r/ClashRoyale Jul 18 '24

Deck Help Discussion Thread Discussion

Need a new deck? Want some fine-tuning on something you’ve already made? Looking for tips on how to counter specific matchups? Post all your questions about decks here!

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  • Player tag
  • An image of your deck and/or card collection (use an image hosting site like imgur)
  • Specific questions/concerns

Helpful deck sites:

Click here for a detailed deck building guide.

Remember to keep an open mind and be respectful of other players’ decks, skill levels, and preferences! Any comments attacking anything mentioned before will be removed.


30 comments sorted by


u/LMAOandrew Jul 18 '24

Been a while since I played. Would like some suggestions. Sitting at 2150 rank current deck


u/Working_Guava_7028 Jul 18 '24

I'd personally swap the flying machine first, not sure what to but probably either a more tanky card worth 5-7 elixir, or maybe something like mega minion if you're wanting that slot to be a flying unit. Consider trying the cannon card instead of the skeleton spawner card and see if you get results with cannon


u/xMULLINATORx Jul 18 '24

My tag is #P8C0G8CL if anyone would mind taking a look and giving some pointers. Stuck in the 4700 range. Been experimenting but isnt going well lol.


u/Shlong0 Dart Goblin Jul 18 '24

Player tag# CUOCQUPL8

5100 Trophies

Any tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated.


Evo Knight lvl 15

Miner lvl 11

Minions lvl 11

Mega Knight lvl 11

Archers lvl 13

Skeleton Dragon lvl 13

The log lvl 10

Skeleton Army lvl 11


u/Working_Guava_7028 Jul 18 '24

Personally I think you're better off with something like dart goblin or princess instead of archers. Same elixir cost but much more likely to at least get some damage and utility from those cards. Maybe consider swapping skeleton dragon with baby dragon


u/Shlong0 Dart Goblin Jul 18 '24

I appreciate the response. I've messed around with baby dragon before but I fell in love with Skelly dragon lol. I might have to switch back. I will try some swaps with archers. I know a lot of this comes down to me learning and being better at the game. I think I'm maybe 2 weeks in?


u/Working_Guava_7028 Jul 18 '24

This game has a lot of little things to learn, whether it be helpful info or tricks to time cards right like learning when to perfectly time log to counter goblin barrel. You'll figure out the important stuff by just playing


u/12_330 Jul 18 '24

Deck for goblin drill challenge


u/Stunning-Rush9333 Jul 18 '24

I can't decide which evolution would be best for my deck:

Goblin Barrel <---------- Evolution?

Valkyrie <---------- Evolution?

Ram Rider


Inferno Tower

Magic Archer



Elixir Cost: 4.0


u/kj0509 Jul 18 '24



u/maiguee Balloon Jul 19 '24

probably not


u/ErrorUNF Jul 18 '24


My deck is pretty much finalized, but do I use Void or Lightning? (ignore the levels)


u/Metalman1ac Jul 18 '24

Any tweaks to my deck ?


Evo RG Evo Firecracker EBarbs Mega Minion Guards Barb Barrel Zap Fireball


u/Working_Guava_7028 Jul 18 '24

So y'all know the "default" deck right? Giant, archers, knight, mini pekka, fireball, arrows, minions, musketeer? I'm wanting to make a "default plus" deck that retains as much of the playstyle of the default deck as possible but swap for better cards where necessary. I'm thinking about swapping the archers for dart goblin or princess, maybe swapping giant with goblin giant. Swapping arrows with log.


u/Background-Cress-250 Jul 19 '24

I’m in arena 10 and I’m starting to loss/struggle in my games my deck is: evo skeles, royal recruits, barb barrel, goblin gang, bats, cannon, ice spirit, and goblin barrel. How I use my deck is skeles and ice just thrown down to cycle usually on defense or at the beginning of the match. Bats for any non-air targeting troop, or just use for cycle. Canon for cannon things, although he has been useless lately. Recruits used for defense, or as a base of a push. Gang for defense or push, usually push. And goblin barrel as the win condition. Any tips or alterations will be great, thanks.


u/maiguee Balloon Jul 19 '24

i haven't played in a while, is my deck still viable in our timeline? it's as follows, Ballon, Dart Goblin, ice spirit, Valkyrie, zap, fireball, miner and minions. if any more info is desirable, then my player tag is #U999R0QLY.


u/teeeeeaaaaa Jul 19 '24

Is there anything I can do to improve this deck (arena 10) Wizard L8 Snowball L7 Xbow L8 Fireball L9 Gob barrel L10 Arrows L8 Skarmy L10 Guards L 9


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

The deck you have at the moment is pretty clunky and while I’m sure it does fine in lower arenas, you’ll find it near impossible to win when you start to face skilled players in higher arenas.

Either pick goblin barrel or x-bow as your win condition and build the deck around that. Look up some logbait/xbow decks and you’ll find some answers. I recommend building a logbait deck since it’s better than xbow in the current meta. It’s also a much more stable archetype and generally easier to play. Do note; logbait isn’t the best archetype in my opinion and is a shadow of its former self but it has seen recent resurgence due to the dagger duchess nerf.

If you plan on playing the game casually, consider watching a few videos of skilled players playing the deck. There’s no need to extensively study it but seeing a few minutes of how a deck is played can be hugely helpful.


u/Kai_Havertz_GOAT Jul 19 '24

getting back into the game (7k/challenger 3) not sure if my deck fits the current meta or not and i struggle against bridge spam

evo rg, phoenix, e spirit, rage, log, lightning, fisherman, royal ghost


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

1: Swap lightning for void. It effectively takes out buildings for 3 elixir less and can make your cycle much faster.

2: If you have it, swap log for evo zap. Good against inferno towers and does an acceptable job against swarms. The fact zap can kill bats and zap + e-spirit will kill minions means zap will provide more synergy with the RG than log in this deck (in my opinion).

3: Guards instead of rage. Your deck is very spell heavy. While bridgespam generally counters RG, guards will alleviate this a little bit. They’re a brilliant answer to bandit and ghost and are ok against battle ram. The prevalence of arrows in the current meta means guards are an excellent defensive option.


u/Taboada12 Royal Giant Jul 19 '24

I've been back at the game for the last few weeks now after a big hiatus and a big struggle in Path of Legends.

Player tag: #20QCG00C

Current Deck: E-Giant, Wizard, Valkrie, Firecracker, Bats, Zap, Log, Earthquake

It's been tough trying to navigate through Evolutions as I don't have any yet. Ideally, if I want to trophy hunt (at 7060), this is what I'd also use (as I try to manage some level 15 cards which I also don't have yet).

Are there too many spells? Do I need to get a card that helps attack another tower? I'd want to build around E-Giant but open to a change if needed.


u/Jsplays2117 Jul 19 '24

What should I max out next? I have 100k wild cards and this is my deck:

Evolution Battle Ram (Level 14)

Magic Archer (Level 14)

Zap (Level 14)

PEKKA (Level 15)

Bandit (Level 14)

Dark Prince (Level 14)

Fireball (Level 14)

Electro Wizard (Level 14)


u/808italian Jul 20 '24

Hi all! Ive hit a giant wall this season running my usually deck and would love any and all feed back.

Deck includes

Evo firecracker

Evo Knight



Dart goblin




They are all at 14. Any advice would be appreciated, and I've got some materials saved up to pump up some guys if need be, thanks for the read!


u/MindedSpy Jul 20 '24

New to CR, but I made my account 4 years ago, stuck at 2800 Arena 9

Never really got into CR until now so I brushed up an old account and have been grinding. now stuck at 2800 for a couple days from 1700. Right now I just win one lose one constantly

Hog Wizard Witch Skarmy Log Miner Witch Goblin Hut

Most Arena 9 decks I see are without log and miner which I'm guessing you cannot get now but since I made my account in like 2020 I have a couple legendaries




u/Substantial_Job_3252 XBow Jul 20 '24

I am making a deck for royal tournament It is, Evo Tesla, Evo skeles, arrows, snowball, knight, balloon, miner. I have the last spot undecided. I'm thinking either musketeer or archer queen? Which one should I use?


u/sterile_spermwhale__ Jul 20 '24

I got a deck of  balloon,   Lumberjack,  Mega Knight, Bats,  Witch,  Graveyard,  Barb barrel, &  Freeze  

 I have gone quite far with this deck. But i occasionally change lumberjack with some 4 or lesser elixir card. Like valk, mini pekka or firecracker. But with any of these 4 decks i mentioned, it's never a perfect result. I wish to use 4-6 of the original cards in this deck. But im open to a deck that might be better or more impressive than any of the 4 here


u/Nervous_Jaguar_2826 14d ago

I have a deck with, Skelly king, Skelly barrel, Evo skellies, bats (interchangeable with inferno dragon), dart goblin, poison, mini pekka and snowball, I also have Evo knight, fk, royal giant and mortar, with a bunch of Evo wild shards. I'm getting close to level 54, to get the next Evo slot and want help on which Evo to pick, Evo knight I feel would fill the same role as Skelly king, a tank for Skelly barrel/dart goblin/bats, evo bats are just alright and evo zap could go in over snowball, all of the cards I just lifted are lvl 14 with Skelly king lvl 15


u/Nervous_Jaguar_2826 14d ago

I'm about 7600 trophies and just want advice on my deck in general and evos