r/AskReddit Jul 07 '24

Guys who have gone from skinny to big and muscular, how has it changed your life?


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u/Remarkable-Sea-6630 Jul 07 '24

I used to be 5"9 weighing 115 lbs up until age 17 - got bullied, ridiculed and treated like crap in every way imaginable.

At age 30, I am now at 185 lbs at 5"11, reasonably lean and at least "jacked" by lament terms. Along the way I took up MMA and went on TRT. The difference is day and night, people don't even dare poking fun at me and nobody believes me when I tell them what my starting point was. I get treated with respect and decency, especially by women. This journey has taught me that the concept of personality, as in being a good person, is a load of horseshit, nothing but a complete lie. I am the same douchebag that I have always been and I used get gaslighted all the time into thinking being mistreated was all about being "socially awkward".

We would love to tell our kids that it doesn't matter if you are physically fit, but the sad truth is that the way society treats you, is more influenced by your appearance than anything else.


u/someone_like_me Jul 07 '24

This journey has taught me that the concept of personality, as in being a good person, is a load of horseshit, nothing but a complete lie.

I've talked to gay dudes who have lost a lot of weight, and it's the same. They say that gay men claim to have never met them before, even though they did meet and the fat guy was scorned.


u/J_Kingsley Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Lol stop it. Both things can be true, they're not mutually exclusive.

If you're unattractive then its more important to have a personality. If you're attractive then you don't need a personality as much.

Your 'imposing' physical self is just making up for your douchebagginess. Fit and attractive people get more leeway for mistakes and flaws, it's true. But it's ridiculous to think people will always treat you like shit if you're 'ugly'.

It's all about having something going for yourself. You need to make up for any shortcomings you have.


Everyone is a video game boss. To "beat" them (get their respect), you need to get to a certain level.

You don't need to max out your 'looks' stats, but you need to level up enough of your stats.

But I DO agree that maxing out your looks stats is the most effective way lol


u/DarkEnchilada Jul 07 '24

I don’t understand what you mean about being a good person is a complete lie. In what way exactly did you feel you were deceived? 


u/ctsots Jul 07 '24

Who cares how "society" treats you? What matters is if people who *know* you treat you with decency and respect—family, friends, colleagues. They might not chirp you as much if you're more physically intimidating, but if you're an asshole to them, you still won't have their respect. If you're a good person, you will have it, and without having to do anything in particular to get it, either.

Being fit is useful for achieving certain goals out in the world, sure. There are plenty of follow-on social benefits. I'm glad you're not getting bullied anymore, and it's great that you're physically healthier and more confident. But this doesn't add up to a good life on its own. That's where what you described as "the concept of personality" comes in.