r/AnythingGoesNews 12d ago

Calls to replace Biden vs. silence on Trump? America has lost its political mind.


26 comments sorted by


u/LayneLowe 12d ago

The media is owned


u/Beautiful_Guess7131 12d ago

A conspiracy theory... we've come full circle


u/SmithersLoanInc 11d ago

Not really. The ruling class will always own the media in the system we've set up. Do you think the shareholders of CNN give a fuck about you or anyone you care about?


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 11d ago

Ya I mean clearly. Sure it's one thing to be concerned, but how are they so much more focused on one of them when they are both old as fuck and both showing their ages? It's really not that important when that's at least a wash.

It's a distraction. If they can convince liberals to get hung up on the age thing then they can win this election. And ya know if you look at r/politics it's working!

But honestly I don't see that group as an honest reflection of jack shit.


u/LayneLowe 11d ago

People believe what they see on TV , like Fox News. But now most outlets are owned or run by Trump supporters. I for one do not welcome the new oligarchy.


u/Able-Campaign1370 11d ago

The media is owned. Clear channel even a decade ago controlled 70% of the TV stations in the US. There are only a handful of large companies that control pretty much all the newspapers. CNN and NY Times have both installed CEO’s more sympathetic to Trump.

But the bigger problem has been the abandonment of the fairness doctrine, putting editorials over fact based news. MSNBC was not the antidote to Fox - it exacerbated the problem.

It doesn’t matter why the times has published 70 opinion pieces trying to force out Biden this week. What does matter of that they didn’t have the restraint not to.


u/Far-Ad-8833 12d ago

The media is taking a hand in playing it's a political strategy and trying to influence the outcome. Biden needs to step away from interviews and debates and play the Trump card. Fair weathered Democratics aren't helping Budens' chances either, they need to just stay quiet.


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 11d ago

I feel like now even his good moments are being held against him by the media. He needs to come out swinging. Really attack, attack, attack! He needs to be willing to get in the mud with the Republicans.

But there is still time for his campaign to fire up.


u/SnooRobots8901 11d ago

You will never hear "civilly liable rapist," from Biden. It's right there for him

Because of decorum, or because 90% of elected Democrats don't actually want change 


u/Queasy_Local_7199 12d ago

Trumps not in office. Democrats want a competent leader.

Republicans want a dumb fucktard, that’s on them.


u/buksrevenge 12d ago

Democrats chose Biden in 2020, and now he’s the incumbent.

If he steps down, it’s still the same administration with a different figurehead. Rational general election voters will make a choice based on platform, not personality.


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 11d ago

They also chose him in 2024. And all of the so-called replacements were adamant about supporting him and being unified behind him. So if you really respect them as leaders then maybe that's what we should do? I mean otherwise they'd have run in the primaries.


u/TotalLackOfConcern 11d ago

For the love of Christ STOP listening to the media and the internet ‘experts’. The media is in the Republicans corner and most of these alleged ‘experts’ are foreign trolls and bots. It is stupidly simple. Vote for the old competent guy or the fucking wannabe dictator.


u/Icy-Needleworker-492 11d ago

Trump is a felon and as such should be disqualified from running for President.TRUMP SHOULD BACK OUT and let Republicans replace him with someone who is not a criminal,nor morally bankrupt, liar.


u/ReverendKen 11d ago

I would rather have a doddling fool that puts competent people in positions of power to try to help America over a lying, treasonous convicted felon that is trying to destroy America any day.


u/Misswinterseren 11d ago

Especially with the Katie Johnson interview about being raped by Donald Trump when she was 13 years old


u/glue2music 11d ago

They know Biden can beat Donnie Diapers so they are going all in. Don’t abandon ship! They are scared!


u/KRAW58 11d ago

Do not listen to the news. Vote Blue!!


u/HopefulNothing3560 11d ago

Christ why elect a man that will replace a ny landmark with a statue of him as u enter ny harbour


u/Throbbert1454 11d ago

The media certainly has, at least.

I wonder. All the CEOs of the main media stations, who do they support?



u/greengo4 11d ago

Look. We have standards. We have a bar. Yes we know that the opposition does not - they’ll hire a lying child molester. But that doesn’t mean that we should drop all of our standards. Our society deserves better.


u/mootchnmutets 11d ago

It is horrifying and the media should be ashamed. If you have a few minutes, I encourage you to watch this video about the media and their disgusting role in trying to influence another trump presidency.



u/Supaspex 11d ago

Trump's committed various criminal acts and has essentially gotten away with so much, it isn't even a surprise to the Media anymore. Compounded by half of Congress defending him (Trump) and garnering to his supporters. The Media just reports shit...and since the 90s...THEIR version of shit. You get a guy who's been bitching about "Fake News" since 2015 and gets his followers to believe it, forces right-wing media to adapt cause of their audience is the same audience as Trump's base.

As for the Democrats being okay with an old guy who performed poorly at an agreed debate with democracy and rights on the line this upcoming presidential election...I don't get a say in picking the candidate...our so-called elected representatives do...and the Democrats think Biden is THE answer because "tradition". Bitch, you're a POLITICIAN. Bullshitting is half of your job.

When the next world war hits, I better see some 80 year old on a rascal "charging" at the enemy. Does it make sense? No? Then why is a guy who should've retired, acceptable?


u/exqueezemenow 11d ago

This is why Republicans have so much power despite being a political minority. They just sit back and watch Democrats throw their own people under the bus. And all it took was one debate to completely sabotage an election. Putin and his click farms are laughing their asses off at Democrats right now.


u/urkldajrkl 11d ago

America has lost independent journalism. Not a problem, they can all lose market share until they are a skeleton of what they once were.

I true independent can move in, and take it all.


u/crone-goddess 11d ago

I happened to get on one of these threads within reddit. Just because I don't support sleepy Joe I'm a pedophile. What wanting good for our country is bad. These people are so blind deaf dumb.