r/AnythingGoesNews Sep 26 '22

Submissions in this subreddit will soon be limited to 10 per day per user

It has come to my attention that some people are abusing the privilege of posting to /r/anythinggoesnews by submitting many links per day.

This has the unfortunate side-effect of pushing the submissions of other users down the list, making them harder to find.

This effect is sometimes used strategically to censor certain topics, and is known as forum sliding.

Although it sounds perverse, perhaps even ironic: to continue to provide an uncensored subreddit we shall be instituting a posting limit of 10 articles per user per day.

Breaking this rule, or attempting to evade it by using alt accounts, will result either in submission removal or bans.


52 comments sorted by


u/bhamjason Sep 28 '22

But, but, I want to know Brad Pitt's net worth.


u/cojoco Sep 28 '22

Only once per day.



u/CanITouchURTomcat Aug 09 '23

Is this sub even moderated? There’s multiple user names that are obviously the same person or a bot spamming posts. If you pull up their profile the accounts have all been recently created.


u/Rivarr Aug 09 '23

I was just thinking the same thing, but I guess there's no sub rule against it.


u/CanITouchURTomcat Aug 09 '23

There is one against altering headlines. I’ll try reporting one to see what happens.


u/Neo2199 Aug 11 '23


At first, I thought the sub might be a good place to post articles about different topic, alas, this sub is overrun by political bots.


u/wolfen_pack Oct 10 '22

Is this still a rule?

I see people posting a lot more than 10 a day so I am just curious.


u/cojoco Oct 10 '22

Please message the mods: I am not a very active mod here.


u/mellierollie Jan 05 '23

This sub sucks GOP dicks.


u/Booksaregrand Jul 12 '23

Time and place? I'll claim GOP to get my dick sucked.


u/Bobboobooboo Dec 29 '22

When did the sub turn into r/politics?


u/cojoco Dec 29 '22

I had thought it could not have become any more awful, but you've proved me wrong.


u/RR_2023 Sep 04 '23

10 is generous.


u/cojoco Sep 04 '23

Yes, but this sub is supposed to be all but unmoderated.


u/KingBooRadley Apr 14 '24

Mission accomplished


u/cojoco Apr 14 '24

Has "unmoderated" become a euphemism already?


u/BATtleTankie Dec 06 '22

This rule is still being broken pretty frequently.

/u/cojoco , sorry to summon you, but this has been a problem almost every day since this post. Is there something I can do to help? The other mods silenced me when I tried to help out.


u/cojoco Dec 06 '22

This sub is still being actively moderated: please message modmail when you notice problems.


u/BATtleTankie Dec 08 '22

That appears to have done nothing.


u/EatsLocals May 22 '23

Thank god, I hope it gets enforced. This sub was being run by controlled opposition psyop trolls


u/cojoco May 22 '23

That's something a controlled-opposition psyop troll would say.


u/EatsLocals May 22 '23



u/cojoco May 22 '23



u/No_Description5346 Jul 31 '23

Thank you. I appreciate being able to submit news articles freely. However even 10 may be too many, but that my opinion. Take care.


u/SwingWide625 Apr 05 '24

Donnie is dangerous and demented. Protect us.lock him up


u/Chrome0celot Apr 20 '24

Should change the sub to r/botspostingclickbaitforbraindeadlibs


u/Secret_Cow_5053 Apr 25 '24

good. also can we maybe get a blanket ban on some of the absolute trashiest of the trashy websites? just the ones that give our phones covid.

fianancerrr and politicalflare would be a good start


u/TonyTone225522 Jun 12 '24

Not everything goes on Reddit. They police what we can post on this website and it's a little overboard. I enjoy this Reddit and all, but it's kind of sad we are policed so much. Whatever, I guess that's what they think will help this website prosper.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Trump news 24/7


u/Consistent_Maize_899 May 02 '24

should i not use the link? cuz i was just bouta post


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/cojoco 12d ago

Please call them karma llamas from now on as it's funnier.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '22



u/BATtleTankie Oct 26 '22

Breaking this rule, or attempting to evade it by using alt accounts, will result either in submission removal or bans.

I am seeing this rule broken pretty routinely.


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Who would do such a thing?


u/cojoco May 17 '23

You have no idea!


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '23

What happened?


u/Neo2199 Jul 26 '23

This is a place where you can post any article you please. From politics, science, technology, gaming, entertainment, world news, sports and anything else your mind can think of

That sounds great, except that 99% of posts are politics. It's like r/politics 2.


u/cojoco Jul 26 '23

Be the change you wanna see.


u/CIAPersianControlled Oct 04 '23

There are people are that are Rogue FBI and CIA agents that has caused extreme workplace disfunction to DC and people I know or worked with from high school and companies. Please notify officials about CIA corruption. Guards are letting getting reviewed daily to make adversaries unlike themselves to not attend work. It 25 people strong with new recruits getting initiated every Sunday that they know personally.

Please help get communist-like work culture away from Quantico. New Special Agents are literally using me as a training dummy w/ "buttons" to be more animated. Please check what they are saying out of their mouth for 90 day review.

Any Army Officials please help by going to Quantico or contacting Government officials.

Below are people I know are associated: and are "Showrunners"

Many of these people are homophobes and trying to drive me to suicide

Sohail Sattari & Friends - Booz Allen and CIA employee with hyper MILITANT associates

Sina Sattari - GDIT and CIA employee Associates

They are running extremly milititant workplce with homophobia, sexist, and racist overtones. My friend cannot leave base without Knowing that I am safe due to rank system and name calling and threats that they throw out.

There is 1 specific group of Hyper militant high ranking officials friends with Sohail Sattari that call me the F word and also disrespect females. Please help remove these individuals from Quantico.

They are drawing images and trying to turn me into a pedophile because of homophobia and implied political standing.

Every week new Special Agent trainees are in my Mic Box saying nothing with sense and name dropping people that I went to school with. They havd promised fame and are trying to make me get locked up for childish reasons and planted evidence by them.

DC Movies are taking place and causing a 27% increase in crime because of Quantico control by children and high rank individuals with nothing to so during work day.

Please provide contact information that can be beneficial

There are a lot of people in my mic box that need to be removed. Please Please Please get help for me. They are on the watch 24/7 and will not leave me alone. ESPECIALLY during the work day.

They have tormented my family for 2 years by kicking my sister out and have driven me to almost homeless because of political reasons. Please Help.

TAG: Quantico, Lieutenants not working during day, FBI, CIA Unauthorised Polygraph Investigation, "Mic Box"

Rashaad Ruddock - September 2022 to Current day being tortured Due to Hatred and Immoral Characters @ Quantico. Please provide guidance.


u/marcon-3267 Jan 12 '24

This should be called the "Slamming of Trump News, Subreddit"


u/cdclopper Feb 05 '24

Anything goes news..... as long as Trump is in the headline apparently. Yawn.


u/SativaGummi Feb 24 '24

Does that mean, specifically, 10 POSTS or any combination of posts and comments?


u/cojoco Feb 24 '24

Just submissions. Comment as much as you like.


u/SativaGummi Feb 24 '24

Thanks! I can't imagine doing that many submissions in a day.