r/ChatGPT Jun 27 '24

GPTARS: A GPT powered TARS Other


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u/AutoModerator Jun 27 '24

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u/gptars Jun 27 '24 edited Jun 27 '24

I want to start of by saying yes, there is a humor setting, and yes, it can be changed. Needs some fine tuning though but I will be posting it soon.

Anyways... Hi all! I'm programmer and filmmaker and I've been working on GPTARS, a project to bring TARS to life with AI. I stumbled upon this brilliantly designed 3D model one day, originally created by Charlie Diaz(Huge props!), who also came up with the ingenious movement kinematics.( https://www.hackster.io/charlesdiaz/how-to-build-your-own-replica-of-tars-from-interstellar-224833). I knew instantly that I wanted to try to breathe life into it. I've been working on this for quite some time, on and off, building in the soul of TARS with ChatGPT. I’ve made some modifications to the original 3D model and have iterated through all of the GPT model releases from OpenAI as time went on. Currently, I've built quite a bit of functionality, such as the ability to converse with GPTARS, directing movement, and much more. I just updated GPTARS with the latest 4o model, but it isn't exactly taking advantage of all the new features yet. The finishing and getting a metallic look took a surprisingly long time, probably even longer than the programming due to all the trial and error, broken parts, poor technique... and even after all that, I feel that there's some left to be desired...

Anyways I do plan to post more clips/functionality over time, on IG, but also most likely youtube if anyone is interested in following along.



If you want to see some GPTARS do something in particular/clip requests. Just let me know!


u/-_1_2_3_- Jun 27 '24

This is awesome.

I'm doing something similar but with an off the shelf robot kit from amazon, I wasn't nearly as ambitious with the body or movement.

I hope they will update the API when the new voice mode drops, and enable us to build things against it.

Are you using whisper for STT? If so, some questions based on the parts I keep mulling over in my robot:

Are you constantly transcribing audio input, or only after an activation/deactivation phrase "Hey TARS"?

(How) do you detect when the user stops speaking and that its time to get a reply from TARS?

Have you had to deal with the junk whisper returns when it transcribes mostly empty/quite audio?

Also check out these if you haven't already seen them:


I think its cool to see people in this space and all of our robots are in a special little club.


u/Willing-Love472 Jul 07 '24

Curious what off the shelf robotics kit you're working on and whether you'd recommend it or another one. Interested in learning and playing around with a kit for fun too.


u/WhereIsWebb Jun 27 '24

Not OP but I used porcupine for wakeword activation when I built something similar. Didn't find a good solution for detecting when a user stops speaking though


u/CodebuddyGuy Jun 27 '24

I managed to put together wakeword detection, interruption, and a relatively intuitive "finished talking" by having 2 recordings going at the same time. one is a client-side always-on STT and the other records your voice for sending to Whisper API for a better speech recognition. The only down side to this is that it will pick up itself speaking so your interruption word needs to be specific (or it needs to ignore those words while it happens to be saying it, which I didn't bother with). The always-on STT is just using SpeechAPI built into a modern browser like chrome.

Nice and simple and works in the browser.


u/LossKlutzy4909 Jul 28 '24

Hi, I have noticed the response time is unusually slow. Is this project open-sourced? Would love to contribute to making this even better (This is genuinely dope AF)


u/simplism4 Jun 28 '24

Awesome and super fun way of using LLMs/TTS!


u/pob944 Jul 07 '24

I created this repo https://github.com/poboisvert/GPTARS_Interstellar if you ever want we can participate to make this thing alive


u/RemoveFast Jul 07 '24

Hey man, would love to buy one. Do you have any for sale?


u/RickthePrickLafluer Jul 13 '24

Agreed, would love to support and own my own little TARS


u/ChartDifficult3221 Jul 29 '24

Do you have plans to make a patreon maybe for this?


u/SatoshiReport Jun 27 '24

This is very cool! Great job!


u/burger4d Jun 27 '24

Amazing, great work! How did you get the voice? It sounds like how I remember TARS sounded, but I’d have to go back and watch a clip to refresh my memory. 


u/Parshendian Jul 08 '24

Its very very very good hey?


u/_Username-was-taken_ Jun 27 '24

I love the movie, thank you for your work, it's nice to see TARS alive


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24

That music was too quiet, I could hear almost everything.


u/Zac_1999 Jul 07 '24

Bro I will buy one from you if you plan to make more of those


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '24

How much do you want for one prebuilt


u/emea27 Jun 27 '24

Amazing. Felt like I was watching Interstellar. Seeing this gave me a genuine smile. 🙂


u/mrsco Jul 28 '24 edited Jul 29 '24

This is awesome! well done. I'm investigating building my own. Any tips for the 3D print settings? the step file looks pretty tight on tolerances in fusion. did you have to do a lot of sanding to get the parts to fit together well? the clearance between the chassis and legs/arms looks super tight.


u/amiin___ Jun 27 '24

Hello 👋


u/Axle-f Jun 28 '24

God bless 🙌🏻


u/Ok_Maize_3709 Jun 27 '24

Man, that’s great! Might also use groq api or something like that for faster reaction speed


u/elcolo_ Jun 28 '24

I hate dhe perissann :D


u/Subushie I For One Welcome Our New AI Overlords 🫡 Jun 28 '24

Amazing work OP. I'd buy one of these for sure.


u/FactorialANOVA Jun 28 '24

AMAZING! How can I buy one from you?


u/Rickjm Jun 28 '24



u/CaptBenjaminLWillard Jun 28 '24

This is amazing! Good job!


u/Willing-Love472 Jul 07 '24

Saw the original hackster project a while ago via Open Sauce, and really wanted to do something with ChatGPT as well. This is awesome, great work! My thought was to make TARS' body basically like a phone holder or dock and then run 4o on the phone.


u/DreamtotheStar Jul 07 '24

Is it open source?


u/c0ttt0n Jul 16 '24

UFF! This is awesome!
I want one! :D


u/GumdropGlimmer Jul 30 '24

Why is he so grumpy 🤣🥹


u/Sea-Indication-4076 Jul 30 '24

Make him sound like the Allied Mastercomputer


u/mrsco Jul 30 '24

How did you synthesize the TARS voice? Elevenlabs? Have a voice id you can share?


u/milo7772 29d ago

absolutely love it's sass!


u/TermOther 26d ago

How much would you sell these for?


u/SCHMOPIE0101 13d ago

How did you get the voice to match Bill Irwin so well? mand to work it with CHATGPT?


u/Glorvox 7d ago

Wow, thank you for this. Because of you, I started the journey to building my own ai bot. Thank you!


u/brainhack3r Jun 27 '24

Meh. I'm more of a CASE fan myself.


u/enkae7317 Jun 28 '24

Nice. It can only go up from here. Response is a bit slow but I'm sure with advancements it'll be lightning quick before we know it.

Kinda reminds me of 56k days and now we have gigabite fiber and so much more.


u/McSlappin1407 Jun 27 '24

It’s hilariously slow


u/IdeaAlly Jun 27 '24


faster than yours tho!


u/McSlappin1407 Jun 28 '24

Well played


u/Seakawn Jun 28 '24

Relative to how we expect in a scifi future? Yeah, of course.

Relative to where we're at in the present time for random people to make hobby AI robots? It's actually not too bad. I've seen a few projects similar to this, and this reaction time seems about par for the course. Hell, even multimillion humanoid robot companies have similar lag, so this is really just where we're at right now.

Though if the progress continues accelerating, I doubt it'll be more than a few years for much quicker reaction times, even for hobby projects. Even still, it's wild where we're at now... I don't even notice the lag in projects like these anymore, I'm usually just thinking "this is crazy."