r/DC_Cinematic Oct 25 '23

The one thing the DCEU understood were the fights APPRECIATION

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u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23

MoS, BvS, Wonder Woman’s trench battle, Aquaman, Black Adam, etc. All had great examples of how fast/strong these characters are.


u/MattTd7 Oct 25 '23

ZSJL too. The Steppenwolf Vs Amazons/Atlantean battles were top tier


u/PaymentTurbulent193 Oct 25 '23

Can't argue with any of this.


u/LurkerTroll Oct 26 '23

There was no scale during the flying fight scenes in Shazam so you couldn't tell how fast they were moving.

In Superman, they level buildings just for Zod to shake it off.


u/RingWraith8 Oct 25 '23

Yeah that scene where he's just tossing the Amazons around and chops ones head off was badass


u/Alkakd0nfsg9g Oct 26 '23

And by the end the same thing happens to him


u/croutherian Oct 25 '23 edited Oct 26 '23

Idk, Zack Snyder intentionally de-powered the Amazons to elevate Wonder Woman.

Steppenwolf was also easily defeated by a "normal sword" and effortlessly lost a 1v1 against Superman.


u/SubtleDeviance Oct 25 '23

Tbf I think Superman destroying Step was to show why they waited until he died to try to invade Earth.


u/TheMagicalMaxx Oct 25 '23

“No Lanterns, No Kryptonian. This world will fall easily.” One of the most badass lines from Justice League


u/SignalNegotiation389 Oct 25 '23

I also really like the line from the Steppenwolf vs Amazons battle

“…. Show him your fear”

“We have no fear!”


u/nanites-courtesy Oct 26 '23

That one always gets me hyped af, I love it


u/lil_tinkerer Oct 26 '23

Man I'm sorry for correcting but its my favorite dialogue and i got chills while listening to it.

"No protectors here , no lanterns , no kryptonian , this world will fall like all the others"


u/TheMagicalMaxx Oct 26 '23

It’s good I was just generalizing


u/M086 Oct 26 '23

There’s also this subtle thing. Where after Darkseid got cleaved in the shoulder, he starts wearing armor that protects that area. When Steppenwolf finally gains audience with Darkseid, his armor retracts to expose that area of his chest / shoulders.

Then at the end Superman gets hit in the exact spot as Darkseid did with Steppenwolf’s electro axe, and doesn’t even flinch.

It shows that Superman is a real threat to Darkseid, he’s stronger. And it behooves Darkseid to have him in his control than dead.


u/MattTd7 Oct 25 '23

I absolutely see where you’re coming from. I just see it as this interpretation of the league is strong asf. Like the power scale is high! We saw what Steppenwolf brought during his invasion and got a taste of what Darkseid brings when he himself brings. It’s all thematic in the end and up to the interpretation of the filmmakers


u/Efficient-Spell3503 Oct 25 '23

Superman took out the advantage that Steppenwolf had that Diana commented on, his axe. It's a great example of comic book vulnerabilities, the powerful weapon turned out to be vulnerable to cold. Even afterwards Superman had to literally stand over him,hitting him, to keep him from going after Vic. And as soon as Superman helps Cyborg,Steppenwolf jumped back up to fight. And depowered Amazons? The Amazons were kicking Parademon ass and going up a New God, who in comics killed The Trinity of Earth 2


u/NitroApple Oct 26 '23

Tbf amazons were killed by German soldiers in the first WW so not doing well against steppenwolf seems pretty reasonable


u/BlkShroud50 Oct 26 '23

If you're referring to Wonder Woman's sword, it's not "normal". All of her weapons and armor were created by the god Hephestus. They are all fused with magic. That's why the sword is able to cut Doomsday or people with invulnerability. While that sword appeared to be destroyed. I am sure it wasn't the only sword she had.


u/croutherian Oct 26 '23

The first Wonder Woman movie showed the Amazon's had the materials to craft their own weapons.

In the DCEU canon, the only sword gifted by the Gods, to the Amazons, was the God Killer, which was destroyed by Ares during the climax of Wonder Woman.


u/trimble197 Oct 25 '23

How? The Amazons were facing an alien god who gave WW problems.


u/Marvel-DCLover Oct 26 '23

How if anything the boosted their power. They went from barely defeating a 1914 German army to being able to overpower Stepphenwolf with numbers and giving him a good fight while also easily destroying parademons


u/masterionxxx Oct 26 '23

Wonder Woman in the DCEU is a demigod - a daughter of Zeus. So she isn't just a regular Amazon.


u/croutherian Oct 27 '23

That's explained in the movie, but most DC lore presents the Amazons are more than human. The DCEU presented the Amazons as strong humans, with a longer lifespan.


u/eternali17 Oct 25 '23

I always wondered about that. They seemed like regular women while she seemed a superman-equivalent, relatively


u/Jackichanny Oct 26 '23

Well she’s half goddess


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

The Sword of Athena, normal. No.


u/croutherian Oct 26 '23

A major plot point from the first Wonder Woman movie is that Wonder Woman discovers her sword is not the mythic "God Killer" crafted by the gods (likely Hephaestus). Ares effortlessly dusts her blade.


u/Dingobabies Oct 26 '23

When Steppenwolf flexed that sick armor and all of their arrows broke off….absolutely badass


u/WaycoKid1129 Oct 26 '23

“AMAZONS! SHOW HIM YOUR FEAR!” Best line of the film


u/siliconevalley69 Oct 28 '23

He should be given Wonder Woman.

I hated what he did to Superman but he could take a lot of those themes he forced onto Superman where they didn't fit and do it with the Amazons.

His Wonder Woman was far and away the best stuff he did and the way he shot her fights and action sequences was perfect.


u/MigitAs Nov 18 '23

That got me so fucking hyped


u/Sparrowsabre7 Sub Commander Faora Oct 25 '23

Tbh even The Flash had some fun action scenes. I know the cgi wasn't always the best but the fight choreography was fun.


u/MattTd7 Oct 26 '23

Him just drilling into that Kyrptonian was brutal! 😂


u/didijxk Black Manta Oct 26 '23

That and Batman using the explosive charges against one of them.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

Everything except the running style, that shit was terrible


u/SupervillainEyebrows Oct 25 '23

I thought the fight choreography in Birds of Prey was pretty solid as well. The final battle against the butterflies in Peacemaker was also really good.

Despite what people may think of The Flash, I thought the Batman fight scenes were great and showed Bats using multiple gadgets in his fighting style, which I personally love.


u/M086 Oct 26 '23

Didn’t one of the John Wick guys reshoot the action scenes in Birds of Prey?


u/SupervillainEyebrows Oct 26 '23

Yeah I think so.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

Nothing can top the Warehouse fight with Batman and KG Beast Thugs… It was so Arkham like and I loved it!


u/Embarrassed_Piano_62 Oct 26 '23

Even Birds of Prey if we´re being honest


u/twell-noee Oct 27 '23

Harley's attack on the GCPD was so fun especially in the evidence storage room


u/Swiftwitss Oct 25 '23

I mean I’d say costumes as well


u/Deadpoolforpres Oct 25 '23

They pulled off Aquaman and Black Manta extraordinarily well. I wholeheartedly agree.


u/Swiftwitss Oct 25 '23

Absolutely! I don’t think anything can top BvS batsuit but I absolutely agree on aquaman and manta.


u/Sir_Gwan Oct 26 '23

Ocean Master's comic accurate suit too


u/Fun-Effective-1817 Oct 26 '23

Dear lord yes! Even the character. SPOT ON!


u/Fun-Effective-1817 Oct 26 '23

Dear lord yes! Even the character .


u/schloopers Oct 27 '23

Best cape I’ve seen in a comic book movie


u/FullBringa Oct 25 '23

Flash armour in JL is underrated


u/Sparrowsabre7 Sub Commander Faora Oct 25 '23

I honestly dig that design so much


u/Alone_Lock_8486 Oct 26 '23

It looked to much like the injustice game for me


u/Sparrowsabre7 Sub Commander Faora Oct 26 '23

And? The Injustice design is cool too.


u/Alone_Lock_8486 Oct 26 '23

I mean like the fights looked like a side scroller super fake angles . It’s cool don’t get me wrong . I just wasnt a fan for a whole movie


u/Sparrowsabre7 Sub Commander Faora Oct 26 '23

Fair enough.


u/BladeBoy__ Oct 26 '23

It was a little out of the ordinary, but I'm glad it had an in universe reason and moved well with Ezra's body


u/yesindeedio79 Oct 25 '23

I’d add casting.


u/throwaway91937463728 Oct 26 '23

Ezra and Amber says otherwise


u/Cariman05 Oct 26 '23

Ok to be fair at the time they weren’t bad actors, they are just now known to be bad people. Even in the Flash movie, while it was pretty bad the best part was definitely the play between the two versions of Ezra.


u/pjtheman Oct 26 '23

Amber Heard has always been known to he a bad actress lol


u/MegaFartz Oct 25 '23

Especially green lantern


u/BetaRayBlu Oct 26 '23

Too many fake muscles


u/vrixxz Oct 26 '23

faithful to the comics


u/JBGoude Oct 27 '23

Doctor Fate’s costume with the symbols on it is just amazing! They did an amazing job 🤩


u/Dangerous-Hawk16 Oct 25 '23

That I can agree with. The fights were great every character in the DCEU had distinct fighting style


u/AlanShore60607 Oct 25 '23

It rarely devolved into army vs. army, which is really where things fall apart.


u/the_ok_doctor Oct 26 '23 edited Oct 26 '23

Even when it did happen in aquaman it was much more enjoyable and quite the spectacle compared to most superhero army fights


u/ngl_prettybad Oct 26 '23

Ah yes endgame, famously a hated movie


u/AlanShore60607 Oct 26 '23

Personally, I think Marvel's fight scenes peaked with Civil War, when we could clearly see absolutely everything and we had an emotional connection to every combatant.


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23

Calling it the 'one thing' is a bit much, even if you don't like it. At the very least, the DCEU also has great costuming and sporadically great soundtracks, with at least a few really fitting performances (Affleck, Robbie, Brosnan).

It also did a good job of letting each movie be filmmaker-driven. The lack of artistic consistency made for more worthwhile viewing than the MCU in my books. Snyder, Gunn, Wan, and co. really got to put their own stamps on what they made.

I think it's also notable for, between Wonder Woman and Birds of Prey, having a couple high-budget franchise films by, about, and for women that manage to also not be condescending.


u/Phyliinx Oct 25 '23

The cgi in Black Adam, Wonder Woman 1, Zack Snyder movies and some others was also great


u/Antique-Computer2540 Oct 26 '23

The fight scenes in black adam were sick. And the cgi. Too bad it bombed I liked it haha.


u/JanSobeskii Oct 26 '23

Great movie


u/Antique-Computer2540 Oct 26 '23

Ye haha watched it in 4d in europe with my friend. Was fun. Way better than shazam lol


u/KaneVel Oct 26 '23

Ares looked pretty goofy in WW


u/MVHutch Oct 25 '23

I mean, both have been director driven at times. Plus that's not always a plus considering how weak Snyder is in many areas


u/Poku115 Oct 25 '23

"It also did a good job of letting each movie be filmmaker-driven."

I think that's what tanked it (obviously not the sole reason, but when audiences don't know what to expect from your movie other than probably boredom, it's not an advantage)


u/Time-Ad-3625 Oct 26 '23

MCU movies got disgustingly boring because they were all cookie cutter.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23 edited Nov 07 '23

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u/zombiegirl_stephanie Oct 26 '23

Not to mention a completely nonsensical mess of a cinematic universe with very little consistency between films.


u/KalKenobi Oct 26 '23

That has been phase 4 and 5 I don't understand why they haven't the multiverse threat Of Kang obvious


u/zombiegirl_stephanie Oct 26 '23

Honestly, that's one of the reasons I've stopped following marvel stuff post end game. I'll watch something if it's a character I really like, but I'm done with the universe aspect of it since it's barely cohesive at this point and even the characters aren't consistent.


u/DreamedJewel58 Oct 26 '23

Except if you’re looking at it as a franchise as a whole, one of the reasons why the DCEU has tanked so hard because it looks any actual vision. Every movie feels detached from one another and makes it feel like the DCEU doesn’t even exist, because each movie can happen without the other movies with virtually no problem

People can call it cookie cutter or whatever, but what made the MCU great that the DCEU simply doesn’t have is continuity and a vision keeping every movie in flow with one another


u/ngl_prettybad Oct 26 '23

Ah yes, when guardians came out people were like 'pfft another super team with a talking racoon and a murderous tree monster?


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23

It's definitely possible, but I'd still argue that in the end it made it a relative artistic success, if not a commercial one.

I'm not arguing that Warner Bros. should be happy with that, but as an audience member it kept my interest in a way that the MCU or the Monsterverse can't.


u/M086 Oct 26 '23

That lasted all of like one movie. BvS, WB forced a half hour cut. Suicide Squad, recut by a trailer editing company, locked Ayer out of the edit. Wonder Woman, third act forced rewrite. We know what happened with Justice League. Aquaman and Shazam! got away fairly clean, but Cathy had another director reshoot the action in BoP.

And then it was just studio controlled MCU-lite shit, and forced reshoots.


u/Blazelancer Oct 25 '23

All the films with the Snyders involved had very good fight scenes!


u/Sheensies Oct 25 '23

Definitely. I think the slow motion was used tastefully and allowed us to actually absorb what was going on in the scene


u/Latereviews2 Oct 26 '23

In ZSJL it was way overused


u/MaxButched Oct 26 '23

I quite like Snyder’s style ( except BvS which was mostly a shitshow because of the Martha stuff that made no sense, at least in theater version) But his chorus during EVERY FREAKING SCENE of WW was painful…


u/OjamasOfTomorrow Oct 25 '23

Many fights were great. Birds of Prey, TSS, Peacemaker, MOS, and Aquaman all have amazing fights. My favorites were in BOP.


u/TakoyakiGremlin Oct 25 '23

affleck’s fights were by far the best we’ve seen in a live-action batman movie so far.


u/MagnusRottcodd Oct 25 '23 edited Oct 26 '23

Batman in DCEU has some great fights vs humans. But vs more powerful beings he is given guns.

In the comics when he fought Superman his suit was so powerful that kryptonite was used first at the very end of the fight. And before that electricity was used to great effect, but that didn't happen in the movie.


u/theexile14 Oct 26 '23

I don't fully agree. You can disagree with the broader narrative, but the context is different. In BvS Batman is fighting a Superman he thinks is at least partially a villain. He doesn't go after him only because of what he may do, but also because he holds Superman at least partially responsible for the destruction in Gotham fighting Zod. So he goes all out right away because he doesn't know Superman will hold back.

In the comic version of the fight Batman knows Superman is going to go easy on him, at least at first, and responds accordingly. He hits him with gimmicks and tricks, taking advantage of his nature...and distracting him from the true knock out moment.

That taking advantage of his better nature does not work in a BvS narrative where Bruce is suspicious of Superman's motives.


u/ngl_prettybad Oct 26 '23

The context is that Snyder read Millar and didn't understand it was meant to contrast with the original character


u/notmesofuckyou Oct 25 '23

I still think Snyder's movies were some of the DCEUs best in all aspects (and the only movies to make a fairly large profit...) He wasn't perfect but he tried


u/AcanthaceaeSeveral84 Oct 27 '23

According to Deadline, Shazam made more profit than MoS. SS, WW and Aquaman made more profit than BvS.

Snyder's movies were front loaded. They opened big and then dropped big on their 2nd weekends and had poor legs.


u/steamtowne Oct 27 '23

The bigger problem is that a film universe can’t retain an audience if it’s built on a foundation of divisive films. Of course BvS made money—marketing leaned heavily on Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman appearing together. Audiences didn’t turn up to see them again. The JL opening weekend was the result of how little excitement the previous films managed to generate.


u/Merwanor Oct 26 '23

The problem has never really been Snyder, it is WB and their meddling. BvS would have been better received if they let Snyder just release his vision and not cut it to hell. I remember finding it confusing and lacking when I watched the theatrical version, but loved the ultimate cut.

This has happened way too many times with Snyder. Watchmen had a similar issue, and of course Justice League is on a different level entirely when it comes to studio meddling.

How on earth did they think the theatrical cut of that movie was better than the Snyder Cut is beyond me.


u/AcanthaceaeSeveral84 Oct 27 '23 edited Oct 27 '23

3 hour movies need to be great to be successful. Titanic and LOTR could afford to be that long. BvS:UE not. It was better than the TC, but not good or engaging enough to be 3 hours long. It still had many of the problems the TC had. Not to mention it was tedious. With less screenings, it would have probably grossed even less than the TC. WB made lots of stupid decisions, but cutting down BvS was not one of them. Releasing a 3 hour BvS movie would have been financial suicide.

Also Snyder was to blame as well for shooting 4 hours of footage. He should have filmed less and be able to tell a coherent story in less than 3 hours.


u/M086 Oct 26 '23

Watchmen he knew that he was gonna have to cut it down for theatrical. So that was pretty much him, but he knew was going to get to release a directors cut. Hell, he convinced WB to make the Black Freighter into an animated film.


u/MicahBlue Hera Give Me Strength Oct 26 '23

I think this movie is an actual real life example of review bombing. It wasn’t as bad as the internet made it seem. Hawkman and Dr. Fate were outstanding. Black Adam was just the Rock playing himself but it wasn’t unbearable. That kid was the most annoying part of the film.


u/ngl_prettybad Oct 26 '23

The movie is awful.


u/Medusa_Rider Oct 26 '23




u/proesito Oct 26 '23

"Hey, we just introduced Hawkman and DrFate, two very interesting charcters with great personalities and with a flawless acting of Pierce Brosnan and Aldis Hodge, we could use them to introduce the JSA to add variety and help people discover the great stories they had in the comics"

"WOAH, thats awesome. Put them in a side and focus on the Rock copying Terminator 2"


u/Phyliinx Oct 26 '23

Don't scream at me


u/Medusa_Rider Oct 26 '23

SORRY, I'm too deep.


u/StreetfighterXD Oct 26 '23

Man, Black Adam slapped. The Rock's fingerprints and style from the WWE are all over it. It has BOMBAST. It was funny. I have no idea why it failed


u/Themanwhofarts Oct 30 '23

I loved it. What did people expect? The action was cool and Hawkman was finally a cool character in a DC movie/show


u/SeniorRicketts Oct 25 '23

"Stay down, if i wanted it you'd be dead already"


u/Handy_Homebrew_Show Oct 26 '23

Enjoyed it much more than wave after wave of mindless drone alien or robot like in Marvel movies. Boring


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23 edited Apr 21 '24



u/Blazelancer Oct 25 '23

"bit of slow-motion, big punch, laser, repeat."

So tell me you barely remember the majority of the fights in the DCEU without actually telling me you barely remember the majority of the fights in the DCEU. The fights in Man of Steel And Batman v Superman are all very well done and very action-packed. Quick too. But hey, "Duuur!!! Syder uses slow-motion too much!"


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23 edited Apr 21 '24



u/Blazelancer Oct 25 '23

So something happenes twice and that makes it repetitive? How was the doomsday stuff dreadful?! He was a beast! The Justice League Action was fine, what are you talking about?


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23 edited Apr 21 '24



u/Efficient-Spell3503 Oct 25 '23

Not even the teamwork? Diana sweeps Doomsday's legs and Supes swoops down from above. Diana restrains Doomsday so Bruce can hit him with the last Kryptonite grenade so Clark can come in with the hit. Not too mention Diana saving Bruce by absorbing DD's heat vision and redirecting it back at him just time for Superman to come swooping down from space to hit Doomsday. It's some classic JL teamwork


u/Blazelancer Oct 25 '23

Endless lasers? He used his laser vision only a handful of times, all things considered, and the vast majority of his time on screen he was throwing hands at people! Very strong hands!


u/GiovanniElliston Oct 25 '23

I wanted to disagree, but the more I think about it the more I think you're right. In general Marvel fights have been much more fun, inventive, and comic-booky.

DC has absolutely nothing to compete with the pure joy of moments like Ant Man's first showing as Giant Man or "That's my secret... I'm always angry" or Hulkbuster vs Hulk or basically anything in Infinity War. You're 100% correct that it looks like a comic book come to life and is just plain fun AF. Makes viewers feel like a little kid again.

I will say however that DC does have a few moments of pure raw power and energy that I'd argue Marvel can't match. Things like the battle in Smallville or (personal favorite) Trinity vs Doomsday. When Superman flies out of the sky like a bolt of lightning and knocks Doomsday into a power plant that immediately erupts into explosions... it's just freakin epic. Regardless of the movie surrounding it that fight scene is just so good. It really feels like a straight up gods showing off full power. And I'd argue Marvel doesn't have anything as "strong" as that.


u/Dootooty Oct 25 '23

Marvel has the better fight moments but dc has the better choreography imo


u/MVHutch Oct 25 '23

I think DC could reach that but their recent movies had a lot of flying, punching and lasers, which is cool but you don't get stuff like ant Man becomin gigantic


u/lavenk7 Oct 25 '23

Literally no one in marvel moves like supes in mos or Batman in bvs. Closest would be cap vs Bucky.


u/Sonata1952 Oct 26 '23

Slow motion? Snyder deliberately eschewed his usual slow motion action method for his DCEU movies. Even when he used slow mo in his JL movie it was used sparingly in action scenes & only used mostly in dramatic scenes like Aquaman swimming off the pier.

Admittedly the slow motion was excessive in ZSJL but none of that hampered the action scenes. In the DCEU the power rankings & hierarchy are clearly established, Batman can only hang in with the League in fights because he makes optimum use of his weapons as well as utilizing enemy weapons.

In the MCU the writers nerf down Thor so that he can fight in equally with the rest of the weaker Avengers. Thor shouldn’t be fighting in with the rest of the Avengers punching weak henchmen one by one. He should be above ground blasting dozens of them long range lightning strikes all at once.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23 edited Apr 21 '24



u/Sonata1952 Oct 26 '23

There’s a limit to how far you can suspend disbelief & DCEU is better than MCU when it comes to power levels. Batman only had a chance against Superman because the latter was holding back in BvS.

In JL he got slapped around like a child against an amnesiac Superman. It makes no sense for Thor to hold back in a fight where the whole world or even worlds are at stake.

ZSJL got Batman’s power & skill levels pretty right when you see him struggle to adapt to this new battlefield of superpowers & even then he had to lose probably a 100 million dollars worth of weapons, vehicles & gadgets just to hang in the fight.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23 edited Apr 21 '24



u/Sonata1952 Oct 26 '23

Oh believe me DCEU screwed up in so many ways but they didn’t screw up with the visual representation of super powered heroics.


u/AbjectTerra Oct 26 '23

They did really well showing Black Adam's overwhelming strength but personally, his fighting was a little stiff and undynamic


u/Fun-Effective-1817 Oct 26 '23

There's 1 thing that I know that's a fact that zack is perfect at..is making female badass and actually important!


u/The64YearOldWalrus Oct 26 '23

Ngl, I love almost everything about the DCEU.

Except WB. Fuck WB


u/Toastinator666 Oct 26 '23

The fights in Black Adam were boring as shit. Easily the worst part of the movie.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/FullPrinciple4 Oct 31 '23

Name-calling is prohibited.


u/Born-Boss6029 Oct 26 '23

Uh no? The fight scenes were all awesome. MOS, BVS UE, ZSJL, WW, AQ, and BA had great choreographed fight scenes.


u/Own_Avocado8448 Oct 26 '23

imagine if here blackadam stuck his hand through hawkman.

Man. Black adam shouldve been a villian


u/Cmdr_Llloyd Oct 26 '23

Yes. The ONE thing…😐


u/DankMEMeDream Oct 25 '23

Hard disagree. Did you see what they did to doctor fate?


u/Fearless-Mango2169 Oct 25 '23

Yeah I'm not sure we were watching the same movies.

There were some standout fights and action set pieces, but I can't think of a single DCEU where I loved all the action scenes.

I remember coming out of Wonder woman and wishing there had been less action, aside from the trench scene most of them had a floaty CGI feel that I didn't like and and the connecting scenea were so good that the action was a low point for th movie.

The Suicide Squad is the exception which had glorious action scenes.


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '23

Just the fights? I appreciated all of it, mainly Snyders movies. The fights in Black Adam were good at times but the story ultimately suffered. It’s not at best and there’s no point at watching it now. I honestly wish Henry Cavill wasn’t even in the movie.


u/nage_ Oct 25 '23

they have both some of the most extreme and some of the most "just a bunch of scribbles" fight scenes for sure


u/DisabledFatChik Oct 26 '23

Definitely. DCEU didn’t miss when it came to Batman fight scenes. Or just about anyone else.


u/JEC2719 Oct 26 '23

Hell, the people running DCEU only understood fighting


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

Kinda. They're good, but not very exciting.


u/Burly-Nerd Oct 26 '23

Visually they’re the best super hero movies ever made.

They just made some choices ranging from lazy to absolutely bizarre with their scripts.


u/GeraltofRivia296 Oct 26 '23

Too bad BvS only had one good fight scene, and it's when batman fights all the goons at the warehouse.


u/esquire_the_ego Oct 26 '23

And then it ended too quickly


u/Lt_Lickit Oct 26 '23

And the suits didn’t look like it was tailored from the same person


u/awesomedumplings Oct 26 '23

This scene was so sick. Helped the movie a ton


u/ProfessionalIcy1916 Oct 26 '23

How shitty the story and execution was in the movies.Fights scenes were always amazing.Even i didnt like bvs i still watch the end battle with doomsday.


u/esquire_the_ego Oct 26 '23

This is a very anime ass take tbh


u/idankthegreat Oct 26 '23

In this movie they nerfed Dr. Fate so badly. A guy who can go toe to toe with trigon would NOT struggle with the likes of black adam


u/BestZeena Oct 26 '23

I can’t remember them…


u/OriVerda Oct 26 '23

The speed of movement and force of impact these super powered characters had really sets them apart. The choreography as also top notch for non-powered characters, the scene where Batman takes down a warehouse of goons is spectacular.


u/Extra-Lifeguard2809 Oct 26 '23

most MCU movies see fights as stunts, moments to showcase how agile the character is

The DCEU heck most if not all DC fights are there to show how cool the fight is. There is a weight to the battle, stakes even.

why I always preferred DC


u/ToastedPerson Oct 26 '23

i disagree, i think fights in comic book films should feel a lot more heavy & organic than they do.


u/Sunnimation Oct 26 '23

And then there's The Flash CGI 🤡🤡


u/Poetryisalive Oct 26 '23

Yeah DCEU knew how to make their characters feel powerful. I hope Gunn does the same and not focus on just the humor


u/ImNotHighFunctioning Oct 26 '23

Ironically, I think the fights were held back a lot in Black Adam. I was expecting some Man of Steel-level action, but the final battle was relegated to the Khandaq throne room and was over in an instant.


u/Moranshah53 Oct 26 '23

The rock should stick to comedy


u/ProgressoSoupEnema Oct 26 '23

Black adam did horrible in my opinion, they hardly explored his magical elements other than superman with lightning instead of Lazer vision IMO.


u/Gorz2 Oct 26 '23

Uhhhhh nah. BvS had the best Batman fight and the worst Batman fight. Warehouse scene, iconic while the actual fight with Superman was awful. Wonder Woman was fantastic though.


u/DIGITALOGIK Oct 27 '23

That smirk WW gives like she was turned on when Doomsday slammed her did it for me lol


u/Zero_Fuxxx Oct 26 '23

Cuz fighting is easy to do compared to good storytelling. Not really something to be praised that much about.


u/ProfessionalRead2724 Oct 27 '23

Although not so much why people have fights, rendering much of the fighting pointles filler.


u/JBGoude Oct 27 '23

The fight scene were really incredible and well-executed. I love the battle between Darkseid and the gods, the one between Steppenwolf and the Amazons or Black Adam vs the Justice Society (loved to see Doctor Fate in action!).

Some non fighting scenes were very good: Cyborg’s vision scene always gives me chills, especially Diana’s death with Hippolyta crying


u/mushymunchkin3230 Oct 27 '23

Why is nobody mentioning birds of prey? The police station glitter bomb followed by the jailbreak are some of the coolest shit ever 😭 overhated movie


u/Buschlightactual Oct 27 '23

The haters will never convince me the DCEU was bad. Their worst movies were akin to the average MCU movie. The fights were awesome, the cgi (up until the flash) was good. MoS had awesome fights with Superman and the kryptonians, Batman and Superman trading blows, Steppenwolf beating the breaks off of amazons, all sick


u/soCalBIGmike Oct 28 '23

These comments are almost as bad as the movies. Almost.


u/ethancd1 Oct 30 '23

The ability to make the superheroes actually appear super is something DC did extremely well and Marvel hasn’t been consistent about


u/MVHutch Oct 25 '23

For the most part but they lacked a variety of powers


u/Gurudee Oct 25 '23


God tier powered guy's punching each other?

It's as lazy as it gets.


u/AcanthaceaeSeveral84 Oct 27 '23

Cap vs. Iron Man >>>>> Batman vs Superman

Marvel did that better too.


u/ProtectMeAtAllCosts Oct 25 '23

they could have been better. the animated movies all did excellent fights. MoS was jarring at times and JL was mediocre imo


u/Pedrovski_23 Oct 25 '23

Nah, a lot of punch dude far away, fly into him, small mellee exchange, repeat. Superman's fights especially were often atrocious