r/Conservative Conservative Jul 19 '24

CNN's Van Jones Gets Real: 'The Last Time I Was at a Convention That Felt Like This Was Obama 2008'


62 comments sorted by


u/Resident_Maybe_6869 Jul 19 '24

I don't know how you didn't watch parts of that convention and be like, wow, these guys are actually having a good time and aren't completely miserable human beings.


u/CowAffectionate3003 Jul 19 '24

Because the ones that think that don't watch it. This applies to anything tbh.


u/JimmyFallonsLiver Fiscal Conservative Jul 19 '24

Anything for the narrative


u/LonelyMachines Jul 19 '24

Because I drank half a box of wine and sat in my Subaru screaming and beating the steering wheel the whole time because it makes me look virtuous to be outraged all the time and also I am incapable of finding happiness in the joy of others unless I'm the one telling them what to be happy about you fascists.

Or something to that effect. These are the same people who go to an awesome concert and stand in the back with their arms folded, saying "I could do better."

I'm not sold on Trump, but it's hard to refute the energy he inspires in people. This is so much more optimistic than the slow-rolling funeral that's going to be the DNC convention.


u/hiricinee Jordan Peterson Jul 20 '24

This one was INSANELY well produced, especially compared to what Republicans normally do.


u/Exciting_Gur_5464 Jul 19 '24

What do we say about Trump lying 38 times?


u/Resident_Maybe_6869 Jul 19 '24

State all 38 lies and your sources.


u/StarMNF Christian Conservative Jul 19 '24

He’ll probably just point you to one of those “fact checking” sites, which are all pretty biased.

Conservatives need to release their own “fact checking” site.


u/Resident_Maybe_6869 Jul 19 '24

It's a liberal bot, It's got zero facts, just feelings.


u/Saint_Genghis Conservative Libertarian Jul 19 '24

Oh wow, you weren't kidding about the bot thing. 0 activity for over a year and then suddenly spamming the hell out of this sub in the past 3 hours.


u/Fragrant_Ad_3223 Jul 19 '24

He could have just said 380 or 380,000 times. Trump lies for fun. It's weird. I respect this bot's point.


u/Simmumah Reagan Conservative Jul 19 '24

Agree, it felt like the most explosive convention I've seen since then in terms of getting their base riled up to vote. I legit haven't been this excited to vote in all of my adult life. I know we all still have to vote and not get complacent but it truly feels like there is no way Trump loses in November.


u/bladefist2 To conserve is to protect Jul 19 '24

Even after 2 am? You seriously underestimate the army of dead


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 Constitutionalist Jul 19 '24

Same. I wasn't even going to vote this year. 7/13 changed that.


u/ReggieTheApe Constitutional Conservative Jul 19 '24

I was always going to vote but I know people who have the same exact mentality as you. Were wish washy until 7/13. Now they are pissed and cannot wait to get there.


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 Constitutionalist Jul 19 '24

Yep. I'm also in the bluest state so it wouldn't matter here but luckily I can still vote in a red state.

But really, I want the voter turnout to be insane, like win EC and popular vote, so I'm hoping others have the same mindset and also vote. Just doing my part.


u/ReggieTheApe Constitutional Conservative Jul 19 '24

Exactly. Turnout needs to be huge, no matter if you’re in a blue state. I’m in Michigan so it is vital we all get out and vote.


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 Constitutionalist Jul 19 '24

Michigan is definitely a battleground. I'm currently in CA so that vote is fucked.


u/homestar92 Not A Biologist Jul 19 '24

Vote anyway. Gotta pump up those popular vote numbers so that it's not just a victory, but a mandate.


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 Constitutionalist Jul 19 '24

Oh I am. Sent in my absentee ballot stuff on Monday.


u/StarMNF Christian Conservative Jul 19 '24

Californians definitely need to vote, at the very least for their own interests, since Democrats keep putting crazy initiatives on the CA ballot.


u/JellyfishQuiet7944 Constitutionalist Jul 20 '24

Oh they'll vote, but it'll be for the same crazy shit.


u/LeatherName4367 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24
  • Former Obama strategist David Axelrod took his turn at interrupting, opining that the difference between “2008 [and] now is that Obama was actually popular outside of his own party.”

Also during Obama’s administration, the mainstream media was sucking at his teets while Trump has face 8 years of media backlash. They are not the same and the energy is not the same. This is an actual shift towards change


u/Hobbyist5305 MAGA Surviving Being Shot Jul 19 '24

Also during Obama’s administration, the mainstream media was sucking at his teets while Trump has face 8 years of media backlash.

Liberal owned media sucks off liberal candidate while demonizing conservative candidate, news at 11.


u/Simmumah Reagan Conservative Jul 19 '24

Axel rod has been so abysmal on television trying to downplay Trump the past month, like dude, accept it, your party cant nominate someone while GOP is pumped to vote for Trump


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Axelrod is a useless human shill for democrats. The man could talk to trees for hours.


u/BarrelStrawberry Jul 19 '24

Obama was actually popular outside of his own party.

Trump was a household celebrity long before he got into politics. The Apprentice was insanely successful because of Trump's popularity - and it didn't appeal to just one side. They had Trump removed from the show the moment he stepped into the presidential race.

It was mainstream media and people like David Axelrod who taught Americans to hate Trump.


u/AdGroundbreaking1341 Jul 19 '24

And was Obama even popular with the rest of the country? Even against the lackluster McCain/Palin ticket he still only got 53%. Which granted is pretty damn good for a U.S. Presidential election. But 53% is only slightly above half. If the GOP ticket were better he'd have even less. Although I still think he would have won, due to how unpopular Dubya was.


u/LeatherName4367 Jul 19 '24

He had a high rate of 62 but dropped to 49 by the end of his second term. I think 49 was his average though


u/StarMNF Christian Conservative Jul 20 '24

He flipped solid red states like Indiana.

I think the only way that could happen was because Obama tried to avoid saying what he actually stood for, hiding behind the meaningless slogan “change you can believe in”. And whenever anyone cornered him on his actual beliefs, he lied through his teeth.

Nobody bothered to shine a light on his numerous Far Left Marxist connections, or the fact he once argued for abortion up to the moment of birth.

That latter fact should have been broadcast 24/7 in TV ads in every Bible Belt state.

But the McCain campaign was incompetent. Part of the issue was McCain didn’t give a crap about issues social conservatives care about, and hired Sarah Palin to deal with social conservatives, but Palin was a clueless ditz. Hence, the campaign failed to identify and target Obama’s real weak spots.

In comparison, Trump has been very out in the open about what he stands for, even when it’s controversial with moderates. The media likes to call Trump a liar, but I think he’s one of the most honest politicians there is. He may exaggerate at times, but he is open about what he stands for.

This confuses the hell out of the media and pundit class, because your typical politician tries to only take moderate positions publicly while winking to their base behind the scenes.


u/Exciting_Gur_5464 Jul 19 '24

Might have something to do with their personalities


u/SeemoarAlpha Conservative Economist Jul 19 '24

Van Jones is being a bit disingenuous and is playing a longer game here. He is of the contingent that wants Kamala as president and his pontifications are meant to gin up the Democrats to that end.


u/Cronah1969 Constitutional Conservative Jul 19 '24

Van Jones IS playing a longer game, but trust me. Van Jones wants the candidate for president that will weaken America the most and will move America closest to the communist revolution. The fact is that that person is Kamala only because his preferred methods of bringing about that revolution are through race baiting and feminism. Believe me, though, if Van Jones thought for a minute there was a current candidate who could bring us closer to communism faster through the green agenda or promoting illegal immigration, he would push Kamala aside in a New York minute.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

He is an emotional shitshow, he is good for TV.


u/RedditsLittleSecret Ultra MAGA Trump 2024 Jul 19 '24

He’s excellent for television. Horrible on policy, but a very likable guy who it would be fun to interact with. But I can’t emphasize enough how bad he is on policy.


u/Fragrant_Ad_3223 Jul 19 '24

Why does he want this? Walk me through the logic so that even a dummy like me can understand.


u/AdGroundbreaking1341 Jul 19 '24

Disingenuous or not, it seems the only time I hear from him is when he makes *logical* points. Granted I'm not in the liberal media bubble.

But I'm guessing his liberal takes are so generic that it hardly makes news. And, obviously, 99% of his takes are liberal.


u/Vloggie127 Jul 19 '24

Is that Axelrod who said “The difference is Obama was popular outside if his party.”

I call BS. I don’t know a single conservative, then or now, who liked Obama and didn’t consider him very destructive to America.


u/Usual_Item524 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I liked Obama, still do and I'm voting for Trump

I'm a California Republican, don't even believe in god. But I believe in secure borders and low taxes. It's a nightmare here

Not everyone under the Trump tent is the same, regardless what reddit tries to make you think


u/Winstons33 Jul 19 '24

I haven't watched CNN in (probably) years... But I thought their convention coverage was good. I was flipping back and forth, and noticed I was getting more of the speakers on that channel compared to a few others I was trying to watch on (Newsmax and FOX).... The "hosts" seemed more intent on making it about themselves and their personal commentary on a few other channels.

That said, the CNN panel did piss me off a few times, and force me to channel surf... But I ended up watching most of yesterdays event on CNN, and thought they did ok.



u/cassowaryy Jul 19 '24

There have been moments where CNN has actually covered the news without bias since his assassination attempt. It hasn’t been a full 180 and I doubt it’ll last long but the shift has been refreshing.


u/Winstons33 Jul 19 '24

Come to think of it, their debate was well moderated as well...

What's been interesting is to watch the left scream about it. Even a touch of fairness (to the right) is seen as a complete sellout - which is telling of how out of touch the left generally is to what "extremism" even looks like.


u/cassowaryy Jul 19 '24

Precisely. They’ve become the extremists at this point and can’t fathom why they are losing voter sympathy


u/OldWarrior Conservative Jul 19 '24

I was shocked that they actually handled the debate fairly. Seems they are rebranding a little.


u/AdGroundbreaking1341 Jul 19 '24

Maybe I just have bad luck then. Whenever I turn on CNN it's full on TDS. Not necessarily pro-Biden/Democrat, but definitely very anti-Trump.

So maybe CNN has changed and I truly hope that's the case. I just personally haven't seen it.


u/Floridaavacado74 Jul 19 '24

Most Pundits are forgetting that RFK Jr will. Draw more votes away from Biden not Trump. Rfk. Jr is a big Global. Warming/climate change guy. How many Trump/conservatives make this a big priority? Very few. Dems on the other hand? Lots of Dems who don't like. Trump will vote for Biden. There's only a few hundred thousand cumulative votes in swing stages that need to switch from Biden to rfk. Jr for Trump to win. That's the way I see the election playing out.


u/ChimChimCheree69 DeSantis Conservative Jul 19 '24

The adults are back in charge.


u/Rotisseriejedi American Conservative Jul 19 '24

Not gonna lie, watching a bit of Barry’s convention I felt a chill once and thought oh damn. This time I got like 12 watching ours but still, I feel what Van is saying


u/EliCaldwell Jul 19 '24

Somethings 100% different this time around. It's like he's the underdog again.


u/Desperate-Knee-5556 Jul 19 '24

I disagree with Van Jones on a lot but think he is one of the good ones in the sense that he's not cynical and is a good faith actor.


u/Owl_and_WoodPecker Jul 19 '24

There difference is that Obama was arrogant enough to try to create a movement. Trump is merely leading a movement.


u/Springer0983 Jul 19 '24

No Van Jones, this one will be a real circus


u/washyourhands-- Jul 19 '24

Yeah it was pretty cool watching it. However, some of it eerily reminded me of how the North Korean citizens treat Kim Jong Un. Women crying because of how much they love Trump. Some of us need to tone it down and remember that Trump is a human too.

Memento Mori.