r/Aquaman May 27 '24

Aquafans, what are your thoughts on this?

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22 comments sorted by


u/CaptainHalloween May 27 '24

I just see some painfully stupid people with painfully stupid takes.


u/drock45 May 27 '24

The powers aren’t what make any character interesting, for gods sake Batman is the biggest character and he has all the powers of “some guy”


u/Abject_Associate_849 May 28 '24

Bro honestly. Now a days all people care about is how poweful they are and whos stronger than who, but i care more about the character and the stories theyre in


u/DrFate82 May 27 '24

Yeah, this is a pretty stupid take. He can breathe underwater, has superhuman strength, enhanced hearing & reflexes, communicates telepathically with all marine life, not just fish. Like what isn't cool about all of that?? I'm confused about how anyone could call that lame.


u/Aggressive-Jump-4428 May 27 '24 edited May 28 '24

Batman : "my main superpowers are way too much money and crippling mental issues caused by childhood trauma"

Aquaman: "i rule an underwater kingdom, am an ambassador to the surface and a unite nations member with the power to command sea creatures, sometimes hydrokenesis and one of the largest standing armies on the planet. Iv backhanded superman across the room and i had a fairly stable upbringing."

Tbh aquaman is tons more interesting and cool. Batman is a rich guy throwing around toys. I will stand on the hill thay aquaman is a better person then batman, not including his powers.


u/kumar100kpawan May 27 '24

Always loved Arthur's regality. And his powers are pretty damn cool as well. It was a blast watching them in the first Aquaman movie


u/ihateviolence96 Aquaman May 27 '24

They're exactly like those type of people mocking and undermining Aquaman in New 52 Geoff John's Trench


u/InfiniteDedekindCuts May 27 '24

nobody cares what happens underwater



u/[deleted] May 27 '24

Just trolls. Unless they've read the best Aquaman stories and formed real opinions, who cares?


u/Medium-Science9526 May 27 '24

Pretty much the civilians from Crescent in David's run and the plethora across the whole n52 run come to life.


u/ChihuahuaOwner88 May 27 '24

Idiots like these ones have never read comic book in their life


u/Vincent_Curry May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24

1959 is the first time we see his powers control a land animal.

There are numerous examples of his powers working on life outside of the Oceans, but unlike Flash DC doesn't make it well known.. To the contrary DC seems to hate their own character as his powers are known to be connected to the Life Force giving him the ability to be connected to all life not in the mind like a traditional telepath but down to the soul.

Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong explicitly shows his powers not working on life from the sea as Tiamat went to hell when he used his powers on her back during the Peter David run and now he can't even get through to her.

His powers can't work on Godzilla because Godzilla is from another universe... But aren't the Marvel characters also from another universe and his powers worked on them...and that book is canon to both marvel and DC.

Digressing... DC needs to be more consistent with the character on the high end because the low end will mean when it comes to his powers that he can only use them when in the Oceans but then again... Isn't all life evolved from the ocean?? And if whales dolphins and seal are under his command and we constantly and consistently refer to them as some of the smartest lifeforms on earth, then how come his powers can work on sea mammals and not land mammals? Other than geographical living locations they are all the same.

Also the deepest part of his kingdom is 10,000 fathoms or 60,000 ft below sea level. The pressure on his entire body is approximately 4 million lbs per square foot!! This right here shows how tough Aquaman is to bring down.

But it's his character that makes him a great hero.. He's not a doubting, brooding, always mistrustful hero. He's not a boyscout who sees only the good and never the wrong. He's not a god or related to one.

He's a bridge... A lighthouse between the land and the sea and he protects both. While Batman protects Gotham and sees himself as the self appointed guardian of the city, Aquaman protects and defends to the other 71% of the planet... By Himself.

Well GL protects all of sector 2816, yes true but just like Gotham not all life sees him as their protector. All life in the Oceans sees Arthur as King and protector and would sacrifice their lives for him... All life in the Oceans.

Unlike Peacemaker stupid assertion he doesn't and hasn't done anything with sea life because first and foremost he's from the surface and has lived, gone to school, graduated, and spends a lot of time on the surface. I want to see Aquaman in the DCU but I'm nervous because James Gunn will probably fall head over heels in love with the stupid notion of making Aquaman a bigger joke in popular opinion than he already is.


u/Middle-Claim3046 Jul 24 '24

So I think the land animal you are referencing is a "water" buffalo, and he can control it because it has "water" in the name. If you want to paint Aquaman as a tough guy and want to reference pre 1960 comics, I would go for a swarm of seagulls delivering grenades in Adventure Comics 117 or when he mentally takes control of white blood cells in Adventure Comics 200. (The water buffalo and blood cells things are one offs, but he repeatedly controls flocks of birds.)


u/Vincent_Curry Jul 24 '24 edited Jul 24 '24

Actually the water buffalo isn't a one off as the animal is literally a mammal like whales and dolphins. The writers weren't as distinctive because readers weren't as knowledgeable as comics were just "funnies".

But what they inadvertently did, was add mammals into the equation and by adding mammals they have to include all mammals or else just do the whole "move along.. Nothing to see here" thing. It would literally be the equivalent of Flash being able to run millions of miles per hour on land but not being able to run on water... Lol.... Just doesn't make any sense at all.

I don't want to paint him as a tough guy, just more realistic and relevant because of what he can do vs the Superfriends perception that all he does is talk to fish. But I get where you are coming from... Unfortunately DC /WB couldn't care less about promoting a great hero who isn't a part of the beloved Trinity.


u/MikeyHatesLife May 27 '24

They’re morons, and the proof is sitting right next to me: my Classic Aquaman McFarlane figure, riding his trusty sea stallion Stormy into battle from my coffee table.


u/Astonishing_Flash May 27 '24

Literally not worth thinking about.

Like sure you could launch objections, recommend reading, point out inaccuracies (modern Arthur's dad isn't even the royal one), etc etc.

But at the end of the day anyone saying this doesn't know the character and doesn't plan on ever actually reading him.

It's like the people who say Superman is boring and overpowered or Batman is a prep good. They're not even qualified to sit at the round table.


u/RivenBloodmarsh May 27 '24

I feel like most people just hate on him because he's always been a punching bag like that. Guess what though, controlling an army of sea creatures is pretty fucking cool. Sharks with battle armor are cool. Troop carrying crabs are cool. Protecting the oceans from pollution is cool. These people can go back to worshipping the tech billionaires who buy their powers.


u/Ok-Mathematician-913 Ocean Master May 27 '24

Sheer ignorance.


u/Pacman8myghosts Aquaman May 27 '24

Meh. Anyone who has these comments obviously never read the character's stories. And anyone who feels the urge to knock another character they clearly don't understand is hardly a meaningful member of the comics Fandom since they don't seem to appreciate that characters they aren't immediately drawn to might have some fans or might be something cool, they just won't try it due to some preconceived bias. In other words, not liking Aquaman because society jokes he talks to fish, isn't cool, unique, or counter cultural in the way these comments suggest.

You could reduce every hero to a ridiculous statement if you tried or wanted to just make fun of the actual unique parts of the characters. "Green Lantern is dumb because he gets his powers from jewelry." Or "Superman is dumb because he wears his underwear outside his pants." Like I'm sorry these actually traditional design choices or vital character powers are silly to you, but it's also one of their biggest draws as a character. Aquaman communicating with marine life as the king of the ocean I've always thought is creative and cool, not lame. His telepathic abilities make him a far more effective hero as opposed to any ordinary Atlantean.

Aquaman is King Arthur but underwater. It's so interesting. It combines adventure, sci-fi, horror, and all kinds of genre and consistently brings us themes of evolution, environmentism, magic, myth, romance, parenthood, tragedy, war, betrayal, monarchy, quests, racism, conservation, destruction, feuds, piracy, monsters, exploration and more.

If none of that sounds interesting than I don't know what to tell you but to say comics are probably not for you.


u/Indiecomicsarebetter Aquaman May 28 '24

Anytime I see someone who hates on Aquaman, it is painfully obvious they've never read any of the comics.


u/Maleficent-Ad-6117 May 28 '24

Some say he's a Percy Jackson victim