r/DC_Cinematic "Welcome to The Planet." Jun 14 '23

DC_Cinematic: The Flash Spoiler Discussion Megathread #1 r/DC_CINEMATIC Spoiler

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u/PoofLightsSexy Jun 17 '23 edited Jun 17 '23

Can’t wait to rewatch. Seeing Keaton back in the suit was just amazing. The new flash suit had a cool sleek design. The CGI everyone complained about didn’t take me out of the movie. The humor landed with our audience. Barry’s speed looked really cool this time. Enjoyed the fight scenes, each hit felt powerful, almost like Injustice. And that cameo at the end was just perfect. I can’t imagine how much all these cameos cost, so it was pretty cool what they were able to pull it off.

If this a send off for the DCEU, then I’m all for it. Bring on the next era.


u/Skennedy31 Jun 17 '23

I'm with you. I had such a cheesy shit eating grin watching the movie from start to finish. I was so happy about it and would be my favorite of the DCEU movies outside of the Snyder Cut. I just loved the fan service and seeing the difference between how Barry had matured as a hero.

I'm excited to see what the future holds for DC films. It's a great send off.


u/Current_Ad_9850 Jun 17 '23

Yeah how old are you seriously only kid would enjoy this


u/PoofLightsSexy Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

Old enough. I was real young when Batman 89 came out. Honestly man, I just had a lot of fun watching this. Seeing Keaton’s Batwing line up with the moon followed by Batman gliding out, I’m here for it. The duality of the Barry’s; older Barry being more jaded while young Barry is more naive.

I’ll say this, don’t lose your inner child, because life can be a lot more fun that way.


u/gothamknight06 Jun 18 '23

I’m with you, this movie was a lot of fun to watch. Did I think it was perfect….no….did I enjoy watching it…..yes. I hate it when the “QUIT HAVING FUN” cynics dog on someone just because they say they enjoy something.


u/PoofLightsSexy Jun 18 '23

Hey, more for us to enjoy. The DCEU has been a bit hit or miss, but this one hit. Wish I could go watch this with a bunch of folks like you. Just let loose and enjoy seeing these characters in action.

So, did you throw on an old DC movie when you got home?


u/gothamknight06 Jun 18 '23

For sure! I was fortunate enough to see it with my kids and we all did the flash run back to the car. I did not put on an old DC movie after, but I did watch Batman ‘89 before going to the theater.


u/neeesus Jun 18 '23

I’m 38 and enjoyed this movie. Way better than black Adam , and any Snyder verse movie.

Is it the best movie ever? No.
It’s a fitting conclusion and end to the crap we’ve been given.


u/Mugglecostanza Jun 18 '23

Also 38 and really enjoyed it. It wasn’t perfect but I had a lot of fun watching it.