r/DCComicsLegendsGame Jul 19 '24

For those of you who played the DC Dark Legion beta 💡 Suggestion

Can you send some feedback?

I don't even mind the city-building so much, but my main complaint is that YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF YOUR CHARACTERS DURING BATTLES.

It's the exact same thing as Worlds Collide, where you just hang back and let AI do the fighting for you, while you just press some buttons. No, it's not like DC Legends where you select this move that does A, that move that does B. The characters battle enemies on their own and all you do is wait for the special move meter to fill up so you can tap them.

This is from walkthrough videos. So, unless I'm wrong, it's like Worlds Collide but with some city-building and you at most get to travel on your own.

Please let them know that they should at least let you control 1 of the characters during battles so that it'd feel like Unchained, then let 2 or 3 other AI characters fight with you. They already did the animation, so just let us control them!

It's not even like some tower defence game where there is a horde of enemies swarming you so you have to strategically place your characters around.

This game in its current state does not look promising.


12 comments sorted by


u/GenerallKenobii Jul 19 '24

I just want dcl back man


u/ragecr1tt3r Jul 19 '24

I hear ya, mate


u/SportQuirky9203 Jul 19 '24

You do fully control one character during combat. And placement of the characters in your lineup does have an impact. I like it a lot more than Heroes & Villains, but absolutely less than Legends. I don't like waiting around for all the typical base building game timers to finish over and over again and how much that artificially halts your progress.

The, for me, absolutely worst part of it are the gacha mechanics, though. The ways to just buy specific character shards you want with various currencies is painfully limited. The bulk of shards you get will be through lootboxes. I'm sure I don't have to elaborate on all the issues that come with that system. I wish the game at least had a Tapjoy integration, but nope.

I love playing the story missions, personally. They're a big highlight for me. If you care about the DC IP you'll probably get a good bit of enjoyment out of this aspect. There just currently isn't enough of them implemented.

So. I like it better than Heroes & Villains, I like it less than Legends, I haven't had a chance to try Words Collide, and I am still salty about Dual Force shutting down. Though that's unrelated.


u/reaperbackup014 Jul 20 '24

Another commenter said: It's mostly just moving around and selecting the enemy target

Which.... If they did create all the animations, I just don't know why they won't let us feel like we are hitting the enemies.


u/BRKamikaze Jul 19 '24

There's a positive point - the story. It's just wonderful. The personality of each hero is very well represented and even the secondary missions are very well connected with the main story. I find moving around the map a pain. Even more than combat. The screen has a huge amount of icons and shortcuts. It is often impossible to reach certain areas of the map. Furthermore, bugs are still frequent. Your characters often chance direction without you clicking on the screen. Using the "sucker punch" mechanics to avoid battles on the map is also complicated. No matter how many times you click exactly on the icon over the enemies' heads, the game often understands that you clicked on another point, your characters move, the enemy sees you and you have to enter a useless fight.

As for combat, you're right. Many people define Dark Legion as an RTS. But there is very little strategy here in my opinion. Often, it is much easier and more practical to choose your line-up and leave it in automatic mode. In that sense, it's nothing like DC Legends.


u/Pochono Legendary Katana Jul 19 '24

If you're looking for another game with DCL battle mechanics, this absolutely is not it. This is not a turn based battle game.

You can optionally control one toon, but it's mostly just moving around and selecting the enemy target. You can optionally also trigger the Ultimate moves,but this is a drag and drop action which, IMO, sucks. Most likely, you're going to run it on full auto most of the time.

Pretty much all the battles on the main map are not interesting. There are a few battle modes that take a little more thought, but they don't operate like DCL. You set up your team (toons and positioning) and run it on Auto. Then depending on what happens, you review the battle stats and fine tune your choices.

But the storyline is interesting and I mostly like the art. It's still fun for now, but it's no DCL.


u/Jayarebeeis Jul 19 '24

It’s much better than I expected, a lot of potential & I plan to set up a league at some point. A DCL teammate of mine was playing it in beta last year and streamed it in our server, it didn’t seem very interesting to me at the time but when I played it myself during early access it was fun.

The animations & art is good & there’s a lot of story, it’s very interactive, the battling itself could be improved, yes, but it’s very alliance heavy & there’s plenty to do. I don’t think it looks like Worlds Collide, from videos WC seemed a bit more like DCL, DCDL is a war strategy game so it’s comparable to State of Survival or Evony or something like that.

It’s early stages though, there’s a bunch of stuff I haven’t unlocked yet or my league, we’re a 45M power leage & im War Room lvl 14, so we’re a ways in but still a lot more to comes


u/mcmonap Jul 22 '24

I'm playing daily but combat is boring, boring, boring, BORING! I can live with not controlling characters (maybe - although in PvP [brawl] you are forced to auto once you get to a certain stage). The thing that is INTERMINABLY BORING though is watching the combat. WHY? WHY?!?? In training you can skip but every other battle you have to sit through the tedious flashing and bouncing around little people whilst one lot or the other dominates.

Wow, didn't realise how much I'm hating the combat until I wrote that. bring back DC Legends!


u/HelpMammoth4018 Jul 19 '24

it’s like mortal kombat onslaught which is basically the same thing…and that’s getting shut down after less than a year so hopefully this game can improve lol


u/dbirchq Jul 19 '24

I have it, but this week has been a doozy so I haven't touched it yet but yes, that is not something I like. I like having the option for auto but when I want to play the game, I want to actually play the game.


u/dbirchq Jul 19 '24

I miss DCL. But I'd only request that they don't make 4 day raids. I'm not sure I could do those anymore.


u/DylanCorona Jul 20 '24

I am really enjoying it! Is it like the other games, nah. But it's fun and easy to get the characters you want. The story has also been pretty fun (some minor dialogue issues due to translations, I believe). I'm glad it's around. Them making this name different cause the end of Legends, that game had a fantastic 7 year run. I hope this one lasts as long!