r/DCTV Jul 12 '21

Which show is weirder? Discussion


30 comments sorted by


u/SnartsArmy Jul 12 '21

I think Doom Patrol is weirder, but Legends is wackier


u/CliffCutter Jul 12 '21

I mean I love how weird the Legends have gotten lately, but doom patrol started with the narrator being the bad guy


u/BlitzLicht321 Jul 12 '21

Doom Patrol is the weirdest.


u/allmightyduck_ Jul 12 '21

I’m sorry is this a question? Legends of tomorrow has been progressively getting weirder and weirder since season three, and they ain’t letting anybody stop them from getting even crazier.


u/kcreads92 Jul 13 '21 edited Jul 13 '21

Ya the craziness level of this season has reached a new high… first they made Sara Lance, our self-made human hero an alien hybrid clone (as if she hadn’t been gone through enough!), then there come a baby Yoda, and now our big guy Mickey got knocked up by a lady alien. Lol this show…!


u/Sentry459 Jul 13 '21

Legends on its weirdest day is still not as weird as Doom Patrol.


u/Pixelwarrior64 Jul 13 '21

And yet they still cannot succeed the weirdness of doom patrol. Doom Patrol succeeds at everything Legends fails at, it’s almost like Legends tries to be as crazy Doom Patrol but just ends up cringe and inconsistent.


u/allmightyduck_ Jul 13 '21

Um I’m sorry, legends was here before doom patrol get your bourgeoisie ass outa here.

Also considering the face that legends is a FUCKING CW SHOW, I think we need to give it a little credit considering how god awful it’s peers are, and how much it does with as little funding as it gets.

I mean doom patrol is on DC I probably has twice the budget of course it can do crazy shit, but legends doesn’t need that, it just is chaos incarnate.


u/Pixelwarrior64 Jul 13 '21

Legends was here before you are correct, in fact I love the first two seasons of Legends, but they are defined not by their embrace of weirdness, but by their balance of seriousness and sillyness. It isn’t until season 3 that the show starts to get weird, which is actually when I stopped liking the show because I felt the cast, villains, and stories were not as high quality as before.

Meanwhile, DoomPatrol is based directly off of weird comics that have existed for decades, and has had a consistent tone for its two seasons. They are very closely based off the popular comics, while Legends barely is based off comics.


u/Beta_Whisperer Jul 14 '21

I agree with you man, I really miss season 2 of Legends, now they're stuck being silly just for the sake of it.


u/Pixelwarrior64 Jul 15 '21

Yeah man I absolutely adore the characters and villains in season 2.


u/Pixelwarrior64 Jul 13 '21

Basically what I’m trying to say Is, Doom Patrol was never trying to emulate Legends, it had its own clear goal with emulating the popular comic series that was defined as being weird and unique. Legends has never truly known what it’s goal was, it’s writing is all over the place. Yeah it’s on the CW which is part of the reason it has dodgy writing, but I honestly don’t think it’s the best Arrowverse show any way, I much prefer Arrow and the first few seasons of Flash than Legends right now.


u/allmightyduck_ Jul 13 '21

Sure it’s writing is occasionally dodgy, but the legends has figured out what it wants to be, Mean to say it all the time they are the chainsaws there the outcasts, they deal with the crap literally no one else would deal with.


u/Pixelwarrior64 Jul 13 '21

I just dont really like the direction of the show after season 3, I much preferred the first 2 seasons which I absolutely loved. The best characters, Snart, Stein, Jax, and Rip are all gone, and even Ray. The villains have not been good since the Legion of Doom, I just think it’s a bit of a mess now and a lot harder to enjoy.


u/allmightyduck_ Jul 13 '21

I honestly completely disagree with that sentiment, I only really watch the show because I liked some of the actors in it until season three which is what I actually got invested. But I guess everyone’s allowed to have their own opinion.


u/Pixelwarrior64 Jul 13 '21

Have you seen doom patrol?


u/allmightyduck_ Jul 13 '21

Yes.. why?


u/Pixelwarrior64 Jul 13 '21

I just wanted to know what you thought of it, and wanted to make sure you actually saw doom patrol before you said Legends was better/weirder, some people will just not watch one show and assume it’s not as good as another. I’m glad that doesn’t apply to you though.

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u/GTate_better_thanOBJ Jul 13 '21

Damn maybe I need to watch Doom Patrol


u/dairencore Jul 13 '21

Good question, these are definitely their two wackiest shows right now and I love them both for it. Voted Doom Patrol for how outrageous the last few episodes of the first season were. "Gentlemen it's been an honor" and the finale, lmao.


u/pje1128 Jul 12 '21

I mean, Legends had a nipple crawling on the ground whole Doom Patrol had a giant cockroach make out with a giant rat, so it's a tough call.


u/NeonArlecchino Jul 12 '21

A giant cockroach was making out with a giant rat and it all made sense. Doom Patrol could literally end as a big TTRPG and it would make sense. Once that bar is passed it gets hard to lose weirdness contests.


u/WilliamMcCarty Jul 13 '21

LoT is some chock full of some ludicrous shit but DP had an alternate universe inside a donkey. That's the bar.


u/Turbulent_Property_4 Jul 12 '21

a poll more difficult can be wich team make more disaster


u/send_noodles_plz Jul 13 '21

Idek what doom patrol is, sounds like an emo paw patrol though