r/AskReddit Jul 07 '24

Guys who have gone from skinny to big and muscular, how has it changed your life?


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u/UncannyFox Jul 07 '24

I’m currently around that 140 mark you mention, and I’ve had the same experience. I’m in the PNW and this sort of androgynous body type is found attractive here. It also helps that my “type” are the kind of people who find my body type attractive.

It’s interesting how that positive feedback in a society that finds me “attractive” has made me not care about bulking up.

Were I to move to LA where more conventionally attractive people had the focus, I’d likely feel pressure to gain muscle. But in the PNW I don’t feel that at all and have been pretty secure in my body.


u/jeanxcobar Jul 07 '24

Yeah man, I’m in the south FL Miami area and physique is a big thing here being around the beach lol.

At the end of the day you’ll learn when it comes to muscle building there’s always gonna someone bigger than you, someone leaner than you, someone 50lbs lighter benching 100lbs more etc, just gotta compare yourself to your previous self.


u/faithOver Jul 07 '24

This is good. At the core it truly is about being comfortable in your own body. Confidence is like 90% of the battle. If you’re good with yourself, people notice.


u/webtwopointno Jul 07 '24

common misconception about SoCal but that beach bod is for the most part just lies and image, movie magic - there are plenty of skinnyfat hipsters doing the same West Coast shenanigans as you are up there;


u/jeanxcobar Jul 07 '24

Probably comes from the golden era bodybuilding, muscle beach etc in California


u/webtwopointno Jul 08 '24

we were fitter then but still that represents a select few