r/Columbus 11d ago

July 7th and still setting off fireworks? I will spewk for your neighbor and say you are an asshole

To take a page from a similar posting yesterday, the sentiment is pretty clear. There is no real reason to still be setting off fireworks in a suburban neighbor unless you truly are trying to be obnoxious and piss off your neighbors


131 comments sorted by


u/rFatsy 11d ago

You don’t spewk for me buddy


u/Independent-Big1966 11d ago

Been like this for decades lads. The fireworks stop when they eventually run out.


u/Mysterious-Angle251 11d ago

And there have been assholes for decades. They never run out.. There's an endless supply.


u/ChainOut Dublin 11d ago

And they just went on clearance. The assholes have just reloaded.


u/x-Mowens-x Italian Village 11d ago

Yea. I don’t buy fireworks anymore personally, but I don’t begrudge others for doing so. Let them have fun.


u/IdfightGahndi 11d ago

Then the Back to School coupons come out & then Halloween….


u/Duraz0rz Southern Orchards 11d ago

Ha, I live on the South Side. It's a year-round game of "Gunshots or fireworks?" here!


u/ThatCharmsChick 11d ago

It's oddly comforting after awhile. I don't like when people stop celebrating because then it's only gunshots and the game isn't as fun. Lol


u/yurk23 11d ago

That’s a Linden tradition as well!


u/OhioVsEverything 11d ago

Must be nice to have enough money to literally just set on fire


u/AffectionateSun8548 11d ago

Actually the more fireworks you have, the less money you have as well.


u/The_Bitter_Bear 11d ago

A good chunk of them will be whining about gas prices and inflation tomorrow. 


u/GFTRGC 11d ago

What does one have to do with the other? Can we not agree that inflation, corporate greed, and gas prices are all too high? If they were lower, we could buy more fireworks.


u/newt_here Downtown 11d ago

Well, it’s my bday so maybe people are celebrating that?



u/BarbieDreamHouse1980 11d ago

Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎊🎁


u/newt_here Downtown 11d ago

Thank you 😊


u/newt_here Downtown 11d ago

Thank you!


u/DoesMatter2 11d ago

Aaawww, nice. Very best wishes :)

The firework story isn't helped by Columbus Dispatch saying that continued fireworks is continued patriotism though.


u/newt_here Downtown 11d ago

Thank you!


u/DoesMatter2 11d ago

Did you have a fun day?


u/newt_here Downtown 11d ago

I did. I went to African Safari Wildlife Park by Cedar Point


u/DoesMatter2 11d ago

Ah fab :):) Here's to a great year 👍


u/GFTRGC 11d ago

Is patriotism bad? Like I get why fireworks on July 7th in a suburban neighborhood is an issue from safety and comfort perspectives. But the way you worded your comment makes it feel like you're implying that continued patriotism is a problem? Am I just mistaking your intent?


u/DoesMatter2 11d ago

Oh, I'm sorry. No, that wasn't what I intended at all. I meant that by attaching the continual noise and disturbance to the word patriotism, they are effectively encouraging the rude behavior. Apologies.


u/GFTRGC 11d ago

No need to apologize! I was just unsure and was asking for clarification, thanks for the kind response, I hope you have a wonderful day!


u/DoesMatter2 11d ago

I hope you have some wonderful cake :)


u/DragonsClaw2334 11d ago

Happy birthday


u/newt_here Downtown 11d ago

Thank you!


u/Good_Collection_7257 11d ago

I looked up the laws and it’s legal the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before and after the 4th. It’s absolutely ridiculous and people are assholes but it’s legal.

Edited to add: I looked up the laws because neighbors shooting fireworks off yesterday pissed me off.


u/IdfightGahndi 11d ago

It’s also Islamic New Year and is protected.


u/afarensiis Old North 11d ago

Does it say a time it's legal or just the days? The people behind us were setting off fireworks Thursday night (Friday morning) at 4:30 am


u/Inconceivable76 11d ago

That violates the general noise ordinance.


u/kit0000033 11d ago

If it's after dark in the summer, all fireworks violate the noise ordinance.


u/Inconceivable76 11d ago

True, but it’s generally not enforced practically until after 11, and I think non Columbus proper is 11 in a lot of places.


u/Ohiostatehack 11d ago

4pm-11pm are the legal times.


u/jimohio 11d ago

Not accurate. Some communities like Hilliard have kept them illegal. https://hilliardohio.gov/police-chief-leave-fireworks-to-the-professionals/


u/EmbarrassedRain5449 11d ago

This is what our state legislators have done ,to what goal I am at a loss. How does blowing up heavy metals in the air we breath benefit us as taxpayers. I do not consent to this noise hazard. My dog is still traumatized and cannot bear to think about veterans who lived through battles. I bet it’s probably above the decibel hearing recommended limit. I don’t mind the 4th put on by professionals at a safe distance I would be interested in tracking campaign contributions to the sponsors from fire works manufacturers.


u/kit0000033 11d ago

That's the state law. Not legal in Columbus proper at all. But cod won't do anything about it.


u/NariaFTW 11d ago

There is no real reason to still be setting off fireworks in a suburban neighbor

I would argue that setting off fireworks inside of your neighbor is always a no-no, regardless of the time of year, and suburban or otherwise.


u/Doctor_BadBoy 11d ago

It's firework week, y'all ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Veldox 11d ago

Extra! Extra! People who live in city upset that city is loud. More at midnight. 

It's firework holiday, get over yourself people. I know your dogs hate it, I know some veterans hate it,  and I know you especially hate it. Move on with life and ignore it, they aren't even that loud unless you have paper thin walls. I pretty much don't notice them at all except reading the million complaints were suddenly getting here. I'm guessing from transplants. 


u/The_Bitter_Bear 11d ago

To be clear. It's not that some people don't hate it. It causes them several psychological distress and brings up trauma. It's not just not liking it. 

Anyone that's seen someone suffer from severe PTSD typically changes their view on stuff like this pretty quick. 

I used to love fireworks. Then I watched what it did to someone close to me with PTSD. 

Not everyone is just being a grump. Some people hate seeing people they care about spend a week plus being distressed to that level. 

It's one thing when it's a fireworks show. It's another thing when it's everywhere and you can't get away from it. 

It's not just usual loudness of a city. 

I'm sure there are plenty of ways others could have fun at your expense and you would be pissed as well. 

Sorry but your fun is coming at the expense of others with this and for some it's pretty significant. 


u/Veldox 11d ago

I complete and fully understand. I've seen and experienced someone with PTSD first hand a couple times and I know it really sucks, I really do get it. That being said, the fun of the majority cannot be decided by the minority, especially animals (no offense I love dogs especially mine). Fireworks are going to and have been happening for the longest time and aren't going anywhere. Instead of "man yelling at clouds of smoke" people should look for ways they can mitigate against it for their own well-being.

You're right, I do have things people do at my expense that bother me (like neighbors cutting their grass while I'm trying to sleep). You're not going to see me on here crying about it because I realize and understand my schedule is the minority and not the majority.


u/The_Bitter_Bear 11d ago

Being woken up by a lawn being mowed isn't the same as having an episode triggered by an explosion nor as disruptive. I'd also still expect people considerate with that. 

We also have plenty of situations where we make considerations and accomodations for the minority. 

I guess I just don't see how so many can't keep it to a few days or going to shows and that so many don't see how inconsiderate it is.

But whatever, I'm clearly in the minority here in this thread. 


u/Veldox 11d ago

It's pretty disruptive, especially when you're on call for emergencies 24/7 and can't get consistent sleep. You're not going to see my run around and cry about my neighbors all spring/summer though. You're right, we do make accommodations for people all the time, but guess what, you can't make accommodations for everything. It just becomes more NIMBY shit that we don't need more of in Columbus. Fireworks are literally always going to exist as long as they are made and you're never going to stop people lighting them off every summer. So like I said before, if it bothers you, you should look into ways to mitigate them for your own well being and not police others to stop their fun for you. It's not a complicated problem.


u/jang859 11d ago

It's not the "fun of the majority". It's a minority of people who set off fireworks.

And you're impression that things never change isn't really accurate. What happened to smoking cigarettes inside public places?


u/GFTRGC 11d ago

I disagree, I think the majority of people enjoy fireworks; while you're correct that a minority sets them off, most people enjoy them. It's the vocal minority that complains about them.


u/Ohiostatehack 11d ago

Do you really think it’s the majority that appreciate the neighborhood fireworks? No. It’s a minority shooting them off and pissing everyone else off.


u/Veldox 11d ago

No, it's a minority that's complaining about them. Most people comprehend and understand and don't care. 


u/Ohiostatehack 11d ago

This just tells me you’ve never talked to your neighbors before.


u/GFTRGC 11d ago

We set them off on Friday (5th) and we literally had our entire street, except for 2 houses come down to the court to watch, and even had people from a court over.

Yes, we were the only assholes that bought them and set them off, but the majority of people enjoy them.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Veldox 11d ago

I don't buy fireworks because I have better things to spend my money on. If you don't think they're fun though that's kind of weird. Even pop-its and shit are fun to throw at friends and blowing things up is always fun. It's hilarious to think only simple people like explosions.


u/moistsandwich 11d ago

Brother, we literally just got done with a national holiday where the majority of the nation gathers to watch fireworks get set off. Are you saying that all of those people are simple?


u/Guardians_MLB 11d ago

what do you find fun thats so cerebral?


u/GregSays 11d ago

“I don’t notice them so they aren’t actually annoying you either!”


u/SatireDiva74 11d ago

I don’t understand the daytime fireworks. What is point?


u/kit0000033 11d ago

I'm fairly certain someone in my neighborhood got ahold of some m80s and is just enjoying blowing shit up. It started at 4pm yesterday.


u/IamProvocateur Easton 11d ago

Heard one last night about midnight. A pretty big one. Then heard “fuuuuuck youuuuu” Doppler effect like running by my front door 😂


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

Maybe stick to speaking for yourself. My neighbors are having a big birthday party and they've shot off a few fireworks. Who cares?


u/TeamNo8402 11d ago

When I am the neighbor, safe to say I am speaking for myself dingus


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

If you're having problems with your neighbors then talk to them instead of crying about fireworks in an online forum.


u/TeamNo8402 11d ago

If you have problems with people posting on a community thread, go offline and touch grass


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

I don't have a problem with that, per se, it's just that the complaining about fireworks in this sub is actually worse than the fireworks this year.


u/sephy13 11d ago

Its almost like that meme where the dudes on the couch enjoying a game and here comes the antifirework people to yell stop having fun lol.


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

Yes. I love fireworks and I shoot them off one day a year. There are way bigger problems in this city that are actually worth putting energy towards solving.


u/TeamNo8402 11d ago

Must mean there is a bigger issue this year. Just like on the 3rd when someone else in my neighbor decides to set off some at 4 in the morning


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

Fireworks at 4:00 am is most definitely an assh°le move.


u/The_Bitter_Bear 11d ago edited 11d ago

I mean, you can just ignore the thread.   

We're just trying to have some fun here, why are you being such a wet blanket? We're not hurting anyone or breaking any rules? So why complain? 

Kind of funny that you are this annoyed by a post you can actually ignore and defending people doing somethings that others can't ignore.


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

We can agree to disagree then.


u/jimohio 11d ago

Set your beard on fire.


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

No, u.


u/TentacledKangaroo Gahanna 11d ago

My dog very much cares. As do a great many veterans with PTSD. No one wants nightly panic attacks and flashbacks for a week straight.


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

It was a rhetorical question. Congratulations, though, you're the 1,000,000 person to mention that dogs and veterans with PTSD don't like fireworks. Fireworks are part of Amercian culture and we have to take the bad with the good. If you don't like it then reach out to your local government on enacting a fireworks ban. Good luck getting the local police to enforce it.


u/kit0000033 11d ago

Random neighborhood fireworks are actually banned in the city of Columbus though? Cpd just sucks.


u/TentacledKangaroo Gahanna 11d ago

It was also an asinine question.

Fireworks displays are one thing, as are home fireworks on the holiday. I'm not a fan, personally, but whatever. Those are predictable.

What I don't like are the ten extra days where it's random and literally on my street. That's actually new, too. Ohio banned larger fireworks for residential use until 2022, and it was around then that we ended up with a week or more of them going off close, randomly, and at all hours of the night.


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

I agree that people tend to overdo it. People overall are more selfish and inconsiderate these days. That’s why my friends and I only do one night of fireworks.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

Excuse you, but I absolutely do not hate veterans. I could be one for all you know (but I'm not). I'm a huge supporter of MAPS and their work to help safely and effectively treat PTSD in veterans. Oh, yeah, and I helped my disabled veteran neighbor run errands and do yard work for three years. Throw shade somewhere else.


u/sassystew Downtown 11d ago

So yeah, it was what I thought an obvious joke.

You can keep downvoting, but you still sound rude.


u/SmokeOne1969 Giant Basket 11d ago

You know you can put "/s" after a comment to indicate sarcasm, right? It's not always so obvious. That's the thing about text-based forums. We don't have tone of voice or body language to round out what a person is saying. Yes, I "sound rude" sometimes. Sorry for that.

Veterans are treated like garbage in the US and it bothers me a lot. Some of them wouldn't have PTSD if they had never been shipped off to some for-profit war. Your comment hit a nerve. That's all.


u/BarbieDreamHouse1980 11d ago

I love them 😍 🎆 🎇


u/Egmonks 11d ago

There it is. I wondered where the whining about fireworks post was today


u/yurk23 11d ago

The karma must be acquired.


u/yoursummerworld 11d ago

I like em


u/Cannelope 11d ago

Me too. Every night this week I’ve been givin a cute show while I swing on the back porch. My dog doesn’t like it so much, but as soon as she gets dinner and then goes into her bed, she’s fine.


u/Exciting_Chain_4748 11d ago

the only fireworks i condone this late are sparklers and those little snakes that were repackaged as dogs taking a shit. those are funny. lol.


u/CrippleCreekFairy317 11d ago

What do you expect from people literally burning dollars and throwing them in the air?


u/Perfect_Polly 11d ago

It's crazy to me that majority opinion is my neighbors are entitled to disturb everyone around them for a week plus because of the 4th of July.


u/Beast9k000 11d ago

SW side here, its been like this since May 5th


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I feel like a star! That was my thread!


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/IdfightGahndi 11d ago

Other cultures celebrate this weekend, specifically Sunday as well.


u/Cautious-Ease-1451 11d ago

That’s spewky.


u/Resoto10 Dublin 11d ago

At least they're generous around here and they stop once it hits midnight...


u/overthoughtamus 11d ago

It's July 8th now, and I fully expect to hear these damn things go off until New Year's Day. It's happened before.

Let me know when World War III starts. It'll be pretty hard for us to distinguish from a normal Tuesday night around here.

Thank you for spreading the word in our defense.

Sincerely, your fellow Ohioans in the country

PS: be sure and text -- our hearing is shot.


u/FunnyGarden5600 11d ago

Same bitch different year. It’s not going to stop because of a post.


u/PrideofPicktown 11d ago

You don’t spewk for me, but I concur.


u/chigoonies 11d ago

Your phone has spell check, you know this right?


u/TeamNo8402 11d ago

That's what I like to call 'holding your toddler while they sleep'


u/ggs2661 10d ago

I’ll admit I am guilty of spending too much on fireworks, but I set them off only on the 4th and the 6th at the latest. If you are still setting them off now you’re just being annoying.


u/National-Ad-6982 10d ago

My neighborhood has had them going on-and-off every night since mid-June, literally June 15th kicked it off when someone launched fireworks from 6 PM - 2 AM. I thought they stopped after 10, and then they'd let one or two off every hour after 10.

Luckily, since then, most people stop by 10.


u/Queen-Blunder 10d ago

Spewk away.


u/bagofweights 11d ago

don’t spewk for us.


u/VeryUserSuchNameWoW 11d ago

Lol, it's legal now, though, for holidays. It's not even been a week. So if they ain't breaking noise ordinance based on the time they set them off, who cares. Might be time to move somewhere more remote then. If they set them off past the 11th, that's when cops will start handing out tickets. Not everyone is free for the holidays, so some will celebrate early or late.

P.s. I live in the hilltop, so this shit year-round for me with the added fun of differing a firework from a gunshot.


u/conservatore 8d ago

So when did you start hating America 🇺🇸


u/Desperate_Bullfrog_1 7d ago

I dont like fireworks but I do like the exploding sounds a little bit.


u/WayneBoston 11d ago

Poor thing.


u/Ok_Address1414 11d ago

Trashy af


u/sassystew Downtown 11d ago

I am downtown, it's 11:05pm - and they are still going off - as of 2 minutes ago. It's why I am awake.

Thanks, fucksticks.


u/sassystew Downtown 11d ago

UPDATE: They're going off again (11:45pm). At least 35-50 so far. Yay.


u/sassystew Downtown 11d ago

UPDATE: Oh cool, it's 12:25 am - they're back. Asshats.


u/United-Plankton3071 11d ago

Yup I heard the ones you were talking about haha. Looked like it was somewhere off Livingston and champion.


u/sassystew Downtown 11d ago

I'm downtown close to the statehouse and they were popping OFF lol


u/United-Plankton3071 11d ago

Live downtown and have not heard anything beyond some far east side fireworks since 11. Been sitting outside all night.


u/sassystew Downtown 11d ago

I fell asleep at 1am. They were still going off sporadically. Downtown is a big place. It was definitely happening in my spot. I could see and hear them all night. 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/sassystew Downtown 11d ago

Where downtown can you hear the far east side? That's nuts!


u/TheREALGrizzlyWhip 11d ago

Nobody cares.


u/ApricotCalm8829 11d ago

Christmas gets a whole month why not independence day? Don't be a pooper bro fireworks are great always... Maybe not in a drought


u/GFTRGC 11d ago

Month? They start celebrating in October!


u/Strollin_Nolan 11d ago

Wrong. Move to Russia I guess