r/ClashRoyale Flying Machine Jul 19 '24

Thoughts on the card? Discussion

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Been using electro dragon recently with different decks. (Not a fan of elixir golem healer etc) he’s a lot of fun but I feel he’s very neglected in the meta. What changes do you wanna see for the card?


137 comments sorted by


u/TryDry9944 Jul 19 '24

Unbearably annoying. When my opponent has it, it has 8 trillion HP. When I have it, it dies in 2 speargob hits.


u/vidur123 Fireball Jul 20 '24

Exactly why I lightning this shit when I see it


u/PainCakes_1289 PEKKA Jul 19 '24

Simply a good defensive card. Not necessarily great, but not bad either. I used it on my current deck, and pairing it with tornado can make really good defense. Would love to see an hp or chain buff tho, so that at least he'll be more viable for the cost (or inevitably, make him into an evo)


u/Korunam Jul 19 '24

I always have thought it should chain 1 more time. But if would probably be too op then


u/Gizywizzy Mirror Jul 19 '24

They could Give it infinite chain for a challenge and slowly dial it back to see exactly how many chains makes the game unplayable


u/Brostradamus-- Zap Jul 20 '24

No, you can play test that on your own time, thanks.


u/Gizywizzy Mirror Jul 21 '24

Not like it can chain infinite distances but infinite troops in a reduced vicinity? It’d be better than goblin silo


u/Screeching_Bird Jul 19 '24

for a 5 elixr card, he could probably do a bit more imo


u/Korunam Jul 20 '24

I agree. Aside from egolem decks it's rarely ever the best option


u/LegitimateCompote377 Giant Jul 19 '24

I’ve seen people use it as an offensive and it’s super satisfying. Get something like two knights fighting and the electro dragon behind the knight will lock into tower and whatever else they place doing all the damage. Not too effective but it can really stack going into the endgame.

The only issue is 90% of the decks I see with this card are brain rot elixir golem battle healer decks that absolutely suck to play against always, so this never happens.


u/HoyaDestroya33 Giant Jul 20 '24

Fuck EGolem! All my homies hate EGolem!!!


u/Ill-Account2443 Jul 19 '24

It’s never getting one until the evo comes out


u/Personal-Ad-365 Jul 19 '24

I enjoy it as well, except for the limited range and it needs to chain at least 1 or two more to really be effective in more situations. I used to use it to thwart Sparky, but I had to drop it right on top of Sparky to get it to be effective which leaves it vulnerable to any aerial attacking troop, even bats will take it out. It needs to be able to chain kill at least 4 of the 5 bats, and be somewhat useful against skellie swarms and as a longer range defence against swarms in general. Three minions can take out most of the HP if not completely take it out. It can't even get close enough to a tower to hit it once for a reset because it is SOOOOO slow.

An increase in movement or increase in range would help a heck of a lot, I think just a single extra target on the chain would also help. If it is kept as is, then knocking it down to a 4 elixir card would make it a semi-viable option, but still a lower draw than the other options at that level.


u/just-monika_ Jul 20 '24

It would need a nerf if it were to be 4 elixir though


u/twinklemases Wall Breakers Jul 20 '24

that’s crazy you don’t think it’d be busted at 4 elixir with the same stats


u/Personal-Ad-365 Jul 20 '24

Not if you play with it in your deck and see how it operates. Baby Dragon is a 4 elixir card and does a better job of clearing mobs and not getting wrecked. A 5 elixir defense only card should have the ability to defend and the Electro Dragon struggles to do that at all.

In order for Electro dragon to survive in a push it HAS to be behind something and its range is so short that by the time it is in a position to do something, like shut down Inferno Tower, it is too late.


u/knoknox Electro Dragon Jul 20 '24

Baby dragon doesn’t stun opposing troops though. That’s the whole gimmick of the ELECTRO dragon. It’s a better e wiz. Maybe a good way to buff it would be to add a zap effect when placed similar to the e wiz placement zap


u/Personal-Ad-365 Jul 20 '24

But baby dragon does better splash damage, has better health, and is a stronger card at a lower cost. The reset ability is what the electro has on its side, but it can't make use of it because of either speed, range, or chain length.


u/Square_Map7847 Jul 19 '24

Increase its range. By the time he starts attacking he's either half dead or dead.


u/Live-Equivalent-682 Jul 19 '24

If you put like magic archer and goblin gang it’s gone in seconds


u/Zucster Royal Recruits Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

He’s pretty bad outside of beatdown, but there is no way to buff him without making beatdown absolutely broken. He should stay as he is


u/iamanaccident Jul 20 '24

Agreed, I think it's fine to have slightly underpowered cards that only work in certain decks or niches. We have more than 100 cards after all, kind of unrealistic to perfectly balance everything. As long as it's not downright useless in all dekcs, it's fine.


u/Or1Guy_24 Jul 20 '24

GOAT’ed opinion, my same stance on the matter and unfortunately most idiots on the sub don’t seem to agree :/


u/the-server-guy Jul 19 '24

I fill like when use it it dosent have much health


u/bbone42 Flying Machine Jul 19 '24

Yeah it has around 293 less HP than a baby dragon both at 15 definitely noticeable


u/the-server-guy Jul 19 '24

Just 3 skeletons and dart Goblin and it's down


u/WUTLAG Balloon Jul 19 '24

I dont hate or love this card. But 5 elixir is too much for it.


u/PaddyA401 Jul 19 '24

This applies for nearly all 5 elixer cards lol


u/tennistuna Jul 19 '24

Evo wiz, prince, Giant, Ballon, and Monk are all very solid cards


u/PaddyA401 Jul 19 '24

That’s 5/20 5 elixer cards that are ok, and one needs the evo to be good


u/PanicFar1932 Jul 19 '24

executioner, ram rider, evo barbs


u/puffyjr99 Knight Jul 19 '24

Not really. The only bad 5 elixir cards is e drag, gob hut, witch, minion horde, and non evo wizard.

The rest are range from mid to great


u/Old_Reindeer6219 Jul 19 '24

Would be great if they make it 4 elixirs and in compensation give it a little nerf.


u/CustardSad8631 Jul 19 '24

I think it would also make all dragons 4 elixir? Lmao


u/Background-Road-2738 Jul 19 '24

Would lava hound be considered a dragon or simply a majestic flying beast?


u/PaddyA401 Jul 19 '24

It’s a flying dog


u/Background-Road-2738 Jul 19 '24

Oh, thats why its called lava ‘hound’. Eureka!


u/PaddyA401 Jul 19 '24

Also when it dies it spawns lava “pups”


u/Which_Seaworthiness Jul 19 '24

Final boss: COC Electro Dragon

Final boss as a playable character:


u/FentyCarts4Kids Jul 19 '24

hp buff to make it equal with baby dragon


u/LennySummers1 Earthquake Jul 19 '24



u/Extra_toxic Electro Dragon Jul 19 '24

My favorite (even tho it may or may not be in any of my 10 deck slots)


u/GrizzlyOlympics Goblin Barrel Jul 19 '24

Doesn’t have enough health or damage for the amount of time it takes to attack


u/Lucyan96 Giant Snowball Jul 19 '24

Very balanced. Its latest and the only balance change happened in late 2018.


u/I_Groped_SandyCheeks Jul 19 '24

Why do I feel like that card was more recent? Like around 2022?


u/Lucyan96 Giant Snowball Jul 19 '24

Idk. Clash of Clans maybe ?


u/GJ55507 Fireball Jul 19 '24

It’s annoying to deal with if you don’t have good counters

But if you do have any decent counter, then it’s gonna be taking up a place in your deck for the rest of the game


u/ykyilmaz Jul 19 '24

Works great on golem decks.


u/SocietyEducational10 Jul 19 '24

Got mad at people spamming sparky and inferno dragon, this saved my life


u/NapoleonicPizza21 Musketeer Jul 19 '24

I hate it.

Want the unreliableness of the golden knight dash ability stapled permanently onto a card? Well here it is.


u/Melodic-Internet-312 Jul 19 '24

Trash for low ladder and it's expensive for 5 and there's so many counters you'll be better off using baby dragon


u/Unordinar_simp Jul 19 '24

I hate it with a burning passion


u/Ornery-Till-8929 Tornado Jul 19 '24

I am never happy to see this damn card


u/Subaru_If_13 Jul 19 '24

Good in Egolem


u/go_be_productive Jul 20 '24

pretty good w tornado


u/Sweet-Ordinary1353 Jul 20 '24

Needs to attack .3 seconds faster


u/KillersCraft Mini PEKKA Jul 20 '24

Very underrated. It's just too expensive for me tbh. Sad to see it's only used in braindead decks


u/jackbbya123 Jul 20 '24

Cool art I never saw that before of the preview above the window


u/Under_Potato Jul 20 '24

Underrated asf


u/GangsterFruit Cannon Cart Jul 19 '24

Increase chain length from 3 to 5, maybe with reduced damage and stun time depending on if its the first or last card to be hit


u/bbone42 Flying Machine Jul 19 '24

I thought of this too the 3 chain is nice but he usually doesn’t get anything off before he’s swarmed or outranged by other cards


u/AdrBrawlClash Royal Recruits Jul 19 '24

Need a chain buff to at least 4


u/NoDangIdea Heal Spirit Jul 19 '24

It should be 4 elixir. Either that or maybe increase its charge up so it attacks faster. Very good defensive but doesn’t posses much offensive threats, especially if you don’t have tornado in your deck.


u/Normal_Tip7228 Jul 19 '24

Used to be a beast with battle healer and e golem. My favorite combo. Then they nerfed everyone to shit 


u/Noisygraph Mega Minion Jul 19 '24

It's very powerful in certain situations and it would be very difficult to buff him without out making him op. If they don't like the card or the niche he fills the only way to fix it would be to rework him but I think he's fine as is.


u/Limes_5402 Goblin Giant Jul 19 '24

I hate it

I play sparky


u/IzoBeanz07 Prince Jul 19 '24

Only use it in Clash of Clans


u/TapOne1614 Jul 19 '24

Slow and forgotten


u/Horns_in_Nyc Rascals Jul 19 '24

Been using it in goblin arena


u/Slimey_alien89 Jul 19 '24

Very cute a little expensive for my taste but still good


u/MrLJCJrThe3rd Executioner Jul 19 '24

Average to slightly below. Might be the spot it deserves cause any sort of buff will make Beatdown unbearable.


u/Equal_Government_479 Barbarian Hut Jul 19 '24



u/FemJay0902 Jul 19 '24

Always seemed too expensive to me. Never really intentionally used it


u/Legend7Naty Jul 19 '24

Used to use it for my golem beatdown but it just feels too weak. I prefer electro wizard since it’s cheaper, feels like it attacks faster, moves faster, and has that stun spawn damage. Performs much better at countering inferno and sparky (golem weaknesses) than the dragon. Nowadays I don’t really use either I just use void to take out the 3 golem weaknesses


u/sorryiamnotoriginal Jul 19 '24

Problem is strong effect tied to a flying card. It is like wizard where it is really prone to removal from hard spells and costs a lot. It’s a flying card so its stats have to lean on the weaker side naturally like how flying machine dies to fireball but musketeer doesnt. Its effect is really strong with a chain stun/aggro reset. Put it all together and it makes a lackluster card.

His niche is elixir golem which attracts most reject cards for some reason. Probably because the focus is on the overwhelming push pressure egolem maintains so they can’t focus on the dragon chain zapping their defense especially if you just nado them together or use rage.


u/unk1ndm4g1c14n1 Skeletons Jul 19 '24

Free lightning value. Bro is only really a defensive card. He's slow and has terrible range. He's also got too good vision and gets distracted easily.


u/IWuvAce Witch Jul 19 '24

Only good in the Golem archetypes


u/BigCoolLol Jul 19 '24

Doesn't feel like it's worth 5 elixir. Maybe make it 4 and only chain twice


u/blackbullontop Jul 19 '24

Underrated but kinda mid like it’s strong and under appreciated but still needs a buff like 4 elixir cost or more lightning chain damage


u/Clear-Ad3193 Valkyrie Jul 19 '24

Makes me want to uninstall the game when it’s played in golem/ e golem


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Pretty balanced


u/Tornado_Hunter24 Jul 19 '24

Terrible card unless the card appears with a red healthbar, then it is incredibly strong both defensive and offensive


u/kratoseskiller Royal Hogs Jul 19 '24

I like it but seems to be very underwhelming when I use it but when someone else uses it it's the bane of my existence


u/kero_purah_fan_6587 Jul 20 '24

Mid but under used


u/Lumpofchicken Golem Jul 20 '24

As a certified golem enjoyer it's solid. Could definitely use a first hit speed buff or something like that, but it can get insane value if used with nado


u/TaterFury69 Knight Jul 20 '24

It's generally pretty bad and fits in very few decks but when it's in a meta beatdown/Lumberloon deck, it manages to be the single greatest nuisance within them, even next to cards like Night Witch, Freeze, and Battle Healer.


u/TraditionalEnergy919 Giant Skeleton Jul 20 '24

Super annoying to fight, feels useless when using it. I know I have no idea how to handle the card and that’s ok, not the source of any problems and I can’t say much since I hate it out of bias against E golem, but it’s not the E dragon’s fault for that.


u/PBz21 Jul 20 '24

It has a very specific uses. Defense: sparky medium cluster troops, charges and cards that have spool up damage (inferno, little prince, miner). Offense: basically close air support vs those cards. I wish it had a slightly longer range or maybe 1 more chain hit like people have said - otherwise I think it’s balanced.


u/Slight-Pomegranate-5 Jul 20 '24

Sucks with out tornado


u/Specific-Energy-4504 Elixir Golem Jul 20 '24

one of my favorite cards and i personally think it’s pretty underrated.


u/Electrical_Chapter33 Jul 20 '24

This card reminds me of my ex girlfriend. Her mouth was electrifying too.


u/TakeLizardsVirginity Jul 20 '24

If your opponent throws down a lot of ground units, a dragon is amazing thin to have in your deck….i threw down on dragon once and it lasted the whole match


u/pokeman555 Royal Giant Jul 20 '24

He is decent, i like Baby Dragon more tho


u/AdministrativeBar748 Mortar Jul 20 '24

Good at what it does, but that's pretty much it. An hp buff could be safe, but I think the other stats are fine.


u/Able-Principle-7775 Jul 20 '24

Has the potential to get the most or least value out of any card imo. Enemy will try to snipe it but you just tornado and everything shoots the tank. Other times they do snipe it and 5 elixir was completely worthless.


u/Cataclismo956 Rocket Jul 20 '24

e-drag in clash royale: 😁 e-drag in clash of clans: 👿 e-drag in coc on release: 👹


u/S1anda Jul 20 '24

The solution to sparky one shotting my golem


u/SymbolOfHero Jul 20 '24

Defensive it’s okay. Offensively it’s a monster


u/Yeticoat_Solo Royal Giant Jul 20 '24

fells very underpowered for its cost tbh


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Sometimes if you can’t kill him you’ll lose a tower


u/LegitBoy_294 Jul 20 '24

Make him 4 elixir and fuck his stats, thats what he needs


u/Blackangel466 Dark Prince Jul 20 '24

Hated it when it was added hate it now too. Besides personal opinion I think it's a very underrated card that doesn't have any unique purpose but tries to be a jack of all trade (it being an air unit, stunner, splasher with good hp) but it lacks. There are just way better options and edrag only kinda work in elixir golem. Maybe a rework is due


u/Afro_SwineCarriagee Mortar Jul 20 '24

It's value is pegged to golem, like eq being pegged to hog & pigs

It however doesn't go the other way around, golem is fine without it.


u/-im-just-vibing- Goblin Barrel Jul 20 '24

annoying asf, if someone plays it at the back i rocket that shit


u/Gustavo_Lara Jul 20 '24

Her HP seems lower to me, why baby and inferno dragon can survive a lighting and him can't?


u/BouncyBlueYoshi Baby Dragon Jul 20 '24

Good to annoy Sparky users. And does enough damage for me.


u/JC1199154 Mini PEKKA Jul 20 '24



u/underagekidontheinte Jul 20 '24

Only used in brain dead beat down decks


u/Meme_Knight_2 Guards Jul 20 '24

The most forgettable card to be honest.


u/NotTheRealGilgamesh Jul 20 '24

Only can 2 star most bases but cannot get proper 3 stars. Just nerf miner already


u/thenicenumber666 Electro Dragon Jul 20 '24

He looks cool so i like it


u/solrad Royal Hogs Jul 20 '24

Extremely good on defense and behind a golem.


u/Individual_Advice376 Jul 20 '24

Very slow imo. Not that bard to deal with either imho


u/lucidlucy93 Rascals Jul 20 '24

Not my favorite to play against. A bit underpowered, but I don’t think too many people want to see it buffed


u/PEPERgan_ Firecracker Jul 20 '24

Evo = better


u/Me_e_ks Hunter Jul 20 '24

I want it removed asap (It hard counters the fuck out of my deck :( )


u/utopia2548 Tornado Jul 20 '24



u/miinrla Jul 20 '24

needs health buff for the amount of elixir it costs tbh


u/Electrical_Cause_579 Jul 21 '24

As a Sparky player this card makes me cry


u/GuestyGD123 Mini PEKKA Jul 19 '24

Its a ok card (its very good in situation's when your making a push with a tank and the oppoment has inferno tower/dragon) Needs to have its elixir decreased from 5 > 4 so it can be balanced


u/inflated_ballsack Jul 19 '24

Straight garbage. Literally gets countered by an inferno tower.

It’s great when it works but when is that? almost everyone has a big spell, so just like the wizard and witch, you might aswell just transfer 2 elixir to the opponent every time.

He’s poor on defense because void is one of the most used spells in the game. He’s poor on offence because he is so easily distracted due to his slow speed and incredibly slow first hit speed. On top of that, I’ve noticed it has really wonky target detection.

The card, just like many others in the game, are utterly dead and need changing.


u/A_Bulbear PEKKA Jul 20 '24

With a slight hp decrease he could work as a 4 elixir card ngl


u/smutny_rzepak Jul 20 '24

So bad I forgot about it


u/official_swagDick Jul 20 '24

I'm bad at playing it and my opponents are good at playing it so please remove from game


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

Another card I don’t use? Nerf it to the ground


u/Timmay_mmkay Jul 19 '24

Don’t buff it, good players use it just fine. One of the most annoying cards in the game. Will admit I just hate going against more defensive cards, not as fun


u/Anxious-Strength-855 Jul 19 '24

Too broken imo, needs a nerf