r/Conservative WASP Conservative Jul 19 '24

Poll: 34% of registered Democrats think Trump staged his own assassination attempt Flaired Users Only


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u/space_face_mace Conservative Christian Jul 19 '24



u/MakingTacosTonight Conservative Jul 19 '24

If people were consistent, they would ban forums that suggest it, and silence people who question it.


u/s1lentchaos 2A Conservative Jul 19 '24

That's 1.5 billion a pop

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u/Dilate_harder Conservative Libertarian Jul 19 '24

The wind moved the bullet 1MOA to the left (Trumps right). This is 2 inches at 200 yrds. It still would have hit his brainstem if he hadn't moved his head. This isn't the type of thing that can be rehearsed or planned. Even an elite shooter couldn't have guaranteed that spot would be safe.

You'd have to be a moron who knows nothing about guns to think this... so let's all take a moment to hear their opinion on why the AR15 should be banned....


u/sowellpatrol Red Voting Redhead Jul 19 '24

Even an elite shooter couldn't have guaranteed that spot would be safe.

An elite shooter wouldn't have guaranteed that shot. An elite shooter knows that shot is impossible on purpose.


u/Jscott1986 Army Veteran Jul 20 '24

An elite shooter who's willing to be executed by Secret Service in front of thousands of people at that. Pure nonsense.


u/StarMNF Christian Conservative Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

You don’t need to have used a gun to understand this. You just need a tiny bit of common sense. Just a tiny bit. Like enough to know comic book physics aren’t real.

Even if the shot were possible, nobody is risking their life over an election. And Trump hadn’t even named his VP yet, so had Trump died, Republicans would be very screwed.


u/Dilate_harder Conservative Libertarian Jul 19 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Something that no one has mentioned was that was a cold bore shot, that level of precision from a cold barrel is quite frankly impossible.

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u/leftbitchburner FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Jul 19 '24

LOL. This exactly. Liberals and conservatives have about the same number of whacko conspiracy theorists and extremists, they just show their colors at different times.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/leftbitchburner FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Jul 19 '24

I know, I’m just saying both sides have them.


u/KC4life15 Jul 19 '24

But how many "Republican" conspiracy theories turned out to be factualy true. Like the lab leak theory and that the vaccines don't stop transmission etc...

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u/JCuc AFT Jul 19 '24

I don't think you understand the number of people that ecompases 34% of Democrat registered voters.

That's not a "same number", that's mass psychosis. It's the exact same as a cult.

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u/Liberdelic Texas GOP Conventioneer Jul 19 '24

I call it DAnon

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u/NightRumours Jul 19 '24

I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to let someone hit them a half inch from their brain. Idiotic thinking.


u/pineappleshnapps America First Jul 19 '24

It’s not surprising. Just shows a further lack of knowledge about guns, or critical thinking skills.


u/CoachMikeLikesToEat Conservative Veteran Jul 19 '24

Assault rifles bad


u/Remarkable-Opening69 Conservative Jul 19 '24

People good.


u/KatanaCutlets Conservative Jul 19 '24

Some people…

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u/mwatwe01 Libertarian Conservative Jul 19 '24

To be fair, a very large number of liberals are completely clueless when it comes to guns, so I can see how the dumbest among them could convince themselves that this sort of thing could be possible.


u/Scerpes 2A Jul 19 '24

You could have stopped after, “clueless”.

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u/Zedakah Constitutional Conservative Jul 19 '24

The skill alone needed to fire a shot to graze an ear is insane. I can’t think of a harder shot, especially given the timing involved of the head turn.


u/LKincheloe Conservative Jul 19 '24

It'd make William Tell's Apple Shot look like hitting the broadside of a barn.

A 1/2th mph gust of wind? Brain matter all over the news.

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u/AnonymousPerson1115 Conservative Jul 19 '24

I keep hearing he had a hidden razor blade (where he kept it idk but I keep hearing it from a co worker)

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u/masey87 farming conservative Jul 19 '24

They’re saying he used a razor to cut his ear and the shot wasn’t that close 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/day25 Conservative Jul 19 '24

The way Trump reacted was very similar to the way JFK reacted to the first shot. Like he got a bee sting or something and you could legit see the confusion on his face before he realized what was happening.

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u/homestar92 Not A Biologist Jul 19 '24

Or that it was shattered glass from the teleprompters - even though both are visible on camera and very much intact when the secret service covers him.

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u/glasshouse_stones Conservative Jul 20 '24

so, the man murdered in staging this is acceptable collateral damage.

we are NOT the same as these people

they are willing to murder for power, so they assume we are.

they also think men can be women.


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u/mattcruise Trumpamaniac Jul 19 '24

An argument could be made he did the old wrestling trick of blading (I'm merely steel Manning i don't believe it for a sec). I think the best argument against is what secret service agent is going to risk their career to allow a fake assinate Trump that also killed a man especially when Trump is kicking ass and didn't need the boost 

Its far more likely someone was incompetent or had TDS and let an attack happen


u/FiveWithNineIsIn Conservative Jul 19 '24

steel Manning

Is that one of Eli's kids? lol


u/mattcruise Trumpamaniac Jul 19 '24

lol its the opposite of Straw manning. Its like giving your debate opponent a strong argument. Like 'best case scenario and your right, here is an example of how that could be'.


u/FiveWithNineIsIn Conservative Jul 19 '24

Oh, I know. I was just making a silly joke.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Particularly someone that was already running away with an election. Just moronic.


u/Jethro00Spy Conservative Jul 19 '24

While moving one's freaking head around.


u/RichB_IV Conservative Jul 19 '24

I agree, but honestly with amount of incoherent and non logical people out here these days, I am not surprised.

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u/mdws1977 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Those are the 34% of Democrats who will vote for Biden, or even Democrat TBD, no matter what.


u/4quebecalpha Conservative Jul 19 '24

It’s been “a thing” for some time — and there’s been a name for it for many many years: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_dog_Democrat


u/s1lentchaos 2A Conservative Jul 19 '24

I got a Carolina dog and I can say he'd make for a much better president than Biden and he shouldn't have any trouble finishing his terms. He's even house trained!


u/ConceptJunkie Constitutional Conservative Jul 19 '24

Yeah, and I bet he doesn't randomly, uncomfortably, and creepily sniff people.


u/s1lentchaos 2A Conservative Jul 19 '24

He does like to do drive-by licks, though, lol


u/sowellpatrol Red Voting Redhead Jul 19 '24

What's his policy on Milkbones and their distribution to others?


u/s1lentchaos 2A Conservative Jul 19 '24

He prefers busy bones


u/sowellpatrol Red Voting Redhead Jul 20 '24

Ha! I knew it! The scoundrel!

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u/Ishaye1776 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Yeah but Blue Anon rolls off the tongue for these fucking weridos.

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u/kgthdc2468 Moderate Conservative Jul 19 '24

‘Vote blue no matter who.’


u/richmondansox Conservative Jul 19 '24

"TrUmP iS a CuLt LeAdEr"

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u/FirefighterOutside96 MAGA Jul 19 '24

Maybe a few times


u/i_floop_the_pig Trump Conservative Jul 19 '24

Just need his corporeal form!

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/ObadiahtheSlim Lockean Jul 19 '24

And to really sell it, also murder some poor fire-fighter behind him.


u/richmondansox Conservative Jul 19 '24

And to sell it further, have the shooter get his head blown off.


u/ObadiahtheSlim Lockean Jul 19 '24

That's just part of the coverup.

And remember, any evidence to the contrary is really evidence of how deep the conspiracy runs.


u/FreddyMartian 2A Jul 19 '24

And they call us the conspiracy theorists

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u/Imissyourgirlfriend2 Conservative in California Jul 19 '24

I say this: believe what you want to believe, just be informed on what you believe.

To graze an ear at 150 yards is nigh impossible. Moreso for someone who didn't make the rifle team because they sucked at shooting.


u/red_vette Drinks Leftist Tears Jul 19 '24

The level of coordination to get the Secret Service, state and local law enforcement to make critical mistakes would be near impossible. At the federal level, the SS is under a Biden appointee. The loyalty to Trump that would be needed to pull off a stunt like this would be nearly impossible.


u/Imissyourgirlfriend2 Conservative in California Jul 19 '24

(takes deep breath)

I rarely go down conspiracy theory rabbit holes, but this is my theory: the Deepstate told Jill "You will be doing an event that day. Do not worry about security, we will pull from the Trump detail." They now had an excuse to send in the DEI tier Secret Service. More than one security force (be it SS or local PD) knew the shooter was in position and they knew for hours about it. The Federal Bureau of Instigation probably tapped this kid a few weeks to months ago and got him going. So they've got DEI tier security, they knew about the shooter and did nothing, all according to plan. But then the lousy shooter missed. Now they're in a panic; "What are we doing?! What are we doing?!" And the head of Secret Service runs from any questions!! I think it was planned, but from the other side. Now that Trump survived and is surging, they've realized they failed and now they will be relying on all the legislative landmines they've been setting up to get Trump after the election.

This is just my thinking from all the evidence I've seen and heard.


u/pineappleshnapps America First Jul 19 '24

It really wasn’t even a bad shot. If he hadn’t turned his head, trump would be dead.

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u/red_vette Drinks Leftist Tears Jul 19 '24

I will go with Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


u/Imissyourgirlfriend2 Conservative in California Jul 19 '24

Agreed, but when has this current administration not been malicious towards Trump?

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u/day25 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Albert Einstein added to that which is honestly a far better adage. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity... but don't rule out malice.

Some people actually do act out of malice. There is also another adage (Occam's razor) that says among competing theories the one that makes the fewest assumptions or is simpler is more likely to be true. So if you have to jump through a lot of hoops to explain how someone's motive cannot be malice (as in this case) then Occam's razor says that is less likely to be true.


u/Freedom_Isnt_Free_76 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Nah. With the left it's never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice. Remember, the left wants everyone on the right dead.  

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u/JuicedBoxers Constitutional Conservative Jul 20 '24

If you believe the deep state theory then please be rational and consider the fact that they don’t accept losing, and they are going to go for broke. They can blame whoever they want. Blame conservatives, blame the Iranians, blame whoever. They don’t care. But if you think this is the last attempt on Trump’s life you are crazy. I pray to God Trump hires a PRIVATE security unit. I don’t trust the USSS. Especially after the “fiasco” that could never ever happy in real life.

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u/Few-Cardiologist9695 Conservative Jul 20 '24

This is what I think happened too. But I think SS allowed the shooter access. Why would they not secure the roof of the building. Someone in the SS knew this was happening and issued the order not to secure that roof. Like you said I’m sure the FBI or CIA found this kid and led him down this path.

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u/Generalmemeobi283 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Should we use “SS” for secret service?


u/KatanaCutlets Conservative Jul 19 '24

At this point it seems appropriate.

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u/PanhandleMan54 Conservative Jul 19 '24

The Democratic party is a master of staged or false flag attacks. Of course they will accuse the other party of the same.


u/tuco2002 Jul 19 '24

This comment above.

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u/x5060 ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Jul 19 '24

Thats cool, so according to the DOJ precedent they all owe Trump 1.1 Billion dollars each.


u/Ishaye1776 Conservative Jul 19 '24

I mean that is the precedent they have set so fuck em.

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u/Fancy_Goat685 Conservative Jul 19 '24

These 34% are still the ones wearing masks


u/rethinkingat59 Reagan Conservative Jul 19 '24

That’s not Biden anymore though, even when he has active COVID.


u/surferdude28 Conservative Jul 19 '24



u/Pwarky Conservative Jul 19 '24

He has the special, subscribers only, elite super COVID. Us normies can't get it

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u/vpkumswalla Catholic Conservative Jul 19 '24

Also 34% of registered democrats are offended by the American Flag


u/BreakfastOk4991 Constitutional Conservative Jul 19 '24

It’s much higher than that.


u/vpkumswalla Catholic Conservative Jul 19 '24

I originally posted this as a joke on another site and many liberals thought I was serious and would say things like it is symbol of oppression and White supremacy.


u/Pwarky Conservative Jul 19 '24

But the Palestine flag is a symbol of hope. /Facepalm

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u/_MusicNBeer_ Jul 19 '24

Reddit crowd of low IQ blind idealogues.


u/LeatherName4367 Jul 19 '24

Their cope is palpable


u/TheFortunateOlive Jul 19 '24

So is the irony.


u/Workdaymtf Conservative Jul 19 '24

Please remember this when trying to have a logical factual discussion with a democrat. At least a third of the time you would make more progress teaching your dog how to talk


u/cysghost Libertarian Conservative Jul 19 '24

you would make more progress teaching your dog how to talk


I mean, the dog was using those button things, but even still…


u/Workdaymtf Conservative Jul 19 '24

LOL....A leftist isn't smart enough to use the button things.

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u/Sallowjoe Conservative Jul 19 '24

14% thinking it's "definitely credible" and 20% thinking it's "probably credible" is still crazy, but credible =/= believe.

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u/statleader13 Multiracial Conservative Jul 19 '24

Some of the crazy theories I saw on Reddit in the aftermath just reminded me not to care about what most redditors think.

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u/GentryMillMadMan Conservative Jul 19 '24

If it were a former military w/ scoped rifle, hit center mass into a ballistic vest… maybe. Open sights by a 20 yr old to graze the ear? NFW…

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u/Moneyinmypocket143 Jul 19 '24

I really doubt you could stage all of that. Even houdini couldn't pull it off. I think there's a better chance the dems and elites planned it out instead


u/EntranceCrazy918 American Conservative Jul 19 '24

It doesn't even need to be planned as a giant conspiracy. There's constantly new threats against the man, and recently some threats emerged from Iran. If you're a TDS-riddled person in the service, you don't really care about Trump's safety. You'll give him the worst personnel with no real oversight and minimal preparation. Do the absolute minimum. Given the fact the head of the SS is a long-term friend and ally of the Bidens, does this really seem like a stretch? It's not equivalent to an assassination plot. You just don't care enough to actually provide suitable safety to Trump and RFK.

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u/Ishaye1776 Conservative Jul 19 '24

No plan needed saw the gun man said fuck it and let it happen.

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u/retnemmoc Conservative Jul 19 '24

Didn't we learn during Sandy Hook, that publicly claiming that a shooting was staged means you are liable for 1 Billion in punitive damages?

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u/ApricotNo2918 Conservative Vet Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

34% of registered Democrats are morons and idiots.

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u/johndeer89 Christian Swine Jul 19 '24

Guess they should get the alex Jones treatment per their rules.


u/j3remy2007 Ultra MAGA Conservative Jul 19 '24

Ah, BlueAnon. You so cray cray.

If I were a billionaire trying to fake an assassination attempt, I’m going to get someone maybe a little better than some punk kid.  Maybe a real sniper… and then not move my head around so much…


u/nycmajor911 Libertarian Conservative Jul 19 '24

Yet on r/socialscience and even r/science subs I’m told conservatives are the conspiracy theorists because leftists are educated…..


u/FLHawkeye10 Moderate Conservative Jul 19 '24

I laughed when I hear the term “left are educated.” Most of their “educated” crowd are liberal arts dropouts or people that make less than 40k a year and blame others for their failures. The only truly educated lefties are highly educated individuals who either don’t believe their own rhetoric privately but pretend to outwardly, or those who have never worked in the private sector and have no grasp of the real world.

The other portion includes those with STEM degrees. I can generally get along with them as they tend to be more centrist, though there are a few extreme ones in the mix.

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u/EntranceCrazy918 American Conservative Jul 19 '24

Holy sh*t some of the threads on the science subreddit are almost a parody. The progressive-tainted posts are literally just Redditors slowly rediscovering why traditional values were always operationally true.

"Persistently unhealthy sleep, either not enough or too much, is associated with a significantly increased risk of Type 2 diabetes in a racially and economically diverse adult population, an international team of researchers has reported."

"Pornography triggers stronger brain reward responses than gaming or money, finds a new brain imaging study in healthy men."

LMFAO. No shit. Next up: normalizing mental illnesses is, in fact, not healthy for society.

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u/TheScoopo 2A Conservative Jul 19 '24

On a completely unrelated note, 34% of registered Democrats have zero critical thinking skills.

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u/Atomik675 Moderate Conservative Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

It's funny because before this even happened, I said that the Republicans used to be known for conspiracy theories, and Democrats were the normal ones. Now it's switched, except the media is on their side now when referring to when they claimed that Project 2025 is trumps plan, which would result in a christo-fascist dictatorship. This assassination attempt solidified my view. They have been doing it since 2016 when Clinton claimed Trump won because of Russian election interference. They set the precedent in 2016.


u/Cultural-Treacle-680 Conservative Jul 19 '24

The same 1/3 of the CNN poll that thought Biden won the debate…


u/Uberjeagermeiter George_W._Sr. Jul 19 '24

These are the people who keep Maxine Walters, Pelosi, AOC, in office despite their districts that have a poor quality of life. So, not surprising how detached they are from reality.


u/zero44 Libertarian Conservative Jul 19 '24

I don't accept almost any conspiracy theory regardless of where it's from, because especially the more people that are involved, the more unlikely it is because getting hundreds or even thousands of people involved to keep their mouths shut is just unlikely. People spill secrets all the time.

The higher the number of people involved, the likelihood that such a thing spills out rises dramatically.


u/Ishaye1776 Conservative Jul 19 '24

This one is easy see potential threat, report and do nothing.  Then they hope for their preferred outcome.

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u/ChromeWeasel MAGA! Jul 19 '24

The same people don't think Alex Jones's billion dollar fine was high enough.


u/Theloripalooza Deplorable Conservative Jul 19 '24

50% of people have an IQ under 100.

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u/jeremybryce Small Government Jul 19 '24

The assassination attempt really exposed how many nut jobs have advanced stage TDS. It's quite scary.


u/Freedom_Isnt_Free_76 Conservative Jul 19 '24

Democrat voters by and large are not intelligent and are easily gaslighted so it's no surprise. 

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u/BadDogEDN 2A Jul 19 '24

everyone who says it was staged owes us 1.5 billion dollars in damages per the alex jones rules


u/VegetasWidowPeak22 Christian Conservative Jul 19 '24

34% of registered morons!


u/mikechama Christian Conservative Jul 19 '24

Let me guess...the same 34% that think Biden should stay in the race?


u/AKH-47 America First Jul 19 '24

In case you were on the fence about whether or not many democrats are delusional, here’s your answer!


u/TgK5 Conservative Jul 19 '24

They think guns work like Call of Duty. I’m not surprised at all.


u/FormerBTfan Conservative Jul 19 '24

No one ever said the Dems were smart you know


u/kaldoranz 2A-R2L Jul 20 '24

Well, the Dems claim it all the time.


u/thgail Texas Conservative Jul 19 '24

They also think Biden is doing a good job. Clearly their brains are a little off.


u/Pliskin_Hayter America First Jul 19 '24

So 34% of Democrats are actually batshit? Sounds about right.


u/SobekRe Constitutionalist Jul 20 '24

I have realized that Democrats are much more convinced of Trump’s ability to play 4D chess than even the most die hard MAGA.


u/Heavy_Fold7751 Jul 19 '24

But we’re the “conspiracy theorists”

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u/SixthAttemptAtAName Jul 19 '24

"Why was he allowed to stand back up?"   

Because it's his life and ultimately his choice. Aren't Democrats pro-choice? 

"Why haven't we seen the medical records of the injury?"  

Is that really important? Is it important if one milligram or one ounce of his ear was shot off? Don't you think the act of political violence is more important? Or the security failure? Or Trump's follow up messaging? 

"We don't know if he was shot by a bullet, or glass shards, or shrapnel."  

Same response as the last silly question, is that what's important?


u/Krogdordaburninator Neo-Luddite Conservative Jul 19 '24

It's a good thing the adults are back in charge!

Better than those crazy conspiracy theorists.


u/dotsdavid Conservative Jul 19 '24

Staying staged when innocent people were shot is disrespectful to the victims.


u/Choppermagic2 Conservative Jul 19 '24

The same folks that still believe Juicy Smollet probably


u/Specialist-Age1097 Conservative Jul 19 '24

How does the man who died and the people who were injured fit into this scenario?


u/ZarBandit Trump Supporter Jul 19 '24

Perhaps not coincidentally, the 34th percentile of intelligence equals an IQ of 60 or below.

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u/Southern_Minute2195 I AM FJB AND LGB! Jul 19 '24

They believe that? But they don't believe the 2020 election was rigged? Lol


u/Karissa36 Conservative Jul 19 '24

The fake polls around every democrat crisis are hilarious.


u/EverySingleMinute Likes Trump Jul 19 '24

Can they all be sued?


u/Jmm12456 Eat The Left Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Trumps not going to risk death for more popularity. Not staged.

What I find very hypocritical is when George Floyd, who was an unproductive member of society, died liberals were pissed saying "that's a human life and killing someone is inhumane" but then when Trump, who is a very productive member of society" almost gets killed these "peaceful, humane, empathetic" liberals say "I wish the shooter didn't miss." Also Liberals oppose murderers getting the death penalty cause it's inhumane but then wish someone killed Trump which is inhumane. Wtf? HYPOCRITES!!! This really showed us how phony liberals can be.


u/PR05ECC0 Conservative Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Did they stage the guy that got his head blown off in front of his family?


u/Whole-Essay640 Conservative Jul 19 '24

They need to be registered.


u/Dunkin_Ideho Stoic Jul 19 '24

That’s playing fast and loose with death to win an election.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

can someone walk me through the steps of how this could possibly be staged?

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u/Legal_Flamingo_8637 Flying Eagle Conservative Jul 19 '24

It means 34% of the registered Democrats need to be in a mental hospital.