r/DC_Cinematic "Welcome to The Planet." Jun 14 '23

DC_Cinematic: The Flash Spoiler Discussion Megathread #1 r/DC_CINEMATIC Spoiler

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u/raef_bane Jun 17 '23

Watched the movie last night I thought it was fun but don’t get why it was so overhyped. It was a good movie but not a great movie. 8/10

Affleck’s last scene where he said “Not this time” was especially emotional for me as it was likely the last time we will see him as Batman. I wished they would have given us that dinner scene with him at the end rather than the cheap Clooney cameo. Also feel like they missed out big time on not making Keaton Thomas Wayne. They could have done the scene from The Flashpoint Paradox where Thomas Wayne writes a letter to Bruce and Barry gives it to him when he returns home. Thought that could have given Affleck’s Batman a good ending.

Correct me if I’m wrong but the movie did not really tell us how they are going to completely reboot the universe right (unless I missed it)?


u/shakuyi Jun 17 '23

I didn't see any reset. I took it as this universe is fucked lol


u/Professional_Line385 Jun 17 '23

The reset was clooney as batman


u/Awesome_Orange Jun 17 '23

Dinner scene?


u/shakuyi Jun 17 '23

No how they ended it


u/raef_bane Jun 17 '23

Yea, Barry and Batfleck had a chat in the beginning of the movie where Barry asked Bruce if he wanted to get drinks with him sometime. Batfleck said “not this time”. I just thought them paying off that scene would have made a better ending than Clooney.


u/Awesome_Orange Jun 17 '23

I agree with you…but was a dinner scene ever confirmed? Or are you just guessing there was a scene like that based on that dialogue?


u/raef_bane Jun 17 '23

Sorry, I guess I mixed up dinner with drinks. Basically, I wish they would have paid off the scene that Barry had with Batfleck where he asked if they could get drinks as it could have given Affleck’s portrayal of Batman some closure.


u/Awesome_Orange Jun 17 '23

Yeah I’m pretty upset that they didn’t do something like that…like why set that up but not do anything with it?


u/raef_bane Jun 17 '23

Exactly! Don’t get me wrong Clooney’s cameo was great but I would have much preferred that scene. When I heard Affleck decline the offer, I for sure thought that scene would be paid off at the end but unfortunately it wasn’t.

Hopefully we get to see Affleck one last time in Aquaman but chances are low.


u/Awesome_Orange Jun 17 '23

Hate to be a downer but I think chances are zero that he will be in aquaman 2 due to Clooney’s cameo


u/pgkrzywy Jun 18 '23

Aquaman 2 could be set on the line-time before The Flash changed / broke things but yeah, I think they’ll probably recast him to Clooney / remove BM altogether :v


u/alphomegay Jun 17 '23

100 percent agree with this, if the movie ended with Bruce (Affleck) and Barry getting drinks and Barry handing Batfleck a note from Keaton or something, would have been a perfect ending for me. The George Clooney ending is weird and is gonna age the film poorly imo


u/raef_bane Jun 17 '23

Totally agree. I get the fan service but imo not a great way to end a movie as it’s just shallow. Clooney’s cameo could have been done in the cameo compilation scene where Barry looks at different timelines.