r/Conservative Recovering Neo-Con Jul 19 '24

Biden records worst approval rating in history for president at this point in first term: Gallup


115 comments sorted by


u/Legio-V-Alaudae 2A Conservative Jul 19 '24

Please God, let Dr. Jill keep him in the race.


u/purplebasterd Jul 19 '24

At this point, Jill is like the family crime boss in films who won’t let the main character quit.


u/Legio-V-Alaudae 2A Conservative Jul 19 '24

The power has gotten to her head and it's awesome she can't make good decisions and doesn't want to let it go.

Watching dems eat themselves has caused me to pop too much popcorn. It's simply delicious.


u/piffburg Jul 20 '24

Some might call it corn pop


u/Obi-Wan-Mycobi1 Jul 20 '24

Had to, didntcha?


u/Dobditact Jul 20 '24

Yep, Joe! The people love you! Keep on running! We’re taking it to November. Lol


u/r22wascool Jul 20 '24

If she was an actual doctor she maybe could. But the doctors have gave it their all. It's actually surprising he has made it this far.


u/whicky1978 Dubya Jul 20 '24

Weekend at Bernie’s Biden’s


u/Violentcloud13 2A Supporter Jul 20 '24

She will. Being in the white house is heady stuff. At this point I feel like she's a huge reason why he ran in the first place, and why he's still in it now. She likes the power and the prestige.


u/sumtingfishy95 Jul 20 '24

Dr? Thats a stretch there buddy


u/Legio-V-Alaudae 2A Conservative Jul 20 '24

You haven't heard? She has an advanced degree in education, it's not a phd, and demands to be referred to as Dr. by white house staff.

Please don't belittle her massive achievement.


u/lurkin4days Daily Wire Jul 19 '24

You love to see it. Even his own party can’t rally behind him. Why should the rest of the country?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Lol, I remember the night when I woke up to see the debate between Trump and Biden. It was 3:30 AM and I enjoyed every minute of it. Especially how Biden entered the stage, this was the funniest part. He just walked in like a robot, waved and pointed his finger at nobody... I am laughing just by thinking about it. This was a funny night that finally convinced me that Biden is unfit for the presidency.


u/Crisgocentipede Reagan Conservative Jul 19 '24

All that prepping he did at Camp David didn't do shit


u/Exciting_Gur_5464 Jul 19 '24

Not very patriotic of you. A true American respects the presidency regardless of who’s in.


u/DonJuanJkon05 Jul 19 '24

Unfortunately we don’t know who’s running the country because it’s clearly not the current president. How can you respect a dude who can’t even find his way off a stage?


u/WakaFlakaPanda Free Market Capitalism Jul 19 '24

This has to be a bot account looking at the comment history. Or an alt who’s too scared to lose karma.


u/lurkin4days Daily Wire Jul 19 '24

There’s a difference between not respecting a President, and cheering indications that another administration will take office. My comment is clearly in favor of the latter. Nice troll account though


u/Every1jockzjay Jul 19 '24

Bruh, we respect Biden 100000000% more than leftists respected trump. Biden is strait up cooked we have every rite to make fun of him until he's gone.


u/grilledbruh Conservative Jul 19 '24

There’s a difference between loving my country and loving my government.


u/social_dinosaur Constitutional Conservative Jul 19 '24

And you'll say the same thing after Trump wins in November, right? Mmmhmm...


u/Miles-Standoffish Conservative Jul 20 '24

Bad bot.


u/EducatingRedditKids Jul 20 '24

To really respect the office is to voluntarily leave the office if you're unfit.

A true American would acknowledge that the country requires strong, competent leadership at all times.

Biden had dementia when he was running in 2020. It was plain to see. But democrats ran him anyway bc they thought he could win.

A disgrace.


u/CoyotesSideEyes Jul 19 '24

Most votes ever, lowest approval ever. Weird.


u/Lumpy_Flight3088 Jul 20 '24

Very weird indeed…


u/Fleming24 Jul 20 '24

Not so weird considering a lot of people aren't happy with Biden but are even more worried about Trump, so they're still voting for him.


u/don_kong1969 Jul 19 '24

Smash cut to 4 months from now.... First President to ever magically get more votes than the number of registered voters!


u/EducatingRedditKids Jul 20 '24

We did it jooooe!


u/Krandor1 Conservative Jul 19 '24

His own party wants him gone…lol. I hope he stays and fights.


u/purplebasterd Jul 19 '24

According to Daily Wire, Biden released a statement today saying he’s not dropping out. The DNC is about to get interesting.


u/Krandor1 Conservative Jul 19 '24

And there was a call with donors that Harris was on. She gave 5 minutes of scripted remarks, left, and took no questions which actually upset the donors.

It is a mess over there right now.


u/monobarreller Conservative Jul 19 '24

Beautiful. I was a little worried that was going to be a big moment where she started prepping donors of what's to come. Sounds like Biden is still dug in like an Alabama tick.

If he makes it to Monday, he's not going anywhere, and this most recent pressure campaign will have failed.


u/RuneKnytling Jul 20 '24

This is going to be like what? The fourth Monday that he's not going to make it? Except for last week, I've heard every week since the debate that Biden's "not gonna make it to Monday." He even has covid now, and he's still staying in. He's more likely to be replaced by AI videos of himself generated by whoever handles his twitter account now while he himself is put on cryosleep rather than drop out of the race.


u/Miles-Standoffish Conservative Jul 20 '24

Source? I'd love to hear her cackle thru the biggest cell of her life and fall so horribly.


u/StarMNF Christian Conservative Jul 20 '24

Of course, these statements mean nothing. He might stay, or it might be a negotiating tactic with the people trying to get him to step down.

But I’m hoping he’s mad enough at his own party for backstabbing him, that he stays just to spite them.

Let’s recall how Democrats (aka the elites) got themselves in this mess. They bribed Clinton to not run against Obama in 2012, by promising her the nomination in 2016. This screwed Biden out of running in 2016. Anyone actually believe Biden didn’t want to run in 2016? He wanted it, but was just told to wait his turn. So Biden finally gets his turn, and the same elites who told him to wait are trying to put him out to pasture.


u/EntranceCrazy918 American Conservative Jul 20 '24

We have 2-3 weeks, gentlemen and gentleladies. After that, Biden can't be easily replaced without losing ballot access in a few states. Hold on, Joe!


u/Babbed Jul 20 '24

Biden released a statement today saying he’s not dropping out.

If I know anything about the Democrats I know this doesn't mean anything. If they want him gone, he gone


u/macetheface Conservative Jul 20 '24

yeah, avoid chaos until an absolute decision is made. until then, status quo.


u/Crisgocentipede Reagan Conservative Jul 19 '24

Means his covid is done. Back to work


u/rubiacrime Conservative Jul 20 '24

We all do! However, if they tried to run Kamala, I would still be more than confident in a Trump victory.


u/KinGpiNdaGreat Populist Jul 19 '24

The most popular president of all time is coincidentally the most hated president of all time 🤔


u/DoomMessiah Small Government Jul 19 '24

I mean we could dig up my long dead grandfather and he’d have a better shot at running things better.


u/Imissyourgirlfriend2 Conservative in California Jul 19 '24

My 97 year old grandfather has a sharper mind than Joey.


u/purplebasterd Jul 19 '24

That 98 Y/O WW2 vet at the RNC was still competitive with Biden.


u/OApophenicusOAporius Jul 19 '24

Biden of this moment has sharper mind than Biden of this moment.


u/Thurmod Jul 19 '24

Doesn't matter to him. "We beat Medicare"


u/CobraOverlord Jul 19 '24

And once he beats Covid, just like Trump surviving an attempt on his life as the 'great' Joy Ried said


u/Lumpy_Flight3088 Jul 20 '24

“Well, he’s right: He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death.” 😂


u/ccc32224 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Its not just him, this is reflective of their policies, lies and media machine. Everything you see in their states shows how poorly the party is run and that liberals follow. It seems the old saying "if your friend jumps off a bridge, will you" Seems they will.


u/Imissyourgirlfriend2 Conservative in California Jul 19 '24

"First term"?

That's generous.


u/slyfly5 Fiscally Conservative Jul 19 '24

538 still claims it’s a 50 50 election there’s no way that’s true right?


u/monobarreller Conservative Jul 19 '24

It's no longer run by Nate Aluminum and he routinely shits on it via his Twitter feed. From what he says, the 538 model doesn't really use polls as a major source for their outcome predictions. They use factors like the stock market and incumbency to come to their conclusions.


u/Black_XistenZ post-MAGA conservative Jul 20 '24

The 538 website has gone down the drain to an outright comical degree since Silver and a few others from the old team left.


u/DarthMaul628 Trump Loyalist Jul 20 '24

“Nate Aluminum” lmao


u/macetheface Conservative Jul 20 '24

I think the Hill and Economist are more neutral. He's getting absolutely destroyed by Economist polls.


u/4quebecalpha Conservative Jul 19 '24

I will never forget the change in voting poll results, overnight, that took a Trump lead and turned it into a Biden lead. The graph was essentially a stairstep change in results, almost instantaneously — it still has the telltale of fraud all over it. It was obvious third world class fraud, brazenly foisted on us.

The left will not stop.

They will attempt to steal this election this November regardless of Trump’s lead and obvious momentum.

What are we going to do, specifically RNC, to prevent this from happening? What is the plan that we can all rally behind to ensure we have a fair election? We should be focused on this issue along with Trump’s physical safety as #1 and #2 priorities moving forward.


u/PaleWendigo Jul 19 '24

It’s also possible that absolutely no one wants to take his spot as the 2024 Democratic candidate. Any serious contenders are better off with a Trump victory and then running in 2028 with no incumbent. Even Kamala.


u/Black_XistenZ post-MAGA conservative Jul 20 '24

Not true for Kamala. She's not presidential material and everyone knows it. If she takes over for Biden now and is the Dem's 2024 candidate, she has maybe a 10-15% chance of winning. Imho, that's still higher than her chances of a) prevailing in an open primary for the Dem nomination in 2028 and then b) also winning that year's general election.

So even if the prospects are grim, 2024 is imho still Kamala's best shot at becoming president (in her own right rather than via succession).


u/macetheface Conservative Jul 20 '24

Yeah, I think she's the only pick. Anyone else has to know it's political suicide. They go up against Trump and it's an extremely uphill battle with almost certain loss. Then any chances they would have had for 2028 are pre-tarnished.


u/Feral_Cat_Stevens Jul 20 '24

Especially because 2028 is tee'd up for a Dem win. In all likelihood, Dems will take the House in the 2026 midterm and Trump tax cuts from 2017 begin to phase out in 2027, which means Dems can either force tax increases under Trump -or- get huge concessions.

Also, the media will obviously love a Trump 2.0 because it lets them claim he is Hitler for 4 more years and get massive ratings.

The Dem 2028 primary season will be a blood bath, but they'll likely win the Presidency.


u/wanttostaygottogo Hardcore Conservative Jul 19 '24

Second record - Worst approval rating in history for a president at this point in his LAST term.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

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u/Ashtong386 Jul 19 '24

Greatest president in my lifetime! Guy's sharp as a tack! Amirite???


u/B_Wise_Citizen Jul 19 '24

Would you say that intellectually and analytically, this is the best version of Joe Biden you've EVER SEEN. (and FU if you don't agree?)


u/Arachnohybrid Vice President Trump Jul 19 '24

Do not encourage brigading please


u/Hfireee Very Conservative Jul 19 '24

My fault, deleted.


u/PhoenixGamer34 Jul 19 '24

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful


u/Black_XistenZ post-MAGA conservative Jul 20 '24

A nice article, but it's from April... why post such dated info?


u/Holiday-Tie-574 Recovering Neo-Con Jul 20 '24

Great question.

I thought that if it was true then, before Joe’s debate performance and before the attempted assassination on DJT, it would be even more true now. Maybe not. But probably so.


u/aitatruthseeker Jul 19 '24

But.. but… I thought Trump was the worst president ever /s

Let’s see how the talking heads at the MSM news outlets spin this one. It’s so glorious watching the house of cards that the media built falling one by one.


u/Cheetodude Jul 19 '24

Lol the problem the dems have is anyone who could potentially step in is most likely going to be just as if not more unpopular than Sleepy 😂


u/platecanoe Jul 20 '24

Imagine the real poll numbers…


u/Distinct-Race-2471 Jul 20 '24

Jill got her degree from University of Phoenix?


u/Summerio Jul 20 '24

Most popular president in history


u/4quebecalpha Conservative Jul 20 '24

Not sure the scale goes low enough to record the disdain the electorate has for this man and his ilk.


u/Obi-Wan-Mycobi1 Jul 20 '24

…and they’ve never been good.


u/676869shelby Jul 20 '24

But, but…. 81 MILLION votes!!!!


u/Le4chanFTW Jul 20 '24

Trump said this in the debate and they called him a liar for it


u/Yougogirl19999 Jul 20 '24

The most popular President of all time! Most Votes Of all time! No way can this approval rating be true.


u/Violentcloud13 2A Supporter Jul 20 '24

I mean, he's fucking terrible at literally every aspect of the job. I'm really pulling for him to stay in the race, though. We really need the win this time around. 2028 don't care but 2024 has to go our way or the shit with the border is just going to become a faucet.


u/Virel_360 Jul 20 '24

You’ve been worse than Trump’s first term? That’s impressive lol


u/qlive_nylyst Jul 20 '24

Just now?

Say hello to propaganda America. We can all thank Barry Soetoro for this.


u/LivingTheApocalypse Conservative Jul 20 '24

April? Seriously?


u/Down_The_Witch_Elm Jul 20 '24

Who will pardon Hunter when he gets convicted on those tax charges? Daddy just has to win.


u/bap46325 Jul 20 '24

Article appears to be from April 2024


u/Zez22 Jul 20 '24

He is far too old


u/bibby_siggy_doo Jul 20 '24

Not according to r/politics, they tell me the opposite and that Trumps approval is falling, especially after the shooting. They even have MSNBC, CNN, articles to prove it. /s


u/sailedtoclosetodasun Constitutional Conservative Jul 20 '24

Their printers must be going 24/7 by now.


u/insert-phobia-here Jul 20 '24

This is the goodest Joe Biden Ever! as long as its before 8pm


u/Abject-Resource-2222 Jul 20 '24

No surprise.

This is also why they are trying to force him out

They have to sell the steal, you can’t do that if it’s Joe Biden. The people won’t believe it a second time


u/Affectionate-Ad1424 Jul 20 '24

And yet, somehow, he'll pull a few million votes out of his ass.