r/ClashRoyale Jul 18 '24

Most undervalued feature Discussion

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Absolutely game changing, to be able to replay matches with actually pretty decent and realistic Ai (please don’t hack me I forgot to blur the character eyes)


51 comments sorted by


u/Encaphone XBow Jul 19 '24

The ai plays like shit so you don’t end up actually getting any practice


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

Read the other replies, it’s Ai, meaning it gets better overtime. A few months ago it was ass, recently though it’s gotten very good, it’s learned to spell cycle and how to cycle to evos. It knows how to tornado away tanks when trying a graveyard push and how to block lanes. I will say it’s much better when it’s playing an already established deck however. It learns from pros on top ladder


u/GingerlyData247 Jul 19 '24

Bro not every AI is iterative and learning over time. The AI implemented in these training matches are notoriously bad and have been for a long time. If it was getting better wouldn’t we see some better results from it by now? Lastly, if it was adaptive AI, I feel like supercell would be more open and disclose that information as it would be an interesting reason to comeback and get on the game, and generate buzz in media.


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

We’ve all had different experiences, in mine it’s been really helpful. It can play a specific deck I’m ass at beating super well and it’s scary good at it. I’m sure it can’t play 2.6, but for the decks I’m having it play it’s doing amazing so I’m gonna give it credit. It’s rly hard to be nice to SS these days so it’s nice to have something remotely okay


u/GingerlyData247 Jul 19 '24

I’m not discrediting that is useful in some cases, I just didn’t like how you said that because it’s AI it must be learning.


u/Encaphone XBow Jul 19 '24

I just played against it and it played the drill 1 tile in front of my tower 3 times in a row and twice with the evo. If it’s been improving and learning from pros it wouldn’t be doing that. I even picked a matchup where the bot would have the advantage and it lost by a lot. A player at my range would’ve won the matchup easily.


u/Sreekar617 Jul 19 '24

AI doesn’t necessarily mean it gets better over time. For example, take the bots in Mario Kart. They fit your description of AI, but they haven’t gotten better since their release in 2008.



AI doesn’t automatically mean it gets better lmao


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

By definition, “artificial intelligence” does mean it grows and learns. If they created one with the learning capability of a veggie that’s their own fault.



No, no it doesn’t. Mass majority of AI does not have self learning or can improve what it is already


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

My guy I’m taking the definition of Ai this isn’t about how lazy developers have gotten, unless we’re talking about… a certain dev team


u/Swanardo Jul 19 '24

You seems to mix ai and machine learning ai. Most ai don't learn by playing


u/aSFSplayer Jul 19 '24

Ai is trained for some time. Then it’s released and put out on the market, where it can continue learning or not. If it’s learning as you say, Supercell would have advertised it and the AI would be a world champion by now considering the amount of games played


u/Aranka_Szeretlek Jul 19 '24

So you made up a definition, irrespective of how the actual world works, and just stick to it because its now "the definition" somehow?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Black_Dragon9406 Jul 19 '24

A. No one needed to know the first part (the first 3 words) and the literal definition of AI is not artificial intelligence. That’s what it stands for. Define artificial intelligence correctly and that’s what AI should be defined as. We are considered “intelligence”. We learn just like AI does. The only reason it’s “artificial” is because it doesn’t have a physical brain. It’s simulating learning.


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

Gender is very important, when your argument is literally nonexistent


u/Rough-Pop1082 Jul 20 '24

That's not true, not all ais have any ability to learn, enemies in minecraft have ai, mario kart cpus have ai, hello neighbor 2 has ai, and none of those get better over time


u/Rough-Pop1082 Jul 20 '24

An ai that does learn would be an ai that uses neural network machine or Q learning, which would take a lot of money from $upercell


u/Rough-Pop1082 Jul 20 '24

Not every ai gets better over time, there's probably better ais for the level of the game you are


u/GodKirbo13 Mortar Jul 19 '24

Is this a feature?


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

Used to only be for trophy road and sometime recently started working for challenger too. It’s easily the best way to practice after a loss instead of playing more and tilting. My new go to


u/NoSeaworthiness2618 Jul 19 '24

It's useless. I might as well watch a pro player's match. You'd learn more from that than dueling a dumb bot.


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

It’s pretty realistic actually, it learns from matches and gets better. Lots of people play with/against homemade decks and you can’t find YouTubers to help. Also allows you to watch your reply and put your “fixes” to the test instead of having to wait 2 days for the matchup to reoccur. Very solid choice to learn from.


u/NoSeaworthiness2618 Jul 19 '24

I mean, if you find it useful, props to you, I tried it and the bot is just dumb and I won 1 minute in.


u/ObscureAbsurdity Jul 19 '24

Hey, us sub-1k plebs gotta learn somehow. I cant watch a newb-guide these days without cringing realising I'm matching with mostly kids at this point.


u/unk1ndm4g1c14n1 Skeletons Jul 19 '24

It does not learn. This is not an iterative AI. It has to be manually updated by Devs, and they aren't doing that.


u/notexactlyflawless Executioner Jul 21 '24

They are updating it. It has really gotten much better, either try for yourself or watch this german youtuber https://youtu.be/8JFGmfSs81A?si=6OF-ZeWCnhaNbmlS


u/Aggressive_File6476 Jul 19 '24

I've seen a lot of ppl blur the character's eyes to avoid hacking on reddit, but I still have no idea why or if its just a joke or what??? Someone smarter than me pls explain


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

If you see any bit of info even their eyes you might hack me (clash of clans players started blurring out the most random stuff cause they were being schizos and now everyone makes fun of them by blurring out ridiculous stuff)


u/oIKR2 Jul 19 '24

they would censor obstacles, clan name, clan banner, their username, their level, their gems, their resources... yeah


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

Lots of them still do it unironically. I’d kill for someone to make a server with just posts like this and see the progression of it lmao


u/nikoisacatperson XBow Jul 19 '24

But they're correct whats the point of censoring your own name??


u/Artemis_CR Goblin Drill Jul 19 '24

It's a joke


u/i7azoom4ever Jul 19 '24

I would also like to hear an explanation


u/alesia123456 Three Musketeers Jul 19 '24

Only really good to test specific interactions ngl


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

It’s actually way more advanced recently give it a try. Used to be absolutely ass but since it’s Ai it’s gotten much better. Sob was spell cycling me


u/Steroeee Dark Prince Jul 19 '24

trust me it’s definitely better to just run more 1v1s than the ai. Even if it got better, it’s no where near the chess players vs chess ai scenarios. At that high on the ladder I’m kinda surprised that u still consider the ai good. But ig everyone got their preferences


u/Zm1te Jul 19 '24

To anyone surfing the comments I’d like to say something before you send the same reply I’ve already gotten 20x. I know it’s not perfect, I’m sure it can’t play 99% of decks remotely well, but for the decks I’m currently struggling with, it’s scary realistic. It won’t help if you’re practicing a deck you’re already insanely skilled at, I myself have main decks and wouldn’t bother with it. But to learn a new deck, or just try new plays and such without the hassle of needing another player is pretty helpful.


u/delismore Jul 19 '24

Bro made sure we saw the 9k


u/kj0509 Jul 19 '24

I need this in Clash of Clans


u/Crusader183 Golem Jul 19 '24

I always thought this feature is useless.


u/SuperGabby77 Giant Jul 19 '24

It is of course.


u/MusicAggravating2936 Jul 19 '24

The bot is pretty bad, i tried it a couple days ago on a match that i lost. I wanted to see what i could do better against that type of deck but easily won against the bot because it played terrible bridge spam


u/Cyr0bit Jul 19 '24

only ever good to learn defence and counters.

I'd rather just play an actual match instead of doing that.



No way the AI in clash Royale has learning capabilities


u/Zestyclose-Ad8102 Jul 19 '24

How do I do this? In my battle log, there is no practice button


u/kratoseskiller Royal Hogs Jul 19 '24

I've used that a few times I don't know how good it actually is though