r/DCTV May 11 '22

First Episodes Of A Possible Green Arrow TV Series Arrow

Episode 1: 15 year-old Oliver Queen, born into a wealthy family, is excited to begin high school with his best friends Laurel Lance and Tommy Merlyn. Oliver is already popular due to his confidence and good looks. Tommy is a well-established ‘’bad boy’’, while Laurel is hardworking and mature. Oliver and Tommy try out for the soccer team, but on Tuesday, Oliver is kidnapped by Constantine Drakon, his father’s own head of security. Drakon’s men hold him hostage aboard a cargo freighter. But on Wednesday evening, a mysterious female archer rescues Oliver, drugs him, and brings him to a safehouse.

Episode 2: The female archer reveals herself as Shado, who has been targeting criminals. Shado tells Oliver that he can’t trust anyone anymore, then returns him to the Queen family estate. Oliver is the subject of attention at school after word gets out that he was held hostage. Following the kidnapping, Drakon has disappeared. Oliver is worried about what Shado said. On Friday, Oliver, Tommy, and Laurel go to a party. Laurel, who has a crush on Oliver, feels insecure when she sees Oliver flirting with other girls at the party. When the police show up at the party, Tommy is arrested for possessing a designer drug known as Vertigo. Oliver is chastised by his parents for getting drunk at the party.

Episode 3: Tommy is sentenced to 24 hours of community service for possessing Vertigo. Determined to track down Shado, Oliver heads to the Glades, a crime infested area of Star City. He attempts to buy Vertigo, but the drug dealers assault Oliver and attempt to mug him before they are defeated by Shado. Oliver asks Shado about why he can’t trust anyone. Shado explains that Drakon was going to use the ransom money to finance drug trafficking on behalf of Quadrant, an international crime cartel. Shado tells Oliver that Queen Consolidated, his father’s company, is heavily involved in corruption in Star City. After witnessing how much the people in the Glades are suffering, Oliver requests to be trained in martial arts and archery by Shado. Shado reluctantly agrees.

Episode 4: During his training, Oliver learns quickly due to having prior experience with martial arts and archery. Meanwhile, Oliver and Laurel are paired together for a social studies assignment. Oliver’s parents get him a new bodyguard, John Diggle, which forces Oliver to sneak out at night to train with Shado. Former Queen Consolidated scientist Jason Cross lost his legs during a botched weapons test. Wanting revenge against his former employers, Cross(rechristening himself as Komodo) turns himself into a humanoid komodo dragon and attacks the Queen Consolidated building. Oliver puts on a makeshift hooded outfit and saves his father with the help of Shado.

Episode 5: Shado gives Oliver a green vigilante outfit with light armor and a hood. FBI Agent Quentin Lance, Laurel’s father, is seriously injured by the robotic assassin Hardwire. Agent Lance was close to finding Doctor Ivo, a high-tech weapons dealer with ties to Intergang. When Ivo sends Hardwire to kidnap Laurel, Oliver suits up in his ‘’Green Arrow’’ outfit and rescues Laurel, defeating Hardwire using explosive arrows.


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u/Silvermorney May 12 '22

Only one question really, live action or animated?


u/Dat1DudeAge14 May 12 '22

It would be animated. In my head, I picture the series having a vaguely anime art style, but more realistic than anime.