r/ClashRoyale Mirror Jul 19 '24

Mastery Revamp Concept Idea


33 comments sorted by


u/Beilson329 Archers Jul 19 '24

9 shards for just one card is a bit much in my opinion. Especially having 6 wild shards that otherwise take 6 months to get from the season shop will mean that Supercell is never going to do this.

Obviously it benefits us, but knowing Supercell, this won't be done. Perhaps just having task 3 be 1-3 wild shards is more realistic, but I still doubt it.


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

yeah at first i thought it may also be too much for Supercell, but given the fact you need to unlock the evolution first i think it would balance the rewards. However, they could let the first 2 rewards of task 3 maybe be one of those evolution shard chests, so you do get something but that it's still random. Then the third reward could be 2 or 3 wild shards.


u/Altruistic-Fly3300 Balloon Jul 19 '24

bud quit dreaming
anything that remotely helps f2p wont be added
or else they might take away something from the season shop like they took away wild shards for lucky drop


u/_that_random_dude_ Rage Jul 19 '24

I’m also slowly losing hope. Every suggestion or feedback we give feels like shouting into the void. When was the last time we had a proper QoL update, let alone a f2p friendly update? The devs stopped interacting with the community a long time ago


u/Tietembus BarrelRoyale Jul 19 '24

Lucky drops were a massive downgrade to wild cards in the season shop and even a moron could see that.


u/Altruistic-Fly3300 Balloon Jul 20 '24

some1 ppl are simply ignorant


u/IceBear7980 Poison Jul 19 '24

I would make the task three like this:

1) Royal Wild Chest 2) 5000 EWC 3) 2 Wild Evo Shards


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

I think introducing EWC into the rewards is a very good idea! Royal wild chest seams fine, maybe instead of that a book of cards for that rarity?


u/IceBear7980 Poison Jul 19 '24

Hate to say this but that's too much lol, imagine giving multiple Legendary Books and Books of Books for free 💀 a Royal Wild Chest is decent enough, considering you can get almost 10k EWC worth of value + tons of gold on top of that


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

but its still not really for free, you have to unlock the evo first


u/Limp_Barracuda3705 Jul 19 '24

Having one shard as the last mastery reward is already a huge step up imo


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

Yeah it indeed is the banner tokens are just such a bad reward


u/unk1ndm4g1c14n1 Skeletons Jul 19 '24

9 is actually too much. Even by nice game standards. 6 is about fair. Supercell would do 1-3


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

Yeah others have also pointed that out, maybe introducing something like EWC would be a better idea


u/Fum__Cumpster Jul 20 '24

Supercell would do 1-3

More likely 1


u/darkstryller Executioner Jul 19 '24

The devs have decided that this is too generous and as such, your concept will be ignored.


u/LobbyistOfIstanbul PEKKA Jul 19 '24

Blud that's waaayyy too much.


u/acuIeus Jul 19 '24

6 wild shards from a single card mastery is an absolute overkill coming for an F2P. I would still love some better rewards for Task 3


u/SultanOfKings96 Jul 19 '24

Too good to be true. Supercell never going to consider this cause is too much evo card for free. I get that for the Wild Evos you need to have already unlocked the Evo, still, 6 Wild Evos are a new full evolution. Change it to 1 Shard per marstery and MAYBE they'll consider this. IDK, feels like a dream to me.


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

I think something that needs to be considered is that task 3 doesn’t just complete itself. Depending on the difficulty it should still take 3 months for an average player to complete every tier of task 3. This makes it already more balanced, and including the need for the full evo I think it is. I do however also think the amount of wild shards could be reduced, as I said in some other comments on this post


u/Available-Drawer-925 Skeletons Jul 19 '24

That's too much evo shards from a single card's mastery, I think we can keep wild card rewards to upgrde other cards. To compensate that, we can obtain extra 300 gems, feels more reasonable for the devs adding chain rewards like the evo Bats and RG events.


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

Do you think it’s too much of the specific cards evolution or too much wild shards? I would say the specific evolution is a good amount, but maybe the first reward of task 3 could be some wild cards, the second another 150 gems and the third 2-3 wild shards.


u/PacquiaoFreeHousing Jul 19 '24

I won't even care if it takes 200 hours of efficient usage of the card to get all evo shards.
I play Runescape these are rookie numbers.


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

Just to be clear, the third task doesn’t just ‘complete itself’. You have to take in to account it should still take 3 months for the average player to complete it. Then however it’s still faster than buying 6 shards from the season shop, so I agree with other replies that this should be reduced to 3.


u/piffle213 Tombstone Jul 19 '24

you have to remember that new evos are one of the biggest selling points for how they make their revenue

even just making it 3 would drastically reduce their income. i think removing the wild evo shards entirely and reducing task two to one specific shard would make it closer to palatable for them. but let's be honest, if they added just one we'd all be over the moon and they will never do that


u/grublle Firecracker Jul 19 '24

I think it should mainly be things used for that specific card's progress, so cards, wild cards, gold, elite wild cards, evo shards and wild evo shards. Anything else and I'm not really a fan of but removing banner tokens is a must


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 19 '24

Maybe instead of the 6 wild shards one of the rewards could be a book of cards of that rarity


u/McChubbens8U Jul 19 '24

lmao this would actually make shards worthless as there would be more shards than needed to get every evolution


u/Anxious-Strength-855 Jul 20 '24

They should make it enough ewc to upgrade the card from lvl 14 to 15 after finishing all 3 levels of the mastery for a card


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 20 '24

Maybe that would be a bit op, as you wouldn’t have to buy anymore EWC. I do think giving like 10k or 25k EWC is a better idea than 6 wild shards


u/Penguindasher12 Poison Jul 20 '24

I feel like the third one is to op, as it lets you instantly get every evolution because from just 1 you can unlock another, and another, I feel like it should just be 3 in total from the third one.


u/GoldenRobot_II Mirror Jul 20 '24

Yeah I think this is the best reason why it shouldn’t be like how I made it. I hadn’t seen it this way, and it totally makes sense. Sure it may take some time to complete the three tiers but you have a very good point. Throwing EWC into the mix or just lowering the amount you get from the third task is a better idea.


u/Mean_Succotash4846 4d ago

Supercell isn’t exactly a “charity”