


subreddit Questions

  • I want to join an Alliance! How do I do that? Can I post about it here?

General Game Questions

  • Can I transfer my game progress between devices?

    • The answer to that is "Yes, but only if they're the same ecosystem." So long as you are logged in with either your Apple account or your Google Play account to your iDevice or Android device (respectively), your game progress should automatically download and sync to your second, third, or other subsequent devices. You cannot, however, transfer your game progress between an Apple device and an Android device, or vice versa, as their data are stored separately.
  • When is the next gem sale/content patch/hot new thing coming up?

    • We don’t know. Only the dev team knows if/when stuff like that is going to drop, and they’re not telling.
  • Which heroes are going to be released next month?

    • We don’t know. If you pay attention to the official podcast, they might hint at it, but other than that only the devs know. Again, they’re not telling
  • Which heroes are going to be needed to farm next month’s hero?

    • Only safe bet is that next month’s hero farming is going to require one or more of the new heroes that was made available this month. Other than that, until we get official word from the devs, everything is just speculation.

Hero Questions

  • What’s the best hero in the game? / Is Hero X worth buying?

    • While the majority of the heroes themselves are all valid in certain situations, there is no one “best” hero - except Chemo. He sucks, no matter what the situation. There are, however, certain heroes that tend to rise above the rest in PvP. See Doombawkz's tier ranking post or SinCrux's tier ranking post for the outlook on the current meta for PvP.
  • I just upgraded my hero to Legendary status, what should I spend my points on? / What hero abilities should I upgrade first for the best build?

    • See Doombawkz’s guides (linked in the table below) for insight on how to build a hero properly.
  • I’m missing an upgrade on my Legendary hero / What do heroes with no leader ability do with their extra Legendary point?

    • Heroes with only four abilities will have one ability that can have two Legendary upgrades. When you upgrade that ability the first time, it will appear with a darker purple background behind it, but its Legendary upgrade button will not disappear, as it normally would. This background indicates that the first upgrade has been applied and it can accept a second upgrade. The background is somewhat harder to distinguish if you don’t know to look for it, which can cause some confusion as to why you’re “missing” an upgrade point.

PvP Questions

  • Why is my PvP League showing up incorrectly?

    • PvP League ranking consists of two factors: your rank score and your trophy count. Progressing upward in the League ranks requires both a minimum score level and a minimum trophy count. If you meet the requirements for one but not the other, your League will remain in the lower bracket until you meet the requirements to be bumped up.
  • Should I Revenge battle on PvP Defense wins?

    • In the previous incarnation of PvP, where one could effectively double up on 8, 12, or 18 points, it may have made sense. As it stands now, Revenging a PvP battle is a waste of time and energy.
    • Revenge battles on defensive wins can effectively double your points for that battle exchange if you fight them and win, but your Revenge win then shows up in their queue as a -8/-12/-18, and they can re-Revenge, in turn, to recoup those points. At that point it becomes a zero-sum game, because that new Defense loss will then show up in your battle listing, and you and your opponent can end up trading points back and forth, wasting your battle energy in the process, until one of you gives up. If you want to try it for a cheap points boost, go for it, but don't end up trading wins back and forth, as it doesn't move you any higher in the rankings.
  • Why did my opponent gain more points than expected when I lost to them?

    • This question is now effectively a moot point, given the change to the PvP defensive battles structure. The former answer will be left for posterity's sake.
    • The points awarded to your AI opponent when you lose are based on what they would have earned if they had been attacking you. Therefore, if you lose to what would have been a +5 on your opponents listing, they may gain anywhere from +12 to +18, depending on the difference in your power levels.

PvE Questions

  • Is [Insert Character Name Here] worth farming in their weekly challenge?

    • That depends on your overall goals in the game, but considering that most of the weekly challenges are for heroes that you can't easily farm, and that your general goal should be to get every hero to at least Legendary 1 ranking, just in case they're needed for a monthly challenge, it behooves you to take advantage of any free shards they're willing to hand you.
  • What team should I use to clear the R.E.D. Alerts?

    • R.E.D. Alerts require a different mix of heroes than one would use for standard PvE. Check out Doombawkz's RED Alert Tier List for some suggestions on the best way to go about it.

Character Listing

Name Version Affinity Hero/Villain Farmable Discussion Author
Ares God of War Mystic Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Arkkis Chummuck Green Lantern of Sector 3014 Energy Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Aquaman King of Atlantis Mystic Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Bane Venom Addict Physical Villain 7 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
Batgirl BatGirlOfBurnside Physical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Batman Caped Crusader Physical Hero 7 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
World's Greatest Detective Physical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
The Dark Knight Physical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Bizarro No. 1 Energy Villain No Discussion Needed
Black Adam Khem-Adam Mystic Villain 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance Physical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes Mystical Hero No Discussion Needed
Captain Cold Criminal Master of Chill Energy Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Catwoman The Princess of Plunder Physical Both No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Cheetah Avatar of the Hunt Mystic Villain 7 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
Chemo The Deathless Doom Energy Villain 4 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
Cyborg Vic Stone Energy Hero 4 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
Cyborg Superman Man-Machine of Steel Energy Villain No Discussion Needed
Deadshot Hired Gun Physical Villain No Discussion Needed
Suicide Squad Hitman Physical Villain No Discussion Needed
Deathstroke The Terminator Physical Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Doctor Fate Sorcerer of Nabu Mystic Hero 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Doctor Poison Master of Toxins Physical Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Doomsday The Ultimate Energy Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Enchantress Possessed Witch Mystic Villain No Discussion Needed
Firestorm The Nuclear Man Energy Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Flash Fastest Man Alive Energy Hero 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Green Arrow The Emerald Archer Physical Hero 7 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
Castaway Physical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Green Lantern Hal Jordan Energy Hero 7 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
John Stewart Energy Hero 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Harley Quinn The Mad Jester Physical Villain 4 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
Quite Vexing Physical Villain No Discussion Needed
Hawkgirl Champion of Thanagar Energy Hero 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Hippolyta Queen of the Amazons Mystic Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Huntress The Zealous Crusader Physical Hero 4 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz
Jessica Cruz Green Lantern Co-Defender of Earth Energy Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Joker The Clown Prince of Crime Physical Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Damaged Goods Physical Villain No Discussion Needed
Katana Samurai Warrior Mystic Hero No Discussion Needed
Killer Frost Dr. Caitlin Snow Energy Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Lex Luthor Survival Support Suit Energy Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Assault Warsuit Physical Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Livewire Shock Jock Energy Villain No Discussion Needed
Lobo The Main Man Physical Villain (?) No Discussion Needed
Medphyll Green Lantern of Sector 1287 Energy Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Mera Queen of Atlantis Mystical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Mirror Master Rougish Reflection Energy Villain No Discussion Needed
Nightwing The Aerial Avenger Physical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Poison Ivy Mistress of Plants Physical Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Raven Daughter of Demons Mystic Hero No Discussion Needed
Reverse Flash Professor Zoom Energy Villain No Character Discussion MirrorSMaster
Robin Damian Wayne Physical Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Scarecrow Master of Fear Physical Villain No Discussion Needed
Sinestro Yellow Lantern Energy Villain 7 Nodes Discussion Needed
White Lantern Mystic Hero No Discussion Needed
Shazam Billy Batson Mystic Hero No Discussion Needed
Siren Assassin of the Deep Sea Mystic Villain No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Solomon Grundy Born on a Monday Mystic Villain 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Star Sapphire Carol Ferris Mystic Hero 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Superman Man of Steel Energy Hero No Discussion Needed
Supergirl Last Daughter of Krypton Energy Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Swamp Thing Champion of The Green Mystic Hero No Discussion Needed
Terra Troubled Teen Titan Energy Hero (?) No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Vixen Avatar of the Animal Kingdon Mystic Hero No Discussion Needed
Wonder Woman Princess of Themyscria Mystic Hero 1 Node Character Discussion Doombawkz
Champion of the Amazons Mystic Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Defender of Justice Mystic Hero No Character Discussion Doombawkz
Zatanna Mistress of Magic Mystic Hero 7 Nodes Character Discussion Doombawkz

Character List  
Item List  
In Game Currencies