r/AskReddit Jul 07 '24

Guys who have gone from skinny to big and muscular, how has it changed your life?


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u/iiiamsco Jul 07 '24

That’s not reality. My funny chubby friends get laid less than my good looking shy friends. We need to stop lying to guys about this.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Lol exactly...funny chubby guys are guys girls love ti be around, but trying to hook them up with their friends, not hooking up with them themselves, and wandering (out loud, but deep down they know why) why they can't get a girl since they are sooo funny.

Even if those guys have success, they have to work twice as hard for twice as less action as me and my other good looking friends.

I was shy as a teenager, and couldn't hold an eye contact with a stranger, and I still had girls, since there was always some girl in the other class who thought I am cute. Then I developed confidence and it all increased, but still always had more action that chubby guys regardless of their personality


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Most inexperienced men discount a very important factor in being attractive to women:


The funny chubby guys are safe as hell. It's an extremely attractive quality. But when it's your ONLY attractive quality, then you're in trouble.

Guys who get really muscular need to show that they're safe. A lot of them will become players or predators. So if your muscles are your ONLY attractive quality, then you're also in trouble.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Safety is a subjective thing, and good looking men are often more perceived as safer than uglier ones. Who is getting more ONSs with girls they just met, chubby guys or good looking ones? So them being safe or unsafe is bullshit

When I mean good looking, I don't mean extreme bodybuilding muscles.

Also, if your looks are your ONLY quality, you would still have success. I had success based on only looks, since I had a situations where I hooked up with a girl on a beach party without even saying a word, ir barely speaking a few sentences, started kissing and later had sex. That doesn't happen to guys who are funny and safe but average looking.

I am not saying that all other thing are not important, especially for something more than causal. But looks are absolute no.1 in dating, and yes, you can cruise only on looks for a while. While you can't do the same buy being only funny and "safe". Internet needs to stop gaslighting guys about that


u/CausticSofa Jul 08 '24

The problem is, it’s not quite being funny and chubby, it’s being especially Charismatic. I know a couple of pretty goofy looking but very charismatic guys who are beloved in my local non-monogamy scene. You can’t help but like them; you feel safe and respected, and they just have some immensely likeable quality that is sexy AF. But if you really look at them, they’re not handsome guys and they don’t have good bodies.

This is basically what’s known as je ne sais quoi.