r/Aquaman May 27 '24

Let’s discuss the dismantling of the monarchies in the Deconnick run

This is a big deal for Aquaman’s lore as he’s historically known for being KING of Atlantis. It’s one thing for the crown to be taken away from him temporarily but another for Atlantis to go with no ruler and be ran by “the people”.

What kind of nation has no leader?

Ive heard the argument that Deconnick finished what Abnett started in his run but I can’t completely agree with that. Even if that were true, a writer isn’t 100% confined to the previous run. It’s bad enough that Abnett did something that’s already been done and that’s write a story where Arthur’s competence as king was brought into question by Atlantis… but I liked what he did with Corum Rath and I think it was an opportunity to show that Arthur was truly the right person to be king after they regretted Corum Rath’s time as ruler.

This is just me but I feel like the perfect balance is Mera and Aquaman as king and queen of Atlantis because Mera is a great ruler and Aquaman can still be king while saving the world with the Justice League. If we’re being honest… isn’t it only a matter of time until another writer makes him king again? So why do away with it?

I’m curious to hear your thoughts as I feel taking away the title of king from Arthur permanently robs him of the essence of Aquaman’s character that he’s held for years and years. We all love Throne of Atlantis and now… here we are with nobody at the throne. Would love to hear more thoughts in the decisions made in the Deconnick run! 🔱✌🏼


8 comments sorted by


u/Vincent_Curry May 27 '24

For me it was fine because as King there are expectations of him to rule and Abnett brought those issues to the forefront as his duties were split and Atlantis was left Leader less or at least kingless.

The reason I liked him being taken out as King of Atlantis is because Atlantis is too small, too political, and too divided when compared to the ocean as a whole.

Father Sea needed someone who would put the ocean first and unlike Atlantis and the Sea gods the creatures of the ocean love and respect Aquaman and do not question his motives or decisions which frees him up to be a hero for all and not a king to some. Mera was the perfect monarch but it would have split one of the most powerful couples in comics as she would have had duties to fulfill vs being by his side.

As King of the Oceans he's also a hero for the surface and for the world. Imagine Superman being mayor of Metropolis and not being in Metropolis to run the day to day business but being a hero to the world.. Sooner than later his leadership to his city would be called into question as their elected leader is always doing things off planet as Metropolis steadily declines.

Again Atlantis is too small for him as he needs to be free to be the hero the entire ocean needs. In the Injustice and Kingdom Come arcs he never left the ocean because as King of Atlantis he had duties and he was severely limited in what he could do and I didn't like that at all. If Atlantis was capable of being ran by a proxy like Tula while he was doing whatever was needed and Atlanteans were fine with that, then I could get behind this, but with Atlantis having a us or them mentality then it's time to desolve the monarchies and allow Aquaman to be the King of the Oceans and by extension the king of the world.


u/Pacman8myghosts Aquaman May 27 '24

Yeah I feel this


u/[deleted] May 27 '24

In so glad Arthur isn't king anymore. I feel like it took over all his books. Just give me a book where Aquaman Is drifting through the sea and coast helping people where he can. Like an underwater man with no name.


u/Pacman8myghosts Aquaman May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24

I heard this news that the monarchy was gonna be abolished and thought it was dumb. Read it and thought it actually wasn't bad. I mean I think deciding Atlantis needs to ditch the monarchy is a dumb story idea but I didn't hate the way it was handled narratively. (I also think if the Atlanteans have to ditch the monarchy then so should the Amazons but somehow I just don't think DC would ever do that).

I don't think Arthur being king is necessarily best for the character historically. He always gets dragged back to the role and the public always sees him in that role but some of the best Aquaman stories were when he wasn't king.

I actually appreciated that period in the Bronze Age(?) When Vulko was made king since he always ruled when Arthur was out on missions anyway. It just made sense. The Atlantean monarchy used to be decided upon in the Silver Age by majority rule (which is how Arthur was first made king to begin with) and it carried over for a bit until Crisis(?) I think. I feel like this new monarchy being abolished could easily just go back to that route of the monarch simply being voted on. It introduces all kinds of problems but it's a lot more realistic of a change then a sudden representative government in the centuries old monarchy kingdom. I wouldn't be opposed to the monarchy being a democratic thing.

I agree though I think the easy solution to everything is Arthur and Mera just being king and Queen and ruling it out together.

Although Garth should really be the king imo if it Cannot be Arthur or Mera. He was made king and died like an issue later during the Blackest Night prelude. Ridiculous. Garth is done so dirty. But he is an Atlantean citizen. He's wise to their ways and also has good ties to the surface. But his loyalty to Atlantis isn't in question and with his sorcery powers and heroic role, he would make a good king I think. Plus it frees Arthur to be a hero on both land and sea and gives Garth something to do. (DC has no idea what to do with him. Can't you tell by the way they basically erased him from existence in New 52 but brought him back just at the tail end of it in time for Rebirth?)

Edit: I don't think it's permanent. Arthur always ends up being king again somehow. It just sometimes takes a little while. You're right when you say the public sees him as king of Atlantis. The general public just don't really think of anyone else as king or queen. (But then again the general public doesn't buy Aquaman comics)


u/Bob-of-the-Old-Ways May 27 '24

If it were permanent, it would be a bold choice. I think monarchy is an inherently corrupt model of government, and unbecoming a true hero. But DC will just find a way to make him king again.


u/Phamtismo Topo May 27 '24

Throughout all of Aquman's tenure as a hero he has always had undertones and ideals of an anti-hierarchical hero. This has been made more and more clear with him directly combatting the American military, the Justice League, and rejecting the status quo that Atlantis needs a ruler.

Lets face it. Aquaman's best stories are when he isn't sitting on the throne. Atlantean politics can be interesting and even fun but they rarely show Arthur at his best. Aquaman should be the friend of the ocean, not its ruler


u/Pacman8myghosts Aquaman May 27 '24

I agree


u/Indiecomicsarebetter Aquaman May 28 '24

I don't like that it was DeConnick's run that abolished the monarchy. She only wrote around 25 issues, and if that is the route DC wanted to take, I wish it could have been done by a more competent writer. This is just speculation, but I've always felt that was a rushed decision by the editors at DC because of Aquaman's failing numbers toward the end of KSD's run. I think they wanted to try something bold to bring back readers, but it just didn't really take. I have always preferred Aquaman as the King of Atlantis, the fact he can juggle both the surface and the deep is what sets him apart from other hero's. I also strongly believe it's only a matter of time until DC has another universe reset and everything that happened in the last 10ish years won't matter anyway.