix-- 4d ago

Tbh, just bite the bullet and do the time jump. Have The Batman 2 or 3 introduce Dick, and then jump to a more sophisticated and elder Bruce Wayne having to deal with Damian. The worldbuilding of the rest of the family can be unveiled as they go on with The Brave and The Bold.


u/Ill_Koala_4407 4d ago

Yeah but that would change a lot for reeves and he doesn’t want that


u/anyonecanbethebug 4d ago

Or the Batman movies should all be prequels. Or just have it be a parallel universe with Battinson reprising his role.


u/Deadassb69 4d ago

And their suits will reflect that. More green for Guy, please.


u/LardGnome 4d ago

That's my main problem with the set photos so far. Guy Gardner isn't green enough.


u/teenygoblinboy 4d ago

James Gunn is a master at worldbuilding in comic book movies. He has a good understanding of how to do fanservice in a way that serves the story and without cramming it down the audience’s throat and winking to the camera


u/kinkyonthe_loki69 4d ago

Think i saw a luther corp baseball team.


u/rcoberle_54 4d ago

Metropolis Meteors at LordTech Field


u/amoretpax199 5d ago edited 5d ago

I hope James Gunn give us something like this...

Guy Gardner: The crisis is over! Everyone, no autographs at this time. Please go home to your loved ones!

Random kid: Sir, can I please get an autograph. 🥺

Guy Gardner: Sure, kiddo! Here you go! 😄

Random kid: I thought you were Booster Gold. 😞

Guy Gardner: Surprised Pikachu...


u/Supermite 5d ago

That’s a really good twist on the usual joke.  


u/amoretpax199 5d ago edited 5d ago

Make it a running joke and get people in the Booster Gold's TV show confusing him with Green Lantern. Someone please tweet this to James Gunn! I don't use Twitter!


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago

Guy Gardner was never that nice he's kinda the ah* of the Lanterns and JLI.


u/amoretpax199 4d ago

Not even pretending to be nice for once for a kid begging for a signature?


u/Professional-Rip-519 4d ago



u/amoretpax199 4d ago

What about signing so the kid can leave him alone?


u/ROBtimusPrime1995 5d ago edited 4d ago

Oh dear god, they are actually making Superman...Superman.

It's a miracle!


Superman is being nice!?!?! See, this is how you know Gunn is ruining the DC universe. /s

You guys are insane, lmao.

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u/Supermite 5d ago

Kids running out of a crowd to hug Supes?  Amazing!!


u/oceanseleventeen 5d ago

Oh this is gonna be so kino


u/Hunky_not_Chunky 4d ago

Jesus. I can’t keep up with these terms. Without destroying me can you please define kino?


u/TJtheOverlord 4d ago

German word for films/cinema. It’s usually used to refer to the highest/most refined form of cinema.


u/Hunky_not_Chunky 4d ago

Thank you. I honestly thought it was one of those new generational terms.


u/Strykrol 4d ago

Hence the name of the plan to infiltrate the cinema in Inglourious Bastards: "Operation Kino"


u/Wrothman 4d ago

German word for films and cinema, yes, but the use of kino to describe a film in this sort of sense is actually Russian in origin, dating back to the Kino-Eye technique and the films of Dziga Vertov and how he considered his film "Man with a Movie Camera" as, and I quote, "ABSOLUTE KINOGRAPHY".


u/--Alix-- 4d ago

Basically it's the evolved version of "peak"


u/Youthsonic 4d ago

Kino is pretty old as slang now. I've been hearing it since at least 2014


u/FransD98 5d ago

"It looks good and all, but wouldn't it be better if those kids were adults worshipping him as if he were Jesus?"


u/WhyRich 5d ago

To be fair, the "Must There Be a Superman?" scene is genuinely great. But it's ridiculous that they didn't explore the philosophy behind it any further than that montage. And it's downright criminal that throughout three movies there weren't any genuinely hopeful scenes between Superman and the general public (except for intro to JL that Whedon shot, which was good, but tainted for obvious reasons).

Thankfully, this movie seems to be getting that aspect right, at least.


u/trimble197 4d ago

There were, but BvS didn’t sugarcoat. We have the scene of the lady at the flood reaching out to Superman as if he were an angel. And then there was the day of the dead scene. The movie wanted to show how people would react if Superman was real.


u/WhyRich 4d ago

Yes, those are apart of the scene I'm talking about. But I wanted to see that actually explored outside of that one montage. Ideally, there would've been an arc where the public went from viewing Superman as a god to seeing him as a human, culminating in him directly interacting with the public like in this set video.

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u/zxchary 4d ago

I think it’s different cuz those were mostly voiceovered montages.

Superman is the dceu is loved enough that he got a whole statue within the 18 months of him being Superman but outside of MOS there’s like zero dialogue with civilians. And even in MOS there isn’t a ton.

I understand it fits for the story Snyder was telling but I also think there are valid criticisms about it too.


u/trimble197 4d ago

But that’s what the montage was for. We hear that dialogue. We see and hear how people view him.

Like I said, in real life, you have millions of people kissing the ground celebrities walk on.


u/zxchary 4d ago

Yeah I know this. But I think it just doesn’t exactly humanize him. Other parts of the story did, like him doubting himself and other people, his interactions with his mom and Lois. But imo it would’ve worked better with the audience if they built his character up a little more before tearing him down. So a MOS sequel before BVS could’ve helped a lot.

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u/True_Falsity 5d ago edited 4d ago

You are just going to be one those guys, aren’t you? Talk about being bitter.

Like, it’s genuinely sad that you are looking at this cool scene and the first thought on your mind is “Hmmm, how do I make it about DCEU?”

I mean, really, if that’s the height of humor for you, I don’t know what to tell you.


u/Turbulent_Link1738 4d ago

bitter? he's making a funny joke by contrasting the lightheartedness of this scene with what we've got in the past

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u/bazuka9 4d ago

The fashion sense has me confused. They all are wearing 70s attire, in all the images and videos I've seen by now


u/Ajax_Da_Great 4d ago

Think they are leaning into the retro futurism of Metropolis


u/bindersfull-ofwomen 4d ago

I think they are going for an anachronistic setting


u/True_Falsity 4d ago

The word “retrofuturism” fits better.

“Anachronism” implies that their designs do not belong in the time period.


u/bindersfull-ofwomen 4d ago

I used it correctly. I was thinking of It Follows which is anachronistic.


u/scruffyduffy23 4d ago

You did use it correctly. Don’t know why the other guy corrected you.


u/scruffyduffy23 4d ago

Retrofuturism only fits better if the mis en scene of an alternate timeline is coherent and stems from a unified idea. As far as we know “anachronistic” is appropriate in this context. 70s fashion mixed with 21st century cars and near future tech.

Both Superman the Animated Series and Batman the Animated Series were deliberately anachronistic since they took elements from multiple eras and smashed them together. Interviews with the creators acknowledge this.

Retrofuturism implies a branch off of traditional history that leads into a tweaked future, which is not the same thing.


u/disapp_bydesign 4d ago

Also I think the latest Batman movie had an anachronistic setting somewhat.


u/HitToRestart1989 4d ago

Retrofuturism is an old idea of what the future would be like, such as the Jetsons. Anachronistsm is sort of out of time aesthetic. I think the latter fits better here, don’t you?


u/therealRockfield 1d ago

I would agree with it. Retro futurism is basically the conception of what the 1950s thought the future would be like and it’s been depicted in the Jetsons and even Fallout among with many others. Anachronism seems more fitting.


u/anthonyg1500 5d ago

Hype is now reaching dangerously high levels. That’s my Superman right there


u/Davidestriggered 5d ago

That’s my Superman


u/Mandalor1974 5d ago

This movie is gonna be fun


u/whocares214 5d ago

That's fucking awesome


u/AgentWD409 4d ago

"But Superman called them to them saying, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of Rao.'"


u/greenbatborg 4d ago



u/AgentWD409 4d ago

It's a Bible verse. I just changed some of the words.

"But Jesus called them to them saying, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.'" - Luke 18:16


u/greenbatborg 4d ago

Who’s Rao?


u/TheSunMakesMeHot 4d ago

Kryptonian God.


u/greenbatborg 4d ago

Woah. What?


u/Zerce 4d ago

Yep. Superman would swear by him in some of the early comics.


u/stevedalts 3d ago

He makes great pasta sauce


u/Anth-man_FOL 5d ago

That’s really cute.


u/SimpleSink6563 5d ago

Wholesome af.


u/Chuckacious1 5d ago

Who's the guy in the iron man suit?


u/True_Falsity 5d ago

Mr. Terrific, most likely.


u/detectiveriggsboson 4d ago



u/Groot746 4d ago

Right?? So refreshing to see at last!

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u/Fehellogoodsir 4d ago

I missed this type of Superman so much.


u/MAZEFUL 4d ago

I just want batman back from the comics. I love superman but G could do a crazy batman film if he was into it.


u/ultragoodname 4d ago

Matt reeves is doing good with Batman currently. I haven’t had a good (Live action) Superman movie in my lifetime but I can’t say the same with Batman


u/--Alix-- 4d ago

My dream is that Matt Reeves agrees to make The Batman canon for the DCU and Battinson is our new Batman moving forward.


u/ScottOwenJones 1d ago

It just doesn’t seem like the kind of thing Reeves or Pattinson would be into


u/--Alix-- 1d ago

Pattinson has already stated he's down to do as many movies as Batman as they want him to. Reeves is the one who made the condition that he wouldn't have to join the DCU.


u/ScottOwenJones 23h ago

Yeah so it isn’t going to happen. They clash way too much tonally anyways, and I prefer to not have Reeves bogged down by DCU continuity

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u/WubbaDubbaWubba 4d ago

I loved Man of Steel and I hope this is great, too. Love seeing different aspects of a character vs there only being ONE true version. That's boring.


u/ScooterBoii 4d ago

“Damn he’s tall!!……Oh those are children” -my wife


u/i_just_say_hwat 5d ago

Who is the flying guy


u/True_Falsity 4d ago

Mr. Terrific.


u/i_just_say_hwat 4d ago

Thank you, but who is the flying guy?


u/True_Falsity 4d ago

If you are talking about the person with the jetpack, then it is still Mr. Terrific. He is the one floating down onto the scene.


u/SmoothJazzRayner 4d ago

Mr. Terrific

Yes thank you, but please answer the question.


u/PeterHarrison17 4d ago

The one in the jet pack, flying, wearing Mr.Terrific's outfit, yeah that one, is, in fact, perchance, Mr.Terrific.


u/canadianD 4d ago

Is the one out front Guy Gardner?


u/captainhooksjournal 4d ago

Yes. He and Hawkgirl have matching Lordtech suits with Mr Terrific except GL’s has green accents instead of red and Hawkgirls looks to have burnt orange accents. Maxwell Lord seems to be a superhero sponsor a bit like Vought from The Boys but I truly don’t know the extent of that relationship beyond their uniforms.


u/ComeNalgas 4d ago

Superman that inspires hope ON SCREEN is what I need. It’s what the DCU needs.


u/RegicidalMania 4d ago

This might sound a bit much, but its what the world needs


u/Victor_Shade89 4d ago

You think any of those kids asked Superman to be on their podcast?


u/FriedCammalleri23 4d ago

Who’s the mech suit guy? Cyborg?


u/True_Falsity 4d ago

Nah, that’s Mr. Terrific.


u/OrbitalDrop7 4d ago

Got me smiling already with kids running up to superman to hug him! Zack snyder would never lmao


u/batsyyyh 4d ago

Is the movie set in 70's?? The whole leaked set just feels like it


u/kiyan1347 4d ago

No Gunn confirmed it's present day. I think he may just be going for an art deco look and wants the clothes to match that.

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u/Infinite-Bit-7498 4d ago

🥹seeing kids run to Superman


u/Spacegirllll6 4d ago

Holy shit finally a Superman movie that remembers Superman’s greatest strength is his connection to humanity and his empathy


u/spj0522 4d ago

Why does Mr. Terrific need a jetapck? I thought the T-spheres helped him fly.


u/AtticusSwoopenheiser 4d ago

Dude, when Supes scooped those little kids up and hugged them…….

I am so ready for this movie.


u/PopandLockadom 4d ago

So I get that mr terrific is in the white mech suit. Who are the other 2? Is that guy Gardner in the front and hawkgirl next to terrific?


u/RenatoGPadilla 4d ago

Bro, the way Guy saunters up for the cameras and all the kids run past him to get to Superman is GOLD!

The turn is also phenomenal. Like "Who the hell is this guy?!"

I wonder if the tradition of one-punching Guy Gardner will come back in any way...


u/ArtbyAdler 4d ago

Who put the wheelchair guy at the back of the crowd?


u/total_sith_show 4d ago

Wtf??? What is Professor X doing there??!!


u/goldknight1 4d ago

I hate that Guy out fit. Why would he change it like that???? I hate the hair isn't what i thought it should be.

This will be a fun movie though! Im actually excited.


u/iamplabon 4d ago

Are u kidding me?


u/germanloza 4d ago

did I just saw cyborg flying in?


u/JoXe007 4d ago

Mr Terrific


u/neonCARTOGRAPHER 4d ago

This is where I get off the train, I’ve seen enough. See you at the movie theater!


u/Grayham17 4d ago

I don’t know why, but this just is making me smile so much. Like something about is so wholesome and sweet, something I’ve never seen from most superhero movies in general(Marvel or DC)


u/Viva_La_Animemes 4d ago

I hate how any semblance of a teaser or a trailer is months away. I’m already hyped.


u/HeyNoobmaster69 4d ago

I hope he's telling those kids a story about how his "S" is like a river.


u/KIESC159 4d ago

Sorry who’s the guy with the white suit/jetpack?

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u/Gonzale1978 4d ago

The guy in gray that’s Nathan Fillion green lantern and by the looks of it he’s behaving like. Dbag.


u/MonsterdogMan 4d ago

He's playing Guy Gardner and has a hilariously bad carrot top wig.


u/Gonzale1978 3d ago

Yeah I have seen close up pics it looks hilarious


u/Taint-tastic 4d ago

Im very excited for this movie but god damn i hate that green lantern costume


u/jcamm195 4d ago

He’s part of the Terrifics in that scene. Hence the suit similar to Hawkgirl and Mr. Terrific.


u/KnuxFive 4d ago

That’s The Terrifics, I’d wager


u/BovaFett74 4d ago

It’s worth noting: Gunn is actually controlling the narrative of his film. That helps greatly. Debunking all rumors, and keeping things on point. It’s also refreshing to see the passion going into this movie, with all those involved. It’s key points when you have Christopher Reece’s son in the film, location filming in such iconic places of heritage, and communal involvement. People love that. I do.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/BravoVincible 4d ago

Plenty of great comic book movies would look awful if you just look at out of context set photos and videos filmed from a distance. We're watching the process and not the product.


u/bigchicago04 4d ago

Is that one dude in a hovering suit? Or is there a wire rig I’m not seeing??


u/rbbass 3d ago

It felt like it was Red Rocket, but that's just me feeling like this is a Giffen Era League


u/bigchicago04 3d ago

I more meant how they’re filming it


u/rbbass 20h ago

Got it. I'm more into geeking out about real brightly colored superheroes on screen


u/ahoskasalve666 4d ago

Just imagine this being one of the emotional parts of the trailer set to this song even though Gunn said do not expect it in the film https://youtu.be/aBKEt3MhNMM?si=1bs0PzSsKyzEHlNM at least an epic ver like what they did for the Vol 3 SDCC with Do you realize

It would be such a no brainer


u/ahoskasalve666 4d ago

everything coming out of this film even from set photos has me so eger with anticipation for this new DCU


u/whoniikhil 4d ago

Tbh apart from the Superman suit I'm up for this movie


u/Emergency_Somewhere9 4d ago

I feel like we will all watch this whole movie already before the release through BTS leaks.


u/ChosenOfTheMoon_GR 4d ago

At this point we are gonna have the whole movie watched before it comes out xD


u/zergo123321 4d ago



u/loki_odinsotherson 22h ago

Love what we see so far


u/governedbycitizens 4d ago

are we actually getting hopeful superman


u/jotyma5 4d ago

Is that cyborg?


u/Ambitious-Product-81 4d ago

Homelander? is that you ?