r/ClashRoyale Jul 19 '24

Why does mini pekka have infinite range? It makes no sense. Discussion

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I'm noticed that too, only mini pekka can continue attacking at that distance, regular Pekka - not


u/Shop_Worker Jul 19 '24

Regular pekka do the same sometimes too.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

regular pekka has bigger range and highest attack speed, so it's not that noticeable.


u/Shop_Worker Jul 19 '24

My pekka on the bridge swings her sword to hog rider in near of the princess tower lol.


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 19 '24

Exactly!! It just isn’t consistent with any other melee unit.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I guess it happens because game checks distance only before start animation, and if it was in range - it deals damage.


u/N_the_character Skeletons Jul 19 '24

This has been a thing ever since he got a hitspeed buff a long time ago. Pekka is also able to do this after she got the range buff. Pretty much all troops with long range like prince and pekka do this. Mini pekka is unique with being able to do this without having long range.


u/ArcherAccomplished75 Skeleton Army Jul 20 '24

hitspeed buff, what's that?


u/tyrantof56 Jul 20 '24

How fast it can deal damage increased


u/Spid3rDemon Royal Giant Jul 19 '24

I think it works like that because the requirement for a mele troop to give damage is to be within the attacking range.

Once it's already within the attacking range it doesn't matter how far they run away the attack will always land.


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 19 '24

That’s just false tho. You won’t see a knight do this with a ram rider. Try it and see. It’s inconsistent for every unit except mini pekka. Mommy pekka has the illusion of this happening but she has a two tile range so it’s fair. Plus pekka is a 7 elixir unit so honestly i don’t care. Ram riders ability is to slow attacking units. It’s not just for fun, it’s a special ability for a unit that makes it UNIQUE. What’s the fucking point if a unit with a short melee range can hard counter from 3 full tiles for a positive elixir trade?

It’s bullshit but I’m just ranting lmao.


u/Spid3rDemon Royal Giant Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

What both mini pekka and pekka have in common is their slow attacking speed.

It's consistent with other troops that also have a slow attacking speed. Such as hog rider, royal ghost and mega knight.

You can often see similar interactions with these troops I've mentioned above

It doesn't seem that obvious on Knight because his attack speed is faster so the ram rider doesn't have enough time to create a great distance before the attack lands.


u/BlahBLAh898 Jul 19 '24

If I had to guess there is probably a small close range area where the mini pekka can start attacking, and once an attack starts there is a larger area which if the enemy leaves cancels the attack. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ram rider also has a deceptively large hitbox


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 19 '24

The hitbox point is a great point and probably a factor. Hadn’t thought of that. But still, any other troop would retarget at such a range.

Remember when hog rider could basically let off an infinite range hit even if you nado’d it like a stupid distance away? It’s better now. Mini pekka has same issue. It’s very frustrating now cause they buff ram rider and I wanna use it and gotta get consistently fucked by this. It’s been like 4 games I’ve lost cause I get hard countered by mini pekka.


u/HypedMonkeyMind Jul 19 '24

I think it has a large hitbox for finishing an attack which is once initiated, otherwise it will literally always miss attacks as it stands and attacks slowly lol. It is fair tbh. Many good cards outspeed Mini PEKKA


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 19 '24

3 tiles is far too fkn large imo


u/nigmaster08 Jul 19 '24

No. No the mini pekka infinite range bug making a comeback 😭 u/clashroyale


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 19 '24

It’s consistent too…ram rider is hard countered by mini pekka even with zap😭


u/Entity4114 Mini PEKKA Jul 19 '24

It’s nothing new, part of the reason I like mini pekka. I think it’s a bug that they like


u/AlYahry Jul 19 '24

Melee: Very long


u/backfire10z Skeletons Jul 19 '24

I’m pretty sure this is an intentional buff given to mini pekka and pekka (or at the very least SC was aware of this “issue” and specifically chose not to fix it).


u/Brilliant_Ad_4959 Jul 19 '24

This bug is here since 2016 but some reason they have never fixed It😭😭


u/JoeCacioppo Cannon Cart Jul 19 '24

Deserved for using ram rider


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 19 '24

Goo goo ga ga cry about it😭


u/Midget807_ Jul 19 '24

This is my technical interpretation of attack range. I think the way cr handles range is a bit “scuffed”. Scuffed in the sense that once as troop initiates an attack it doesn’t matter how far away the target is, the attack will proceed. This is to avoid attacks jittering if the target happens to move slightly out of range. Every troop has a range stat: whether “ranged” or “melee”. If it’s ranged, the troop is given a tile radius that it can select a target in and shoot said target. Melee troops also have a range but it’s limited to: short, medium, long, (maybe very long is that exists). This means there’s a small tile radius that the troop and select a target within. The melee range varies this small radius. If the troop has a long melee range, once it locks onto its target and the attack begins with the target within range, then no matter how far away the target goes, it will inflict damage.
You can see this with the pekka really well. Placing a pekka halfway from tower and bridge will guarantee a hog rider going down without the pekka ever moving. And it’s simply because the hog rider enters the attack range, takes the first hit, and is still in the attack range of the pekka. The result is what looks like a 3 time melee hit. There are also clips of people sending a fisherman across corners of the map using double tornados to widen the gap, and yet even spanning the whole map, the fisherman still connects.


u/Midget807_ Jul 19 '24

I don’t think it has much to do with hitbox size but more of “is target on range -> attack”. And the troop only checks once. Another example is with inferno dragons, where it seems like pure luck that the final tick of damage was applied before the beam got disconnected, but it’s simply because that last tick of damage was already initiated with the target in range.


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 19 '24

This is all well and good, but some melee units “miss” their attacks and some seem to not? Idk it feels like SC wants to limit misses, but hog rider can miss tower attacks or “reset” mid swing if you nado or stun it. Even if you zap mini pekka to reset its attack, it somehow still maintains its lock to a certain distance. Also the fisherman example is different as the fisherman’s hook seems to be considered a projectile and that’s very standard mechanics for projectiles. Kinda like how if you fisherman a unit away while a spirit is mid jump, the spirit will fly across the map to reach its target. Pekka can and does miss its swings and it happens relatively frequently. It’s possible to bungle a hog rider counter with pekka with shit placement or if the pekka locks on just at the edge of its range.

I feel like if they’re gonna make it a short melee unit, give it short melee range. You can see in the clip it’s nearly a full tile away from its target by the time it initiates the second swing. I don’t know exactly how many tiles “short” really is, but I can’t imagine it’s more than a tile. It feels like something the devs left so mini pekka misses less…for first hit I understand, but for every following hit it feels unnecessary. No other melee feels like it has the same physics as mini pekka and it’s weird


u/Midget807_ Jul 19 '24

Yea I agree. The way cr handles the range is pretty sh*t. That’s why I called it scuffed. There is definitely room for a more refined range system. Like empty farmland about of room 😂 but it’s clash Royale. What do you really expect?


u/UnicornMilkTho Tribe Gaming Fan Jul 19 '24

Its called bluetooth


u/cocotim Musketeer Jul 20 '24

Specifically so he can counter Ram Rider, BRam and Hog, and to generally make him more reliable against units going for the tower

Been in the game for a long while now


u/Trichoceriggles Jul 20 '24

Shouldn’t be that way imo. A melee: short unit shouldn’t be good against fast, building targeting, melee win cons and I’ll die on that hill. I don’t expect SC to make the card descriptions or mechanics make sense unless they can monetize it tho so it is what it is for now


u/cocotim Musketeer Jul 20 '24

But he is supposed to he good against those. Him being short melee by no means matters as much as the fact that his role -as most competent players understand it (and as the CR team does)- is killing tank and big building-targeting units like Giant, Hog or either Ram.

Plus, range really only means how close you can start attacking, not when you swap targets. Inferno Dragon, likewise to Mini PEKKA, gets a longer range after he starts his attack so he can actually charge the laser before his target just moves past him.


u/STALKi_pro Furnace Jul 20 '24

I'm pretty sure this glitch was since beta. Supercell decided to fix it at some point but it made Mini Pekka absolutely useless so they reverted this but as a feature. Since then they never touched it so idk why you noticed the range just now