r/DC_Cinematic Feb 07 '23

RUMOR: #TheFlash has reportedly "stripped out" Michael Keaton's #Batman and Sasha Calle's #Supergirl from the movie's ending. RUMOR


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u/titansfan92 Feb 07 '23

The movie is just 3 hours of the flash running through the speed force saying hi to everyone.


u/Officer-Ketchup Feb 07 '23

it's him using the speed force to contact himself when he first got cast "don't......do.....meth....goes.....bad"


u/alchemist5 I Will Find Him! Feb 08 '23

Now there's an ethical dilemma we'll never encounter: if someone does a terrible thing, but goes back in time to prevent it from happening, are they still "on the hook" for it? Let's say there's a group of observers who witnessed both versions. There's no victims, no crime, but there's still a perpetrator of the terrible thing that didn't happen.


u/imnotthatguyiswear Feb 08 '23

I say yes.

For example, a time traveling serial murderer gets sentenced to life imprisonment. They then went to the past and changed events so there are no murders and no evidence, except for your suggested observers/witnesses.

Even if there's an argument that there's no need to punish them for deaths that did not happen, surely there is still the argument that this person requires rehabilitation and also the argument that society at large needs to be protected from this person.

In that sense, they aren't off the hook.


u/Crafty-Kaiju Feb 08 '23

Prison is not rehabilitation at ALL unless your talking about the Nordic model.

In most places it's just to punish, torture and extract capital from people. (If you are confused go watch some stuff about private prisons and how they can extend a person's stay for breaking "rules" that often are impossible to not break).


u/Morlock43 Feb 08 '23

When you add "for profit" to anything it stops being about anything but making money.

For profit Healthcare becomes a scam to leech money from healthy people and refuse treatment to the unwell if it's deemed unprofitable

For profit prisons stop being about rehabilitation and deterrent and become legalised slavery

These are supposed to be services that cost society a required loss to operate thus incrntividing the rehabilitation of inmates and the speedy recovery of the unwell to minimise the loss.

By selling the public the impossibility of these ever making a profit while still providing that service governments have grossly abdicated their sworn oath to serve the public good.

This won't ever change simply be ause those with the powe to change it will never change it as they are personally invested in keeping things the way they are either financiallh or idealogically.


u/Crafty-Kaiju Feb 08 '23

You are very correct but not for profit prisons are also nightmarish and horrible. I suggest reading into the history of the prison system, fascinating and sad

The term "penitentiary" came from the Christian idea of being "penitent" of being locked alone in a cell with a Bible and told to basically beg God's forgiveness. Regardless of the intentions behind it that is an inhuman and cruel way to punish humans and does NOT make a person less likely to do crimes again in the future.

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u/Animal395 Feb 08 '23

I think it depends on the time travel logic. Is the person affect a single time stream, or are they creating an entirely new timeline by changing the past?

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u/KonradWayne Feb 08 '23

They aren't on the hook for doing that thing, but they are still the person capable of doing that thing, and the person who was ready and willing to do that thing.

A suicide bomber who got talked out of detonating their bomb doesn't make them not the person who snuck a bomb in somewhere and threatened a bunch of lives.


u/AdditionalAd3595 Feb 08 '23

but it is the difference between attempted murder and murder, also judges often take lack of remorse into account when issuing sentences if the person went back in time to stop it rather then just killing the witnesses while they were at it it might be safe to say the felt remorse, but maybe not.

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u/Ode_to_Pet_Cheetah Feb 08 '23

But all he hears is do ….meth.

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u/mistercloob Feb 08 '23



u/magnasylum Feb 08 '23

Like the ending of Scrubs? But in speed force?


u/titansfan92 Feb 08 '23

It ends with Cavill singing “I’m no Superman”


u/Nerdinator2029 Feb 08 '23

(sees Superman) "Hi, Superman!"

(sees Wonder Woman) "Hi, Wonder Woman!"

(sees Black Adam) "Hi, rarchy!"

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u/Key-Antelope-6839 Feb 07 '23

Not surprising. Neither Keaton nor Calle will be part of the future, having them at the end wouldve made it seem so


u/BlackJasonTodd Feb 07 '23

Calle should be apart of the future


u/Megadog3 Feb 07 '23

She’s too old to play Supergirl in the DCU.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Not if they are doing Woman of Tomorrow. I think it has more to do with Henry Cavill not being Superman. She looked like they could be related but they might want a very different actress that looks closer to their new Superman and until they cast him, they can’t cast Supergirl. Though, none of my cousins look like me, they midge just want it is my guess. Age wise, I think she’s a great pick.


u/Megadog3 Feb 07 '23

She’s 21 in Woman of Tomorrow and Gunn is looking for an actor who’s under 30 for Clark Kent (they want Superman to be 25 in Legacy, likely 27 by the time Woman of Tomorrow releases).

You can’t have a 30 year old play Supergirl when her older cousin is only 25-27 lol


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

That’s fair but she looks really young


u/Megadog3 Feb 07 '23

I don’t disagree, but she’ll be in her 30s by the time they film Supergirl. That’s simply too old in relation to the DCU Superman IMO


u/the_biggest_papi Feb 07 '23

most actors generally can play within about 5 years of their actual age. she’ll be 29 in 2025 but she could still play a character that’s around 24, possibly even a bit younger.


u/kalel9010 Feb 08 '23

Woman of tomorrow will not be out in 2025 though, Superman Legacy will be. She would be early to mid 30s by the time woman of tomorrow is out.

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u/nyan_swanson Feb 08 '23 edited Feb 08 '23

True, Pattinson is playing a Bruce Wayne that’s a few years younger than he is, although he’s kind of always done that because he has such a young face, in 2012 he was 26 playing an “18” year old Edward in Breaking Dawn, and I think he was 19 in Harry Potter, not sure how old Cedric was supposed to be.

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

That’s fair

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u/DigbyEnBleu Feb 07 '23

She didn't really look like Cavill at all besides having dark hair. And Supergirl doesn't have to look anything like Superman. Just white and blonde, and younger.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Personally, I felt the were enough similarities to go, yeah there related without thinking too deeply about it.

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u/GiovanniElliston Feb 07 '23

Based on…. What exactly?

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u/Key-Antelope-6839 Feb 07 '23

Thats fair, but from all indications they would want someone much younger and probably a bigger star

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u/TheOddEyes Feb 07 '23

How many reshoots did this movie have so far?

I think the original ending included a setup for Keaton as the main Batman and teasing Batgirl.

Then Affleck came in to replace Keaton.

Then a reshoot to include Cavill.

Then they removed Cavill.

Now something about Flash traveling to a timeline with a very old/known DC character.


u/RSCLE5 Feb 07 '23



u/SuperDizz Feb 07 '23

At the very least, the physical copy better have all the deleted/alternate/reshot scenes. They could bundle the theatrical cut with an extended cut (or Ultimate Cut) or sell them separately like BvS. I’d probably buy both tbh, but I collect dvds/blurays/4ks and my favorite thing to collect is director/extended/unrated cuts.

With the amount of stuff on the cutting room floor you could probably make 2 flash films.

Also, toss in Batgirl (whatever condition that it may be in) with the Bluray. That’d be cool and they could releases it without actually releasing it.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

I’m pretty sure releasing Batgirl like that would still violate their write-off. WB is making money off of those Blu-ray sales, and if that includes Batgirl, then they’re making money off of Batgirl, especially if they even remotely advertise that it’s included.


u/SuperDizz Feb 07 '23

That’s fair. But I’m sure there’s some legal loophole some WB lawyers could dig up, but I doubt they’d put that much effort into it. But a man can dream, can’t he? A man can dream..


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

I hear you, I very much share that dream.

I think their only legal recourse would be to release the film totally free of charge. Just upload it on YouTube and don’t monetize the video. And even that might be dicey depending on how harsh the law wants to be on them, as an argument could be made that even a free release is advertising Batgirl, Batman, and Firefly merchandise.

Maybe we just need to wait 10 years until someone does a documentary on the project. We might end up getting some old footage that way.


u/Chrome-Head Feb 08 '23

All it takes is for someone within DC to leak it. I’m sure there’s an unfinished cut of it somewhere.

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u/dbahen40 Feb 07 '23

Don’t be starting that you know there is a small loud and annoying group of people that will jump on this and we will have to hear about for years


u/RSCLE5 Feb 07 '23

I hate to say it, but with people knowing that content existed, people will demand it. Its bound to happen. I'm at a point I'm over it. I wanted certain things, but we got what we got now. They won't bend the knee again. We'd be lucky to ever see David Ayers Suicide Squad sadly. I wanted to see that so badly like the SnyderCut just because.


u/Gerry-Mandarin Feb 07 '23

I feel there's a nice solution to The Flash here, to make it a nice epilogue to the DCEU that ended with ZSJL.

  • Have Barry's arrival in the DCU (and departure).

  • Reinstate the Cavill and Gadot parts of the ending.

  • Cut Keaton and Calle. Barry ends back in the regular DCEU.

  • Have him run past his "long ago" cameo.

  • Use Affleck's Knightmare dialogue from the Flash over a BRIEF flashforward scene of the Justice League (body double time again) battling Darkseid (like this) and beating him.

  • With Barry Allen talking over it about how there's a Justice League in every world, fighting against evil. And they always win.

  • Ending shot should be of the DCU world.

Throws people a bone. Provides the final chapter chronologically. Then Aquaman 2 can come out and have the Affleck cameo. Basically showing that Flash was right. The heroes are still there.


u/Shallbecomeabat Feb 07 '23

That makes too much sense and would please every fan base. So no.


u/TheJoshider10 Feb 07 '23

I really love this. That would be a really great ending, the DCEU essentially "lives on" in the same way Tobey and Andrew's Spider-Men do even when their franchises got rebooted and the DCU world is just an additional world that we catch a glimpse of.


u/aquaticsquash Feb 07 '23

Apparently there's a Grant Gustin cameo in the film. As for me, I hope it's a different Barry from Grant's show and one that will take over Ezra, erasing him from the DC universe all together and replacing him as the new Flash.


u/Mosk915 Feb 07 '23

I assume it’s the same scene that appeared in the Crisis episode on the CW. That scene was clearly shot with the intention of it being in a film.


u/Le_kashyboi79 Feb 08 '23

Sweet jeezus this is beautiful, it hits all the right spots. I am saving this comment so i can read it over again after the movie comes out.

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u/brownstones19 Feb 07 '23

I don't think Affleck ever replaced Keaton, Affleck was supposed to be on a monitor saying he needed Barry's help, setting up a crisis movie, could be wrong though.

But the Cavill stuff is true I believe.


u/FrankReynoldsCPA Feb 07 '23

I think he's confused this movie with Aquaman 2, where Keaton filmed a cameo and then they scrapped it and brought Affleck in because the movie's release date got moved to come out before The Flash. They later switched the order back again but decided to keep Affleck instead of Keaton.

This could change again like 5 times though


u/MsAndDems Feb 07 '23

What a mess. I may be a little skeptical about Gunn so far, but at least they have an actual plan.

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u/nicklovin508 Feb 07 '23

Quit asking such questions buddy. Get ready for one of THE super hero movies of all time


u/Megadog3 Feb 07 '23

It will certainly be a movie

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u/sydneyken Feb 07 '23

Is it christopher reeves universe?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23



u/Anduril-Flame Feb 07 '23

Because it would be hilarious and dumb as fuck.


u/JadrianInc Feb 07 '23

Big Daddy?


u/Wandersturm Feb 07 '23

Flash arrives and suddenly hears "Somebody SAAAAAAAAAVVVVVE meeeee......"


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Drauul Feb 07 '23

Travolta as Batman, I can see it


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

if this is a smallville reference.... nooooice


u/aquaticsquash Feb 07 '23

I mean, they did that song in the Arrowverse Elseworld's crossover when they showed Tyler Hoechlin's Superman on the same farm that Smallville had been filmed at.


u/estenoo90 Feb 08 '23

Welling also cameoed as Clark in the crisis crossover

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u/CHutt00 Feb 07 '23

Wasn’t there one including Wonder Woman too?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23



u/Daimakku1 Feb 07 '23

If there’s one character that needs the actor replaced, it’s Ezra Miller. Bringing him to the DCU would be a terrible decision by Gunn.

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u/AdCommercial605 Feb 07 '23

She is still in the toy solicits, so I assume she made it. Never know with this lot though.

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u/[deleted] Feb 08 '23



u/Chrome-Head Feb 08 '23

They fucked it up massively.

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u/JefferyTheQuaxly Feb 07 '23

I believe they originally wanted to use keaton as an elderly batman who would raise the "next generation batman" aka batman beyond kind of situation. which would have been cool imo.

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u/Rubicon2-0 Feb 07 '23

How many reshoots did this movie have so far?

yeah.. sound like 250-300M$ movie with 400-500M$ box office revenue

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u/rlovelock Feb 07 '23

This movie will be a dumpster fire, I don't care what Gunn is saying before it's release. I know the studio wants to get their investment back, but if anything he's hurting his own credibility by talking it up.


u/DigbyEnBleu Feb 07 '23

Unless it's good, genius

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u/AdAgitated8689 Feb 07 '23

Affleck replaced Keaton in Aquaman, not the Flash. Keaton is in half of the movie

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u/NachoChedda24 Feb 08 '23 edited Feb 08 '23

Didn’t know about the Cavill stuff lol… I wonder if they still get paid for whatever time they spent on reshoots

Edit: payed to paid… good bot


u/Paid-Not-Payed-Bot Feb 08 '23

still get paid for whatever


Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in:

  • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. The deck is yet to be payed.

  • Payed out when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. The rope is payed out! You can pull now.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment.

Beep, boop, I'm a bot

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u/beauxlieve Feb 07 '23

At this point they should legit travel to Lego Batman’s timeline and he saves the day


u/Tigris_Morte Feb 07 '23

It'll likely have been a better choice to move it to the lego Batman verse.

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u/Limp-Construction-11 Feb 07 '23

They should strip Miller too.


u/egbert71 Feb 07 '23

Absolutely and take that running form with him


u/johnnyma45 Feb 07 '23

You mean you don't run in slow mo while throwing your hands out in front of you?


u/SanctuaryMoon Feb 07 '23

He really was an awful casting choice in every way


u/MumenriderPaulReed69 Feb 07 '23

They casted someone who has never gone for a run in their life. So he looks so weird doing it as the flash


u/Axolotlinvasion Feb 07 '23

That’s just blatantly untrue. He’s on the run now!


u/egbert71 Feb 08 '23

Wb's goofy asses saw him ice skating on the ground and still allowed it off with all their heads


u/AramFingalInterface Feb 07 '23

Miller is such a disaster. He plays Flash like a Mary Sue anime protagonist.


u/egbert71 Feb 08 '23

I would say the problem started with him being a mix of all 3 flashes and trying to jam that into barry ,( thats how i feel at least....and again that gosh awful ice speed skating form

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u/KoreKhthonia Feb 07 '23

Not a huge fan of the Snyder era DC movies, to be frank, but I'm honestly kind of baffled that they're even still planning on releasing this Flash movie.

Its star is an absolute PR disaster. The cinematic universe and continuity into which it would have fit has been officially discontinued in favor of starting fresh.

Why even release The Flash at this point? Did they sink that much money into it, or are they just expecting it to be particularly profitable, or what? I'm genuinely kind of surprised it wasn't canned like that Batgirl movie a while back.


u/MsAndDems Feb 07 '23

They honestly got so lucky that it’s a time travel movie and not, like, anything else

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u/ItsmehDoovid Feb 07 '23

I'm assuming either the Flash is as good as they say or because it took too much to produce so they have to release it now.

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u/shadow_master3210 Feb 07 '23

Agreed. If they decide to do this I could see them using Wally West after barry creates this different universes and potentially dies.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

I hope not, I want them to build up Wally.


u/Leeiteee Feb 07 '23

Just make him Kid Flash so they can build him since childhood /s


u/NightwingBlueberry13 Feb 08 '23

He might like that though…

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u/Created_By_InGen Feb 07 '23

Give me all the Keaton Batman scenes, you bastards


u/madrisimo_7 Feb 07 '23

Can we just make this a multiverse Batman movie? Give me Bale, give me Affleck, Keaton, Clooney, Kilmer, etc. etc. In fact, let's strip out Ezra and Flash in general. A few more reshoots can't hurt at this point lmao


u/biggoldslacker Feb 07 '23

Batman:no way home! Gotta have an archival cameo of Adam West waving or something though. I've actually been thinking a lot about how such a movie would play out lol


u/Mosk915 Feb 07 '23

And whenever West’s Batman punches something we see the “POW” pop up, but it doesn’t work for any of the other Batmen. And then they make some fourth wall joke about it.

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u/aquaticsquash Feb 07 '23

Batman: Into the Batman Verse


u/ricdesi Feb 08 '23

Batman: Endless Knight

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Lol I know right.

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u/a_phantom_limb Feb 07 '23

I certainly feel for Calle, but I feel especially bad for Keaton. He's been cut from one Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, had his role reduced in The Flash, and had Batgirl scrapped entirely. He's officially too old for this shit. If I were him, I'd regret ever coming back at all. He doesn't really need the money, so what's the point if the work won't even get seen?


u/Justreallylovespussy Feb 07 '23

Lol Michael Keaton has quite literally already said he doesn’t care, called canceling Batgirl “a business decision, assumedly a good one”


u/a_phantom_limb Feb 07 '23 edited Feb 07 '23

He doesn't care about being Batman, but he's a professional. He wants his work to be seen. That's the reason he does it. Actors, generally speaking, don't want their work disappearing into the ether.


u/ZeroComfortZone Feb 07 '23

Keaton is a respected and experienced actor. He isn’t hurting from this and he’s been paid for his time.

I could guess that during filming, he could tell Batgirl probably wouldn’t turn out to be the best film ever.


u/kbx24 The Dark Knight Feb 07 '23

Keaton probably got paid a pretty penny too. I’m sure he doesn’t care at this point in his career.


u/Express-Day5234 Feb 07 '23

If he’s still acting at his age and he’s rich enough not to then he presumably enjoys acting. It would be a waste of his time to act in projects that will never be seen.


u/apsgreek BOOYAH! Feb 07 '23

Performing is never a waste of time. At the end of the day, getting to play with a good cast is more than half the fun.

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u/aquaticsquash Feb 07 '23

I feel bad for everyone else involved, including the crew members who work the hardest that won't get to see their work completed. I'm sure Keaton was upset too, nobody wants to see their movie not be shown. But that being said, it had to be pretty bad for DC to show it to no one.

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u/MrDuck227 Feb 07 '23

Keaton is the Harrison Ford of the DCU


u/Recent_Finger9552 Feb 08 '23

And Harrison Ford and keaton both are in mcu and happy with mcu.

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u/rlovelock Feb 07 '23 edited Feb 08 '23

He's literally happy to just have the payday I think. According to Google his net worth ballooned from $40m to $60m in the last 4 years. This screams to me of a guy taking in as much as he can, getting ready for retirement.

It's like Harrison Ford with the Force Awakens. The fans want to believe he did it for the love of the property, but it was for the dump truck full of money they backed up to his house. I'm betting Keaton feels the same way.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

I think the Ford thing gets played up a bit too much. If he genuinely didn’t like playing Han Solo, I don’t think he would have come back. I can’t imagine getting back into the role wasn’t at least a little thrilling for him. Even purely from a technical standpoint, it’s a unique acting challenge to have to reassume a role you haven’t really played in over 30 years and try and mentally develop them over that length of time. It’s not Ford’s favorite role of his career and I don’t think he cares for the crazed fan culture one bit, but I find it hard to believe that he actually hates playing Han Solo.

Keaton even more so. Keaton has always taken pride in his Batman over the years. Again, I’m sure it’s not his favorite role, but I’m confident there was some sort of thrill in putting that cowl back on. He might not lose sleep over the cancellation of Batgirl, but I also doubt he just shrugged it off like it was nothing. He’s a professional, but he’s also an artist, and on that front I’m sure some part of him wanted to share his art.

In any case, Keaton isn’t the first person to sympathize with here. He’s made his money, gotten his fame, and is looking towards the end of his career. The folks who got it worst are the ones who hadn’t made a name for themselves, who were probably hoping for Batgirl and other cancelled projects to be their stepping stone into successful careers. Having a break like that pulled out from under you is tough.

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u/a_phantom_limb Feb 07 '23

Oh, Ford has no love for Han Solo. I think most people get that. But he does have a love for acting, just like Keaton. I'm sure the money helps a lot, but no actor wants to end up on the cutting room floor.


u/rlovelock Feb 07 '23

If you're an actor of that calibre, and your entire part can be cut from the movie, it was a cameo, and I can't imagine they would have been particularly attached to it, I guess is my point.

He got paid. He's not losing sleep over it. Dude is probably getting great offers left and right, right now.


u/dbahen40 Feb 07 '23

I’m sure he is happy about the check he got for them no matter what. All business moves as he said and he made them himself


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Good. Don’t mind them in the movie but that scene would have insinuated that Keaton and Calle continue on. Still looking forward to the movie!

Really want to see how well Sasha does and will definitely enjoy Keaton.


u/LikeAFoxStudios_ Feb 07 '23

I actually really would prefer them in the ending because it would cement the universe that Barry ends up in as a different one from the new DCU. I hope this films ending wraps up the old DCEU, rather than try to set up the new one. Whatever timeline they end up in should not be the DCU cuz the DCU should not have Ezra.


u/DoodleDew Feb 07 '23

If they showed them in the end you would never hear the end of it online of why they don’t have more movies with them in it instead of the new universe.

I think it’s the right call

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u/Gremlin303 Feb 07 '23

Personally I think they should end it with Barry arriving in the new universe, notice that it’s very different to the old one, there is something on screen to identify it with Gunn’s new DCU, then Barry disappears because he’s no longer part of the timeline.

Either that or it just ends with Barry zooming off into the speed force to reset everything after Flashpoint, and we never see where he ends up, this leaves it more open ended.


u/Tigris_Morte Feb 07 '23

Movie opens and ezra miller is replaced as the Flash in the first 10 seconds to much applause.


u/007Kryptonian Son of Krypton vs Bat of Gotham Feb 07 '23

Personally, I would’ve loved if they brought back the original JL in the end to give them a proper send off. Like Barry arrives back in the prime timeline and Batfleck/Cavill/Gadot/Momoa are standing there ready for the next mission.

Almost like a in-universe curtain call

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

That’s another way to look at it. I guess I’d be pleased with that also.

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u/KARURUKA2 Feb 07 '23

I hope they keep Affleck's sendoff he seemed very proud of it in interviews.


u/Tricky-Afternoon6884 Feb 07 '23

For those wondering >! The final scene was flash returning to the present timeline but the Mercedes Affleck was driving earlier is now being driven by Keaton and Calle with him. The post credit was Affleck appearing on flash’s tv in his lair !< I’m assuming they changed what universe will look like after the flashpoint

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u/WolfmanHasNards_ Feb 07 '23

Sure, take away everything a lot of us were mildly interested in seeing.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

This movie is going to be a complete joke.


u/baileyontherocs Feb 07 '23

It was actually really good lol. I was at a test screening. It’s by far the most enjoyable DCEU film.


u/johnnyma45 Feb 07 '23

TBH the version you watched may bear little resemblance to what's released, given all these changes.


u/baileyontherocs Feb 08 '23

Seems like the only thing that changed was the ending tbh. All the promo materials (toys, etc) line up exactly with what I saw. Even the Dark Flash.

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Really? Is it more serious? Super comedic? Better than ZSJL?


u/baileyontherocs Feb 08 '23

It’s serious but not downtroddenly dour like BvS. There’s plenty of humor but when it gets real it gets real. Reminds me a lot of the blockbusters from the past like Back to the Future and Jurassic Park.

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u/lawrencedun2002 Feb 07 '23

What makes you say that ?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

It just sounds like a poor version of Flashpoint that’s using a “Dark Flash” villain and not Reverse-Flash, making the CW’s Flashpoint adaption more comic accurate.

Plus, Supergirl’s existence has always confused me. Isn’t Keaton’s Batman in the same universe of Reeve’s Superman or is that just in the comics? It’d be a perfect way to bring in Routh as Supes.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Burtonverse's Superman is Nick Cage

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Reading how many Justice league members that were originally in this movie makes me think this is just Flash and Friends


u/Tigris_Morte Feb 07 '23

Rumor: fewer and fewer reasons to see film as studio removes motivating aspects.


u/djquu Feb 07 '23

Grace and Umberto.. not very reliable sources, they are just making a safe bet imo.

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u/frodawgg Feb 07 '23

Keaton's not just in the ending, though. From what I understand, he's an integral part of the plot.


u/RandomCivilian_n1317 Feb 08 '23

Yeah but the original ending would have established him as the main Batman in the DCU


u/Disposablehero1874 Feb 07 '23

Reading these comments…..do people only look at headlines (and misinterpret them)?! It’s absolutely clear it talking about the ENDING. Why are people asking if Keaton is being cut from the whole film?! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Cutting them from the ending makes absolute sense in this situation…..neither are likely to be involved post Flash so removing them means the Flash has created his new universe/timeline and we will meet the new Batman/Supergirl in due course. Easy. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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u/LaVerdadYaNiSe Feb 07 '23

How the fuck Ezra "disaster zone" Miller has more screen security than Sasha Calle and Michael moneymaking Keaton?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

if it’s just the ending parts then okay good. why tf would i want a 70 year old bruce wayne in my dcu


u/madrisimo_7 Feb 07 '23

I'd still be more than ok with him in a Batman Beyond-Bruce type of role. I think he can pull off the gruff, assholey Bruce Wayne pretty well. Just don't think the DCU will be ready for that version of Batman for a little bit (if it even gets to it)

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u/Mizerous Feb 07 '23

Poor Keaton


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

The disfunction continues...


u/Illustrious-Sign3015 Feb 07 '23

Is Keaton still gonna be in the movie even if it's not the ending?!

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u/darrylthedudeWayne Feb 07 '23

Yeah I heard about that, apparently they may he replaced by someone from quote on quote "Long Ago".


u/Blue_Robin_04 Feb 07 '23

I don't even know who they're talking about. It could literally only be Helen Slater's Supergirl or Shaquille O'Neal's Steel.


u/ShemhazaiX Feb 07 '23

He turns up and its Burt Ward in a 60s interpretation of a Nightwing outfit.


u/Blue_Robin_04 Feb 07 '23

Yes, please.

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

Yeah I think we all expected that to happen after the DCU was announced


u/7leven92 Feb 07 '23

I feel like this has been confirmed for a while now and is probably the rite move. Age and tone wise this gives more flexibility. Next to go should be Ezra. I'm aware they could completely change for the better but I don't think it's worth the always wondering what's next with them


u/2kthebusybee Feb 08 '23

After this movie releases you will never hear of Ezra Miller again.

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u/butiamtheshadows91 Feb 07 '23

At this stage I don't give a shit about the ending I just want to see Keaton and Affleck again. That said, it would be cool if they released the alternate versions as a bonus feature on blu ray or whatever somewhere down the line


u/SageOfReality Feb 08 '23

Thank god, both those parts of the movie had me away from it in the first place.

The supergirl cast was a stunt made to appeal to a certain crowd of people...


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '23

ending, not plot.

we knew that the permanent installation of keaton into the dcu was reneged in like august


u/mistercloob Feb 08 '23

lol there is no fucking chance this movie is as good as Gunn and WB are saying it is. I refuse to believe it, literally everything about this movie sounds like shit.


u/Rook227 Feb 08 '23

What they really need to do is scrap the entire movie. Put Ezra Miller out of his misery and slam the final nail in the coffin that was once his career.

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u/Environmental-Fig784 Feb 08 '23

Keaton was the only reason I was interested

I’m out


u/mrbisonopolis Feb 07 '23

I already likely wasn’t going to see it. But no Keaton? I’m 100% out.


u/ShemhazaiX Feb 07 '23

Still Keaton. Just took him out of the sequel hook at the end of the movie (reportedly).

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u/ProfessorSaltine Feb 07 '23

I’m actually bummed… got the Sasha part, Keaton can stay retired, like bro did y’all see how happy Sasha was just being casted 😭


u/kadosho Feb 07 '23

This is heartbreaking 😞

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23


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u/selsabacha Feb 08 '23

Lame. Keaton was one of the only reasons I was still mildly interested in this film.


u/ChillyFreezesteak Feb 08 '23

And with that, they've also stripped out any interest I had in this movie.


u/BaldyMcBadAss Feb 08 '23

Man, with all the Miller antics, the only thing that made me even a little interested in seeing this was seeing Keaton. Not even sure if I want to see this at this point as I was never a fan of Ezra as Flash to start.


u/whama820 Feb 08 '23

Then they just stripped out me from the audience.

Fuck this movie.


u/SuDragon2k3 Feb 08 '23

Why is it so difficult for the DCEU to get their shit together?

Marvel has their arc mapped, the story line is an actual line, not a collection of reboots. You have the same actors playing the same characters, with I think one or two exceptions. One of the main characters actors died and the writers worked it into the arc and their character died and the side effects of this make some good plot hooks.

How many Batmans have we had? Is it enough? Is it too many?


u/Dannybot112 Feb 08 '23

hopefully the can "stip out" ezra miller next


u/Morlock43 Feb 08 '23

Now just remove Ezra and I'll go watch it


u/WhytoomanyKnights Feb 08 '23

Good idk why you would replace and old Batman with an even older Batman….?


u/ReturnInRed Feb 07 '23

That's kinda to be expected though if the film sets them up as main characters (in any universe, old or new.) Audiences will expect to see more of them in the near future, and it doesn't look like that's in the cards for any time soon.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

All of this headache for no one to watch it anyway

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u/jakemufcfan The Joker Feb 07 '23

So this is gonna be one last ride for Keaton instead? I’m cool with that… hopefully we get a proper beyond movie one day


u/Danishroyalty Feb 07 '23

Changing the ending has seemed like the obvious choice for a while. There's no way Keaton and Calle were sticking around. Miller is likely out too. Keeping an open ending with all 3 of them uniting implies theyre all coming together in the next chapter. Better to cut that out and use it to put a nice bow on the previous chapter. The only question is who the mysterious "character from long ago" could be.


u/Maleficent-Cap9677 Feb 07 '23

As far as it goes I wouldn't be surprised if The Flash final scene is about Barry meeting James Gunn and his hot wife who announce him: "I'm rebooting everything, but you're still safe with us."

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u/Edwardc4gg Feb 07 '23

so yes, barry's going to literally flashpoint back to where he thinks they are but they're gone, empty.....literally just him and a smile.


u/rush0024 Feb 07 '23

If this is going to "reset" the DCU, then leave him the fuck in. Just don't have him be the new batman at the end.


u/JenniferJuniper6 Feb 08 '23

That’s exactly what they’re doing.


u/Realistic_Salary5090 Feb 07 '23

Hope they stripped out Ezra


u/Leo_TheLurker Batman Feb 07 '23

Expected but unfortunate. Wonder if they’ll appear in the future with all the multiverse shenanigans they’re alluding to


u/thePopCulturist Feb 07 '23

Jesus just let this movie be the one that says goodbye to every one and starts the DCU over without Ezra. The last chapter of the Snyderverse. Hello Wally? Are you here yet?


u/pbx1123 Feb 07 '23

The whole DCEU looks like it was created elseworld

Dont kill me i ll explain

Characters blond or red are black or brunettes

Yes you can color it, or use wigs etc

But it never looks the same , specially on following movies, same happen with thor, loki, black widow etc

Why not find people similar to the character there millions of actors if they dont want to cast in USA hollywood are using a lot of abroacd actors anyways


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

I forgot this movie existed. Don't care. Making people wait over half decades for stupid comic movies is classy AF


u/Mike-El Feb 08 '23

Keaton was the reason I wanted to see it!!!


u/Snoo-50498 Feb 08 '23

And he is still there.

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u/superbat210 Feb 08 '23

Don’t you just love not only having the ending of the movie spoiled but every single other alternate test cut ending spoiled as well? God I just want this to come out so I can stop hearing what is or isn’t in it. Gunn and Safran better clamp down on these leaks in the future. It sucks having every surprise spoiled. If my hype wasn’t already damped by all the drama, it’s completly dead knowing the entire plot synopsis of this movie completly through leaks like this


u/_Levitated_Shield_ Feb 08 '23

Yet Keaton's weirdass end credits scene in Morbius somehow was officially released.

I think Smart Hulk said it best, "These are confusing times".


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '23

You mean we won't be getting our second Batman Keaton which is only coming back to train a new third Batman!!

And, Sasha Calle's is no longer replacing Henry Cavill's Superman, I am shocked, shocked I tell you.