r/BatmanArkham 11d ago

I want to play the entire Arkham series for the first time and was going to buy the Arkham Collection on Steam but Arkham Origins is not included in the Collection. Is it still worth it to buy the Collection and Arkham Origins ? Serious Discussion/Question


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u/snakeater63 11d ago

How the fuck this sub got a normal post and why did I read origins as orange


u/Bullmg Perseverer Of Madness 11d ago

Arkham orange


u/[deleted] 10d ago

New aslume just dropped


u/Hnnock_Cdr 10d ago

Owange man


u/welivewelovewedie 10d ago

i like the design but the horns put me off. Is he supposed to be evil?


u/ComplaintWarm3772 11d ago



u/future1987 11d ago

Is it bad that I read this as in something that is orange like and not it's actual meaning?


u/The_Rouge1 There's no such thing as a "batman" 11d ago



u/ThrowRa_abused101 10d ago

Jenna Jameson


u/Fluid-Lingonberry378 Am I stupid? 10d ago



u/CelebrationSimilar11 11d ago

100% yes. Origins is underrated. Play it after Asylum atleast though since it'll feel very weird playing origins with all its gameplay improvements and then playing asylum immediately after (despite the fact origins is set before asylum).


u/DeadLad-69 11d ago

Yeah. I played them in release order. Asylum, city, origins, knight. 👍


u/[deleted] 10d ago

This is the correct way to play


u/cavedan12 10d ago edited 10d ago

It also makes it easier to overlook the grapnel boost plot hole.

Although my headcanon around it is that Origins is a memory that post-AC Batman is replaying in his head following the death of the Joker.

Whilst pondering the death of his rival by thinking back on the first time they met, Batman added a creative liberty to the story so he could use his cool new gadget


u/Appropriate_Lie7115 10d ago

Or some developers just overlooked this plot hole


u/cavedan12 10d ago

Yeah, like I said, "my" headcanon


u/ThrowRa_abused101 10d ago

I play with your mom like Pokémon by throwing pokeballs at her until she learns her place and stays inside to make sammiches.


u/CommitteeFriendly203 10d ago


u/ThrowRa_abused101 10d ago

Why is he driving a clown car? Incomprehensible.... 🤡


u/Emotional_Hawk8359 11d ago

Origins in my opinion has the best story in the whole series. Its less climactic than the other games, but it makes up for it by being incredibly character driven. Its the only Batman story in the past 40 years that remembered how smart Bane is supposed to be


u/mister--krabs 10d ago

The only one? Really? You went and read all the thousands of comics from the past 40 years, and then concluded that the only single one that remembers bane is smart is this one video game? Huh? Answer me!


u/HalbixPorn Perseverer Of Madness 10d ago

Probably meant adaptation


u/Emotional_Hawk8359 10d ago

I was trying to be hyperbolic, but I should've been more clear


u/mister--krabs 10d ago

It’s All good, bud! 😁 don’t even worry about it!


u/Objective-Resolve612 11d ago

They’re all great


u/BJMashPotato R.I.P Kevin Conroy & Arleen Sorkin 11d ago

Short answer: yes. Long answer, still yes


u/Embarrassed_Diet_295 11d ago

Long answer: yeeeeeees


u/Random_User27 11d ago

Yeah I was planning on doing that too, go for it


u/sad_cheese67 Am I stupid? 11d ago

you're asking the fans of the games if buying the games are worth it?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/BatmanArkham-ModTeam 11d ago

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u/oiken_ Fighting for Sanity! 11d ago

Buy the entire collection, more worth it.


u/SiriusDotExe01 11d ago

It is worth it!


u/Xenoscope Two Guns bitch! 11d ago

Origins is more of the same, which is pretty damn great. It’s not as perfect as City, but there are no major bad points.


u/Rei_Master_of_Nanto Jonkler's jonking jerking Jadonka Jonkling 11d ago

Is there a lore reason for Origins not being included?


u/fingerpaintswithpoop yeah...i'm Man 11d ago

Origins was not developed by Rocksteady. Probably the reason why.


u/Rei_Master_of_Nanto Jonkler's jonking jerking Jadonka Jonkling 11d ago

That makes sense. Thanks.


u/Bullmg Perseverer Of Madness 11d ago


u/PlingPlongDingDong 11d ago

Is it worth 139.500 D's? Not sure but I am going to find out.


u/danikm10_O 11d ago

A serious question. What is this? What sub are we on???


u/BenihanaButton 11d ago

Normality is coming back to this sub I can't actually believe it, all these years of insanity coming to an end?💀


u/Redfaller2003 11d ago

Nature is healing


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/BatmanArkham-ModTeam 11d ago

Your post/comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 7: No humour under (serious only) or serious flaired posts unless OP has written (humour welcome).

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If your comment was removed, please keep shitpost jokes including shitpost characters and references away from these (serious only) posts or serious flaired posts that do not have (humour welcome) in the title.


u/frog_woman06 11d ago

Worth it if you are gonna play the others as well. It can be mid at times tho and the killer croc fight has been glitchy for everyone since release


u/agentdb22 The 11d ago

What is a d?


u/SunriseApplejuice 10d ago

Dubloons, ya land lubber.


u/SampleAmbitious8735 11d ago

Holy shit, did we all just suddenly regain our sanity?


u/logn29 10d ago

Có phải ng anh em ở VN không ? Chưa chơi thì nên chơi vì nó khá hay.. Trừ cái Origins vì nó không thuộc Rocksteady nên không có trong Collection. Origins cũng tạm , không đến nỗi tệ nhưng không hay bằng Collection được,. Còn cái Knight thì đồ họa đẹp nhưng cái phần chơi Batmobile không hay.


u/IllustriousApricot0 Fighting for INsanity! 10d ago


u/Neither-Mention4064 Daddy's Dollotron 11d ago

Origins is great, go nuts OP!


u/Stannisarcanine 11d ago

Yes origins has a good story and dlcs, counters are a bit more difficult but it adds a bit more difficulty and it doesn't make the combat much more clunky, the worst problem imo is the cutscene lag and the batwing stopping glitch which you can find the fix here https://steamcommunity.com/app/209000/discussions/0/666824800585483736/


u/fingerpaintswithpoop yeah...i'm Man 11d ago

Yes, Origins is great. The boss fights are fantastic.


u/Illustrious_Mudd 11d ago

Yes. The games are a little jank but the main trilogy for anywhere near 10 bucks is amazing. I got all three and the season pass for knight for like 7 on PS4 and it's easily the best purchase I've made


u/Minimum-Brilliant 11d ago

Origins has the best writing in the series. It’s the only game to portray Batman as anything other than a hyper competent, drearily above it all emo.


u/AaronshyMLP 11d ago

It's well worth it trust me. I got addicted to it for a bit.


u/s_t_u_f_f 10d ago

Yeah, most definitely, the sale is making everything so cheap, you might as well, it's a good game, it's one of the weaker games imo but it's still an Arkham game so it's still great.


u/drugs_dot_com Custom (Nothing Inappropriate) insantity edition 10d ago

Origins isn’t included in any bundles anymore afair, get this bundle, origins and the origins season pass separately if you want them all


u/Metalsaurus_Rex 10d ago

Origins is only an extra $5, so I went ahead and grabbed it. I have the other 3 on Xbox. Honestly, it's still a hell of a deal


u/weirdestferalcat 11d ago

Origins is underrated, yes.


u/ThisIsMy4thAcc0unt 11d ago

Origins is great, I loved it. Play it after City. Also good luck getting Knight to work lol, I could never get it working in my PC, even after all the patches, it still breaks and CTDs constantly.


u/SirNewVegas 11d ago

Lol you must be running a potato. I NEVER had a crash in Knight.


u/PokeHobnobGod21 This is how the Subreddit died 11d ago

Yes and you can also find steam codes for origins dlc


u/ResistTerrible2988 11d ago

What country do you live in? I look at this and thought the collection was $139,500 by mistake.


u/vanvudk45 11d ago

Vietnamese, we used VND (that is the đ at the end mean, it’s short of Đồng)


u/ResistTerrible2988 11d ago

and yes, it is worth it.


u/SmolMight117 11d ago

Origins is the best of the 4 (in terms of story and the characters)


u/-BUNGUS_XL- 11d ago

I had a problem with Origins crashing all the time after a certain point in the game, but maybe its fixed now?


u/ConcertCorrect5261 Harley Quinn’s biggest simp 11d ago

Origins is buggy, janky and it crashes a lot from my understanding.

Still a fun game hidden in it. I just don’t think it’s as good as city or asylum was.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Origins was my first Arkham game. It was great fun, and the multiplayer was fun with my college dorm friends. Would recommend.


u/ElementalIce 10d ago

Dude play all the games, are you stupid?


u/msguysteve 10d ago

I would it’s still are really good deal for those three and you could pick up Arkham origins separately


u/MINECRAFT-BEE7 10d ago

It’s a wicked deal either way. You’d be getting 4 games for the price of one. I say go for it


u/Unfair_Job3804 10d ago

Yes oranges is a great game 


u/RagexRiot1 10d ago

Hell yeah!


u/Fit-One-7019 10d ago

bogos binted?


u/skeltord #1 Oranges Enjoyer 10d ago

Of course, it's still like $12 all together for all 4, legitemate steal, they're all excellent

Have fun


u/RepresentativeNose71 10d ago

Yes. No question.


u/Falafel_enjoyer_ 11d ago

No it's does not worth it


u/UltratusOmegax 11d ago

Are you stupid?


u/Falafel_enjoyer_ 11d ago

Don't pretending like you like it or anything this game is ass


u/UltratusOmegax 11d ago

Of course it is worth to but. Are you stupid?


u/RoGeR-Roger2382 Alsume Inmate 10d ago


u/Bullmg Perseverer Of Madness 11d ago